Coyne, Beasley T. and V. J. Schoenbach. 2025. “The African-American Church: A Potential Forum for Adolescent Comprehensive Sexuality Education.” Journal of Adolescent Health vol. 26, pp. 289-294.
Abstract: PURPOSE: To
investigate the attitudes and beliefs of clergy from African-American churches
towards sexuality education and the provision of sexuality education in their
churches. METHODS: A pilot study was designed to survey a convenience sample of
clergy leaders from African-American churches about their young adolescent
members. The survey asked about priority health topics, prevalence of sexual
and drug risk behavior and the clergy's desire for health education programs.
The churches were located in a county (1990 population approximately 200,000,
40% African-American) in the southeastern United States. RESULTS: The
respondents' highest priority issues were drugs, violence, HIV/AIDS, pregnancy
and alcohol. Many (76%) had discussed one or more of these issues in church.
All respondents wanted additional health seminars for their adolescents, though
some clergy (30%) excluded some sexual topics (i.e., anal sex, bisexuality,
homosexuality, masturbation, oral sex). Only 6% would make condoms available in
their churches, but all would allow contraceptive education. CONCLUSIONS: Many
African-American churches are open to including sexuality education among their
health education offerings for young adolescents. The church should be
considered as a potential forum for providing comprehensive sexuality education
for African-American adolescents.
[Source: ML]
DiIorio, C., K. Resnicow, W. N. Dudley, S. Thomas, D. T. Wang, D. F. Van Marter, B. Manteuffel, and J. Lipana. 2025. “Social Cognitive Factors Associated with Mother-Adolescent Communication About Sex.” Journal of Health Communication vol. 5, pp. 41-51.
Abstract: To better
understand why some mothers talk to their children about sex and others do not,
we examined the role of two social cognitive variable-self-efficacy and outcome
expectancies--in explaining sex-based communication. The present study was part
of a larger study to test the efficacy of two HIV prevention programs for
mothers and their adolescents. Mothers and their adolescents were recruited from
a large community organization that serves youth who live in disadvantaged
circumstances. The sample for the present study included 486 mothers who
averaged 38.4 years of age (SD = 6.73). The majority were African American
(97.7%), not married (66.7%), and had a high school degree (89.5%). Their
adolescents ranged in age from II through 14 years of age and most were male
(61.3%). The results of the analysis revealed that mothers who expressed higher
levels of self-efficacy and more favorable outcomes associated with talking to
their children about sex were more likely to do so. In a regression analysis,
we learned that the mother's degree of efficacy beliefs, along with her
expected outcomes associated with talking about sex, the importance of religious
beliefs to her, and the age and sex of her adolescents were important factors
associated with talking with them about sex.
[Source: SC]
Johnson, B. R., D. B. Larson, and S. De Li. 2025. “Escaping from the Crime of Inner Cities: Church Attendance and Religious Salience among Disadvantaged Youth.” Justice Quarterly vol. 17, pp. 377-391.
Abstract: With the
theoretical backdrop of social disorganization and "resilient youth"
perspectives, we hypothesize that individual religiosity is protective in
helping at-risk youths such as those living in poor inner-city areas to escape
from drug use and other illegal activities. To test this hypothesis, we draw
data from an interview survey of 2,358 youth black males from tracts in poverty
in Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia, conducted in 1979 and 1980. Results from
a series of multilevel analyses indicate that church attendance (the frequency
of attending religious services) has significant inverse effects on nondrug
illegal activities, drug use, and drug selling among disadvantaged youths.
Religious salience (the perceived importance of religion in one's life),
however, is not significantly linked to reductions in juvenile delinquency. we
discuss the implications of our findings, focusing on individual religiosity as
a potentially important protective factor for disadvantaged youths. [Source: SC]
Barbarin, Oscar A. 1999. “Do Parental Coping, Involvement, Religiosity, and Racial Identity Mediate Children's Psychological Adjustment to Sickle Cell Disease?” Journal of Black Psychology vol. 25, pp. 391-426.
Abstract: Many African
Americans with sickle cell disease (SCD) also experience significant economic
hardship. Yet, few studies of the psychosocial effects of SCD employ designs
robust enough to control socioeconomic factors. This study compares the
functioning of families with SCD to that of healthy controls matched for race
and SES. Child Ss (aged 5-18 yrs) included 77 children with SCD, 28 siblings of
children with SCD, and 74 children who had neither an illness nor siblings with
an illness. A total of 71 parents of SCD children and 50 control parents also
participated in the study. Results show that in general, functioning within SCD
and control families did not differ. However parents granted less autonomy to,
and were less involved in the schooling of children with SCD. Overall, SCD had
a greater impact on children's social and academic competence than on their
emotional functioning. However adolescents with SCD and their siblings were at greater
risk for mental health difficulties than were controls. The more SCD interfered
with living normally, the greater the risk of psychological dysfunction.
Importantly, emotional well-being in parents moderated the adverse effects of
SCD on children. Similarly, racial consciousness, religiosity, and emotional
support enhanced parental coping.
[Source: PI]
Brega, Angela G. and Lerita M. Coleman. 1999. “Effects of Religiosity and Racial Socialization on Subjective Stigmatization in African-American Adolescents.” Journal of Adolescence vol. 22, pp. 223-242.
Abstract: The direct effects
of religiosity and racial socialization on subjective stigmatization among 50
African-American adolescents were investigated. A stigma is a characteristic
about which others hold negative attitudes and stereotypes. Subjective
stigmatization measures the degree to which an individual internalizes such
negative attitudes and stereotypes toward a social group of which he or she is
a member. Participants who showed strong commitment to the church were more
destigmatized than were participants who did not. Further, participants who
received racial socialization messages stemming from a single
"primary" category were more destigmatized than those who did not.
Unexpectedly, the more racial socialization messages participants received, the
more self-stigmatized they were. The importance of religiosity and racial
socialization in the lives of African-American adolescents are discussed. [Source: SS]
Brunswick, Ann F. 1999. “Structural Strain: An Ecological Paradigm for Studying African American Drug Use.” Drugs and Society vol. 14, pp. 5-19.
Abstract: Suggests that drug
involvement differences in the African American community are best explained by
heterogeneity in degrees of success in & attachment to mainstream social
institutions (family, church, schools, workplaces). These considerations
predominate in structural strain theory. Here, an ecological model is used to
operationalize the theory & posit three different interlinking levels of
social influence on individual drug use behavior: social structural,
institutional, & interpersonal networks (representing macro-, exo-, &
microsystem, respectively). Findings are presented from a 25-year study
conducted with one community-representative cohort of African American youth in
Harlem, New York City, that supports the importance of the structural strain
premise in explaining African American drug use patterns. An example of study
measures, arrayed according to the ecological paradigm, is provided, & its
utility is demonstrated in enumerating sources of error that have led to
incomplete & sometimes contradictory findings regarding African American
drug use. [Source: SA]
McCoy Harrison, Carmen Jernell. 1999. “The Black Church: A Support for African American Teenage Girls.” Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Iowa.
Abstract: This study
examined the value of the Black church in supporting and nurturing African
American teenage girls. Specifically, two research questions were addressed:
(1) What messages do African American girls receive from their church regarding
the value of education? (2) What is the nature of support African American
girls draw from their church involvement that contributes to their school
experiences? Through the use of a qualitative case study methodology and
participant observations, five African American girls who were members of a
Midwestern Black church were interviewed on two separate occasions. I spent one
full day at their schools, attended regular Sunday morning worship services,
Sunday school classes, youth Bible studies, and other church events for a
period of seven months. I also conducted interviews with church staff, mothers,
and teachers. Results of the study suggest that African American girls receive
positive and supportive messages regarding the value of education, and this
support comes in the form of Sunday school and Bible study, the concept of
church as family, and the girls' personal relationship with God. This study
found that girls who attend church regularly relied on their spiritual
teachings to help them make important decisions, study for exams, and maintain
Christian attitudes during challenging situations. [Source: DA]
Reddick-Gibson, Franki Louise. 1999. “An Evaluation of the B.U.I.L.D. Rites of Passage Program on the Attitudes and Behaviors of Adolescent African-American Males.” Thesis, University of Sarasota.
Abstract: Historically,
African-American males have had no organized system in place to mark the
passing from adolescence to adulthood. The absence of this system has often
resulted in a lack of historical knowledge, cultural pride and spiritual
direction, which may manifest itself as an increase in participation in
self-destructive behaviors, such as truancy and poor school performance. The
Birth of Unique Individuals Lessens Delinquency (B.U.I.L.D.) Rites of Passage
Program has been designed to provide a systematic, comprehensive, three-phase,
prevention/intervention program that will utilize a holistic, Afrocentric
foundation to instill a sense of God, self, history, and community. B.U.I.L.D.
will stress a three-fold goal. The immediate goal will be an increase in
information that will result in positive attitude and behavior changes. The
intermediate goal will be an application of information that results in a
mindset change. The ultimate goal will be a knowledge base that results in
permanent conduct change. The evaluation sample consisted of 37
African-American males between the ages of 8 and 14 years, in school grades 2
through 10, who live in inner-city Philadelphia neighborhoods. After piloting
the surveys on a similar sample, each boy was given the pre-test survey, and 1
week later, the post-test survey. Changes were documented in the areas of
cultural pride, spiritual commitment, knowledge of African history, and school
attendance and performance. The boys' growth and development was also assessed
based on a personal interview, as well as structured interviews, with teacher-mentors,
parents, siblings, and peers. Quantitative methods were employed to describe
the data from the pre- and post-tests, and qualitative methods were used to
describe the data derived from the interviews and observations. The findings
suggested overall improvements in the areas of cultural pride, personal
spiritual commitment, knowledge of African history, and school attendance and
performance for the participants who completed the B.U.I.L.D. Rites of Passage
Program. [Source: PI]
Smiley, Rosalie. 1999. “A Study of the Factors Influencing the Use of Drugs and Alcohol by African-American Adolescent Females.” Ph.d. Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Abstract: Adolescents are
currently using licit and illicit drugs at an increasing rate and are beginning
at a younger age. Adolescents are also often using multiple drugs
simultaneously. Although a number of studies have addressed adolescent
substance abuse and its consequences, there is a paucity of research that has
investigated the substance usage of African American teenaged women. This study
of the adolescent experiences of fifty-one African American women in recovery
investigated five general areas: (1) What factors contributed to the
respondents' ongoing drug and alcohol use during adolescence? (2) What could
have prevented or inhibited their ongoing drug and alcohol use when they were
teens? (3) What led the respondents to enter treatment? What aspects of
treatment were most helpful? Least helpful? (4) What could prevent African
American adolescent females from initiating drug and alcohol use? From becoming
involved in ongoing drug and alcohol use? (5) What would be most effective in
getting African American adolescent females to enter treatment? What services
should be provided to them? The non-randomly selected respondents were
interviewed using an instrument containing open- and closed-ended items,
developed by the researcher. The findings from this study present a complex
picture of the life experiences of these respondents. The women interviewed
identified a number of factors as contributing to their initial and ongoing
drug and alcohol use, including families' drug and alcohol use; peers' use of
drugs and alcohol; lack of connection to social institutions, especially the
church; and the availability and accessibility of drug and alcohol in their
homes, school and communities. Basing their recommendations on what they
perceived to be the unique vulnerabilities of African American adolescent
females, respondents suggested various actions that families, schools, and
communities could take to deter adolescent substance involvement. [Source: DA]
Brown, Lee R. 1998. “Formulating Self-Esteem through God in African-American Male Youth.” Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project was designed
to address the need of establishing self motivation in African-American Male
Youth in Springdale Baptist Church and the surrounding area in Memphis,
Tennessee. Six sessions of learning experiences were developed and implemented
with a group of men and boys to enable the men to lead discussions on spiritual
formation, family responsibility, conflict resolution, and leadership
development. The total training model included discussion groups, lectures, and
field trips. Results of the model were evaluated by pre- and post test
questionnaires which showed positive development in youth images of
themselves. [Source: PI]
Conley, O. Stephen. 1998. “Early Sexual Onset: A Study of the Relationship between Social and Psychological Factors in the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health.” Ph.d. Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Abstract: The purpose of
this study was to utilize the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health
(Wave I) to develop models to predict the onset of sexual intercourse before
the age of 16, the experience of forced sexual intercourse for females and the
choice to have multiple sexual partners with both genders. One cross-sectional
wave of the public use dataset from this large nationally representative study
(Add Health) was analyzed. Social and psychological variables were tested
through logistic regressions and descriptive statistics. Findings demonstrated
that 41.5% of male adolescents and 37.3% of female adolescents in the sample
had experienced sexual intercourse. More than half of the nonvirgin subjects
(53.1%) reported beginning sexual intercourse by the age of 16. Initial
predictive models found that black males who report having trouble with
teachers ($p < .01$), early dating onset ($p < .05$) and use cigarettes
($p < .05$) are more likely to experience sexual intercourse prior to the
age of 16 (N = 563). A second model found black males more likely to experience
intercourse prior to age 16 if they report having trouble with teachers ($p
< .01$), early dating onset ($p < .05$), use cigarettes ($p < .05$),
see religion as very important in their lives ($p < .05$), have a mother who
has received welfare payments ($p < .05$), and began early use of marijuana
($p < .05$).When all races and genders were assessed in model predicting
sexual intercourse before age 16, ($N = 5,702$) several factors showed
significance at the $p < .01$ level. These included early dating onset,
failure of one or more of four core subjects, being African American, using
cigarettes, having a mother who has received welfare, having been expelled from
school, females experiencing forced sexual intercourse, father's attitude that
is accepting of adolescents having sex with a steady girlfriend or boyfriend,
use of alcohol outside of the family, early marijuana use, trouble with
teachers and not feeling loved and wanted. African American youth were more
than three times as likely as other races to experience sexual intercourse
under age 16. Young women who had been forced to have sexual intercourse were
more than three times as likely as those who had not been forced to experience
sexual intercourse under age 16. A model (N = 3,080) predicting females who are
forced to have sexual intercourse found significance at the $p < .01$ level
for the following factors: early dating onset, African American, no residential
father in the home, cigarette use, being expelled from school, use of alcohol
outside of the family, and not feeling loved and wanted. Conversely, a model
predicting males who force females to have intercourse found highest
significance if there was no father in the home, the mother had received
welfare, and parents were accepting of adolescent sexual intercourse with a
steady girlfriend. Multiple partners were predicted in the final logistic
regression model (N = 1,400) if the subject was male, had friends who used
cigarettes, used alcohol outside of the family, had been dishonest with parents
about whereabouts and for females, if they had experienced forced sexual
intercourse. Implications of the findings for program and policy development
are discussed, and recommendations are made for additional research with the
Add Health public use dataset. [Source:
Frison, S. L., J. L. Wallander, and D. Browne. 1998. “Cultural Factors Enhancing Resilience and Protecting against Maladjustment in African American Adolescents with Mild Mental Retardation.” American Journal of Mental Retardation vol. 102, pp. 613-626.
Abstract: Researchers have
found elevated risk for maladjustment associated with being an African American
adolescent in an urban environment as well as being an individual with mental
retardation. The culturally relevant factors of ethnic identification,
intergenerational support, and church support were investigated in relation to high
risk exposure on maladjustment in 147 urban African American adolescents
enrolled in EMR special education classes. Maladjustment was measured with both
self- and parent-report. Risk exposure was measured in the personal, social,
and community domains. Results indicate that presence of cultural factors were
associated with better adjustment generally. Furthermore, ethnic identification
appeared to protect adolescents exposed to high-risk conditions against
experiencing significantly elevated maladjustment. Implications of culture on
intervention and prevention were discussed.
[Source: ML]
Mason, Henry L. 1998. “A Counseling Intervention Model for Ministry to African American Male Juvenile Offenders: Ages 10-17.” Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project
proposes and designs a model of counseling ministry for African American
juvenile offenders, testing it with 12 young people between the ages of 10 and
17. Through biblical teaching, counseling, and prayer, these young people experience
rehabilitation and healing on different levels. Future efforts will involve
family members with the juveniles enrolled in the program. [Source: RI]
McCubbin, Hamilton I., Wm Michael Fleming, Anne I. Thompson, Paul Neitman, Kelly M. Elver, and Sue Ann Savas. 1998. “Resiliency and Coping in "at Risk" African-American Youth and Their Families.” Pp. 287-328 in Resiliency in African-American Families. Resiliency in Families Series, Vol. 3, edited by Hamilton I. McCubbin and Elizabeth A. Thompson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.
Abstract: (from the chapter)
Examined the relative importance of both youth coping and family coping
repertoires as predictors of youth offenders' ability to recover from
adversity. 821 African-American youth (abused, neglected, or adjudicated
delinquents) in Boysville of Michigan completed a youth coping index and their
parents completed a family coping index. It is noted that positive changes in
youth coping efforts directed at spiritual and personal development and negative
changes (reduction) in youth coping efforts directed at incendiary
communication play an important part in predicting successful completion of the
Boysville program and successful post-treatment adaptation 12 mo later. When
both changes in youth and family coping are considered, the highest accuracy in
predicting successful and unsuccessful program completion, post-program
adaptation at 3 mo, and post-program adaptation at 12 mo. [Source: PI]
McDuffie, Kathleen Yvette. 1998. “Social Support, Community Involvement, and Ethnic Identity Development in African-American Adolescents with Mild Cognitive Disabilities.” Thesis, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Abstract: This study
examined influences of ethnic identity development in a sample of 188 African
American adolescents (14-17 years). Recruited from Educable Mentally Retarded
(EMR) special education programs, the boys and girls provided information about
ethnic identity and social support from parents and peers. In addition, the
children were administered the Information subscale of the Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children, 3rd edition (WISC-III), to assess cognitive
ability. Their parents provided information concerning church support and
involvement, as well as demographic information. The primary hypothesis was
that there would be differences in ethnic identity development related to
general development (i.e., cognitive and chronological). It was expected that
more developed adolescents would have greater ethnic identity development. The
research also evaluated gender differences with respect to ethnic identity.
Based on past research, gender differences were not expected. Finally, a
relationship between social support (i.e., parent, peer, and church) and church
involvement and ethnic identity development was expected, in that adolescents
with more social support would have greater ethnic identity development. The
results indicate that cognitive ability predicted one component of ethnic
identity, namely, affirmation-belonging. However, chronological age did not
predict ethnic identity development. There were gender differences in ethnic
identity development. Boys reported higher on all ethnic identity domains.
Finally, parental support predicted overall ethnic identity,
affirmation-belonging, and ethnic identity achievement. Peer support only
predicted overall ethnic identity. Church support and involvement did not
predict ethnic identity development. These findings add to the existing
literature addressing influences of ethnic identity development in general and
are ground breaking in the study of ethnic identity development in children
with disabilities. [Source: PI]
Smith, James Garfield, III. 1998. “Reversing an Environment of Mistrust: Urban Church Ministries Which Create Positive Relationships between Police and African American Youth.” D.min. Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project was
designed with the aim of creating positive relationships between the police of
Easton, Maryland and African American youths (ages 10-16) who attend Bethel
African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC), Easton, Maryland. The goals were met
through four sermons, four teaching sessions, and the use of mentors. The
preaching, teaching, and mentoring focused on providing the youth with the skills
that would enable them to protect themselves against violent crimes and acts of
police brutality. The model was evaluated through the use of a questionnaire,
and the results show that the youth developed positive relationships with the
African American police. [Source: DA]
Ark, Pamela Dale. 1997. “Health Risk Behaviors and Coping Strategies of African- American Sixth Graders.” Ph.d. Thesis, The University of Tennessee Center For the Health Sciences.
Abstract: Children, eleven
to fourteen years, experience times of lifestyle change. Children can develop
health behaviors that could result in illness and premature death. The
reduction of risk behaviors among children, addressed in the Healthy People
2000 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1990) goals, recommended
education regarding injury prevention, physical activity. and healthy
nutritional choices. Study purposes included: examine height, weight, and blood
pressure measurements; investigate health risk behaviors and coping strategies;
and determine relationships among physiological variables, health behaviors,
and coping strategies. Health behaviors were measured by a version of 1995 CDC
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), a 70 item survey on unintentional injuries;
tobacco, alcohol, and drug use; dietary behavior; and physical activity. Coping
strategies were measured by Ryan-Wenger's Schoolagers Coping Strategies
Inventory (SCSI), a 26 item survey on frequency and effectiveness of coping
strategies. The conceptual framework guiding the study was Neuman's Systems
Model (1995). Client variables included: physiological: height, weight, and
blood pressure measurements; psychological: coping strategies; sociocultural:
living in proximity to inner city school; developmental: age and gender; and spiritual:
prayer as a coping strategy. The sample was 173 African American sixth graders,
ages 11 to 14, females (n = 98) and males (n = 75), from five inner city
schools with written parental consent. There was no statistical difference by
gender in body mass index. Statistical differences were found by gender with
more males than females reporting physical fighting. Older males than females,
ages 12 and 13, reported tobacco and marijuana use. There was zero reported use
of cocaine and no statistical differences by gender on alcohol, dietary
behaviors, or physical activity. Coping strategies (sample mean was 19.4)
reported more often were prayer (75 percent) and watch television or listen to
music (75 percent). Multiple regression showed interaction effects of
unintentional injuries with gender and SCSI effectiveness scale. There were
statistical differences in means between females and males, ages 12 and 13,
suggesting need for further investigation of coping strategies. Further
investigation of coping strategies among sixth graders and their family in
relationship with the environment is recommended to determine coping strategies
of the family unit. [Source: DA]
August Prudhomme, Nellie R. 1997. “The Relationship between Family Functioning and Female Adolescent Sexual Behavior.” D.N.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University Medical Ctr. in New Orleans S. of Nursing.
Abstract: A descriptive
exploratory design was used to examine the relationship of sociodemographic
characteristics, family functioning levels, family and community socioeconomic
status, and peer relationships to adolescent sexual behavior. Four
questionnaires (Demographic Profile, Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale,
Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale, and an Index of Peer Relations) were administered
to 101 African American female adolescent volunteers. Means, standard
deviations, and frequency distributions were used to describe sociodemographic
characteristics of the subjects, and frequency distributions were used to
describe the sexual activity of the subjects. The associations between the
dependent and independent variables were examined, using the Chi-Square
statistic, Fisher's Exact test, and t-tests. Results indicated an association
between age, neighborhood socioeconomic status, church attendance, grade point
average, educational aspirations, and family cohesion levels and sexual
activity status among the subjects. Although the differences fell short of
statistical significance, trends related to parent's home ownership, family
types, parent-adolescent communication, and single-parent household structures
were consistent with those of earlier investigations. Implications for nursing
include assessing family functioning and the interrelationships of family
members and the adolescent in the family setting. The results of this
assessment can be used to guide clinical programs for counseling and
strengthening families with adolescents.
[Source: DA]
Belgrave, Faye Z., Tiffany G. Townsend, Valerie R. Cherry, and Dellena M. Cunningham. 1997. “The Influence of an Africentric Worldview and Demographic Variables on Drug Knowledge, Attitudes, and Use among African American Youth.” Journal of Community Psychology vol. 25, pp. 421-433.
Abstract: Examined the
influence of Africentric values, spirituality, and demographic variables on
drug knowledge, attitudes, and use. Participants were 189 4th- and 5th-graders
(83 males and 106 females; aged 8.5-13 yrs) attending public schools. Measures
of Africentric values (i.e., Collective Work/Responsibility, Cooperative
Economics, and Self-Determination), spirituality, age, and whether or not the
child resided in a 2- or 1-parent household were obtained. The results of
regression analyses indicated that Collective Work/Responsibility and
Cooperative Economics were significant predictors of attitudes toward drugs.
Collective Work/Responsibility and spirituality were significant predictors of
perceived drug harmfulness. Age and spirituality were significant predictors of
drug usage. Age was the only significant predictor of drug knowledge. The
Collective Work/Responsibility subscale was the strongest predictor of drug
outcomes. The implications for using Africentric prevention approaches for
decreasing risk factors and increasing protective factors for drug use among
African American youth are discussed.
[Source: PI]
Cooper, Jewell Egerton. 1997. “"I Want to Be Like Me": An Ethnographic Study of Factors Affecting Ethnic Identity Development in Contemporary African-American Adolescents.” Ph.d. Thesis, The University of North Carolina At Greensboro.
Abstract: The purpose of
this study was to describe sociocultural and pedagogical factors affecting
ethnic identity development in contemporary African American adolescents.
Identity formation should include personal identity and ethnic group identity.
As adolescents seek to know themselves and their places in the world, their
cultures help to shape who they are. School and home-community cultures play
significant roles in not only personal identity, but also in ethnic group
identity as well. Ethnographic research methodology was used to collect
informants' accounts. Several data collection methods were used, including
audiotaped ethnographic interviews, audiotaped semi-structured interviews,
participant observations and observing participant observations. A microlevel
analysis was conducted for each informant. A macrolevel analysis was conducted
for the collective accounts of the informants. Macrocultural themes evolved as
factors affecting the informants' ethnic identity development. Among the school
and home-community cultural scenes, macrocultural themes revealed that though
school created dissonance with their home-community cultures, the informants
were motivated and challenged to prove themselves to people whom they felt
doubted their abilities. The home-community cultures, through responsible
parenting, religion, the challenges of and responses to being Black, and their
determination to succeed strengthened informants' resolves to be productive and
successful members of their ethnic group. Implications for teacher education
based on the results in this study include: (1) the need for curriculum reform
with the implementation of a multicultural, education curriculum; (2) the need
for teacher education programs to include belief exploration; (3) the placement
of practicum students and student teachers in schools with culturally diverse
students and teachers; (4) the continued need for reflective inquiry; (5) the
need for greater knowledge of students by teachers; and (6) the need for the
ongoing use of different models of teaching and learning styles. Based on the
results of this study, recommendations for further research in teacher
education include: (1) more ethnographic studies of the relationship between
culture and school successes; (2) ethnographic research with other ethnic
minority students; (3) continued research in belief exploration of preservice
and inservice teachers; (4) more studies investigating identity formation of
nonmainstream adolescent groups and the relationship between identity formation
and school success; and (5) longitudinal research studies investigating the
effect of multicultural education curricula on teaching and learning. [Source: DA]
Gibbs, J. T. 1997. “African-American Suicide: A Cultural Paradox.” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior vol. 27, pp. 68-79.
Abstract: African-American
suicide rates have traditionally been lower than White rates despite a legacy
of racial discrimination, persistent poverty, social isolation, and lack of community
resources. This paper focuses on four issues: (1)patterns and trends of Black
suicide across the lifespan; (2) risk and protective factors in subgroups of
Blacks; (3) the influence of cultural factors on suicide patterns of Blacks;
and (4) implications of these patterns for prevention and early intervention of
suicidal behavior among African Americans. Risk factors for Black suicide
include: male sex, early adulthood, substance abuse, psychiatric disorders,
family or interpersonal conflict, antisocial behavior, and homosexuality.
Protective factors that mitigate the risks of suicide include religiosity,
older age, southern residence, and social support. Implications for preventive
policies and programs are discussed to counter the recent trend of rising
suicide rates among adolescents and very elderly Blacks. [Source: SC]
Gilfort, April Jackson. 1997. “The Relationship of Cultural Theme Discussion to Engagement with Acting out, African-American Male Adolescents in Family Therapy.” Ph.d. Thesis, Temple University.
Abstract: The following
study examines the relationship between cultural theme discussion within the
therapy session and adolescent behaviors that characterize engagement and disengagement
(i.e. therapeutic relationship, patient participation, exploration, and
negativity). Discussion of nine cultural themes (trust/mistrust, anger/rage,
alienation, respect/disrespect, spirituality, the journey from boyhood to
manhood, issues of racial identity and socialization, racism, and hopelessness)
with substance using, conduct disordered, African American male adolescents in
family therapy was examined as a way to enhance the therapy engagement of these
adolescents within Multidimensional Family Therapy. During sessions when these
adolescents were judged to be the most engaged, when they were rated to have
the highest level of collaboration with their therapist, and when they were
judged to be exploring their feelings and emotions to the highest level, it was
found that these young, African American men discussed their Journey from
Boyhood to Manhood in the very next session. Additionally, it was found that
when adolescents and their therapists spend more time discussing the themes of
anger/rage, alienation, and Journey from Boyhood to Manhood they show more
behaviors characterizing engagement and less behaviors which characterize
disengagement in the same session and in the session following their highest
level of discussion. [Source: DA]
Hill, Dartany??a G., Sr. 1997. “Kwanzaa: Youth Crime and Violence Prevention and Treatment Program.” Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project
proposes, implements, and evaluates a pilot program to reduce and reverse youth
crime and violence, enlisting 10 young people referred by courts in mentoring,
biblical instruction, counseling, and restitution through community service.
Mentoring is valuable in reversing behavior associated with fatherlessness.
Occupying the time of troubled youth and offering them a sense of belonging
through youth-specific activities can be effective in promoting socially
appropriate values. Participants in the pilot program do not return to court,
and several of them find employment, accept personal responsibility for shared
community living, and exhibit improved attitudes. [Source: RI]
Jagers, Robert J., Paula Smith, Lynne Owens Mock, and Ebony Dill. 1997. “An Afrocultural Social Ethos: Component Orientations and Some Social Implications.” Journal of Black Psychology vol. 23, pp. 328-343.
Abstract: Discusses the
results of two studies exploring the component orientations of spirituality,
affect, & communalism in an Afrocultural social ethos & their
connections with pyschosocial functioning in inner-city African American youth.
In both studies, positive endorsement & moderate positive correlations
among the orientations are expressed. Study 1 questionnaire data (N = 84
students in grades 5-6) indicate that an Afrocultural social ethos is
predictive of more cooperative & competitive academic attitudes & lower
levels of Machiavellianism. Spirituality emerges as a positive predictor of two
academic attitudes. Study 2 questionnaire data (N = 77 students in grades 6-7)
indicate that an Afrocultural ethos is predictive of empathy & a more
altruistic view of human nature. At the level of orientations, affect is a
unique predictor of these variables. Gender, rather than cultural ethos or
orientations, is predictive of peer-rated prosocial behaviors. Discussion focuses
on implications for future research on culture & the social development of
African American youth. [Source: SA]
Johnson, Lou. 1997. “Christian Rites of Passage for African-American Youth.” Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project was
designed to empower and equip African American sixteen and seventeen-year-old
male and female youth for passage into adulthood. The project was successfully
implemented at the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, Vallejo, California. A
'Christian Rites of Passage Curriculum Guide' was developed for the growth of
these youth in: (1) Christian consciousness and commitment; and (2) Afrocentric
cultural history, heritage, and identity; the product of which is self esteem.
The project is tautological and relevant for Church leaders and parents as a
teaching guide for youth preparing for twenty-first century living. [Source: PI]
Lewis, Averetta Elizabeth. 1997. “The Relationship of Age, Religiosity, and Depression on Risk Related Behaviors among African American Mothers.” Ph.D. Thesis, Michigan State University.
Abstract: The purpose of
this study was to compare the relationship of age, religiosity, and depression
on risk related behaviors among African American mothers. An aspect of risk
behaviors that has gained increased attention is sexual risk behavior. The rise
of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), human immunovirus (HIV), and acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are rising in the African American female
population. However, missing in the literature are studies that correlate the
risk related behaviors, religiosity, and depression in adolescent and adult
African American mothers. An integrated framework derived from the Health
Belief Model and the Social Control Theory was used to guide the study. It is
believed that adult mothers being more mature, are less likely to engage in
risk related behaviors than are adolescent mothers. In a retrospective,
exploratory study, using secondary analysis of data, a data set of 127, (78
adolescent African American mothers--ages 12-17) and (49 adult African American
mothers ages 18 and older) was analyzed. This data set was obtained from the
Ethnic Families Research Project (EFRP) of H. P. McAdoo, PhD conducted in
1994-1997. Three areas were examined: First, age, as it relates to risky
behaviors, is explored using five risk-related indicators: (a) the inconsistent
or lack of use of birth control; (b) the non use of condoms or abstinence (as
compared to all of those not using birth control other than condoms and all of
those who are not using birth control); (c) experienced an unwanted pregnancy
and birth; (d) experienced an unwanted miscarriage or abortion; and (e) the use
of illicit drugs. Second, the relationship of depression to risky sexual
behaviors is examined through the use of the five risk-related indicators and
responses from the Beck Depression Index. Lastly, the relationship of
religiosity to risky sexual behaviors is explored using the five risk-related
indicators. The independent variables for this study were: age, religiosity,
and depression. Dependent variables consisted of five risk-related indicators:
(a) the inconsistent or lack of use of birth control; (b) the non use of
condoms or abstinence as compared to all of those not using birth control other
than condoms and all of those who are not using birth control; (c) experienced
an unwanted pregnancy and birth; (d) experienced an unwanted miscarriage or
abortion; and (e) the use of drugs. Findings revealed that there was no
significant differences in the age of the mothers, level of religion,
depression, and risky sexual behaviors. The practical and policy implications
of this study were also examined.
[Source: DA]
Mack, Sir Walter Lee, Jr. 1997. “The Use of Luke 15 to Empower Reconciliation among Male Juvenile Delinquents in the African American Community.” Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project
establishes mutual relationships between African American juvenile delinquents
and members of New Hope Granville Baptist Church (Oxford, NC), in order to help
these young men become reconciled with God, themselves, and other human beings
while changing their attitudes toward crime through spiritual, educational, and
recreational activities. The parables of Luke 15 become the paradigm of reconciliation
for the church and these troubled young men.
[Source: RI]
Noell, Alice Alston. 1997. “Developing an Ecumenical Mentoring Ministry to African- American Males.” D.min. Thesis, Drew University.
Abstract: Mitchell Chapel
Church is an African-American church located in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Mitchell, a divided church that had no sense of mission, became concerned about
the plight of African-American males who did not have appropriate role models
and decided to sponsor a mentoring project with a local middle school. Eighteen
persons were given training. After the training sessions were completed,
participants were each assigned one young African-American male student. At the
end of the project, the youth showed improvement in areas of school attendance
and school classwork, self- esteem, relationships and negative behavior.
Mitchell Chapel embraced the gift of ministry, of nurturing others and acted
out its servants role in the faith context of community. [Source: DA]
Redmond, Dyke Harold. 1997. “The Empowerment of Youth with Multimedia Production Skills for the African American Church Media Ministry.” D.min. Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project was
designed to address the need for African American Churches to develop media
ministries by empowering under-utilized youth with multimedia production
skills. The goal of this project was to create a model for media ministry in
the Black Church which will address the development of new and positive African
American images, multimedia technology production skills training and spiritual
growth. Results of this spiritually based project were evaluated by qualitative
analysis instruments and shows that this model can serve as a prototype for
multimedia ministry for the twenty-first century Church. [Source: DA]
Reid, Neil Waldemar. 1997. “Target Youth: Toward a New Paradigm to Nurture Holistically Black Urban Youth within the Ephesus Seventh-Day Adventist Church.” Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project proposes
and implements a new model of youth ministry to nurture the personhood of urban
young people between the ages of 15 and 21 in Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist
Church in New York's Harlem district. Senior youth leaders, parents, and church
leaders design, implement, and evaluate 10 Bible-based lessons targeting
mental, physical, and environmental issues for liberation of black youth in an
urban context. The project leads to positive changes in comprehension,
attitudes, and behaviors among participating young people. [Source: RI]
Smith, Fred Douglas, Jr. 1997. “Without a Vision: A Functional Theological Proposal for a Prophetic Christian Religious Education for Black Boys.” Thesis, Emory University.
Abstract: This dissertation
seeks to develop a response to the violence in the lives of contemporary
African American male youth. Violence is a public health issue because it is
the leading cause of death and injury among African American youth. It is a
spiritual and religious issue because it originates in nihilism. The religious
basis for violence is found in the myth of redemptive violence which claims
that violence saves or at least works to solve most human problems. Four case
studies trace the way in which this myth works in the lives of African American
young men. The question this study seeks to answer is what religious education
praxis can make a difference in the lives of these young men? First, a
narrative theological method is used to explore how meaning is made in the
lives of these young men. Second, the sociological and psychological aspects of
oppression are examined as obstacles to meaning for these young men. An answer
is found in a prophetic Christian religious education in which Jesus Christ is
presented as an alternative model of desire and human behavior. The theoretical
work of Rene Girard, Walter Wink, Theophus Smith, and Robert Hamerton-Kelly on
acquisitive mimetic desire provides the theoretical structure for exploring the
dynamics of violence away African American young men and the construction of a
theory of Christian religious education to inform public health and religious
communities which seek to correct the misdirected quest for transcendence in
the violence in African American youth culture. This dissertation is a
functional theological exploration of human nature and history as it relates to
the violent education of young African American males over the last two hundred
years. It explores this educational history by means of a metaphorical
narrative theological method to undercover root metaphors that have violently
shaped the lives of these young men over the centuries. It then develops a
prophetic Christian religious education proposal bas [Source: PI]
Stevenson, Howard C. 1997. “Managing Anger: Protective, Proactive, or Adaptive Racial Socialization Identity Profiles and African-American Manhood Development.” Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community vol. 16, pp. 35-61.
Abstract: African-American
male risk and resilience are viewed as two sides of the same coin in this study
that investigates the stability of cluster profiles of racial socialization
beliefs. Responses of 208 urban African-American adolescent males from three
different samples were used to empirically derive factors of spiritual/
religious coping, extended family caring, cultural pride reinforcement, and
racial awareness, which were then submitted to exploratory and confirmatory
cluster analyses. Three reliable clusters were found across the samples and
were identified as protective, proactive, and adaptive racial socialization
beliefs. One-way ANOVAs were conducted on each sample separately and then
combined with various psychosocial variables including anger expression,
depression, religiosity, calamity fears, and kinship social support. The
results supported the hypothesis that young males who hold an adaptive or
proactive racial socialization identity tend to demonstrate more prosocial
adjustment outcomes. The implications for prevention and community services are
suggested. [Source: PI]
Sutherland, M. S., C. D. Hale, G. J. Harris, P. Stalls, and D. Foulk. 1997. “Strengthening Rural Youth Resiliency through the Church.” Journal of Health Education vol. 28, pp. 205-218.
Abstract: A coalition of six
African American churches in Jackson County, Florida was formed in the
mid-1980s, first to provide prevention services to older church and community
members. Alliance services were expanded later to include alcohol, tobacco, and
other drugs (ATOD) at risk youth. Project year one (1991) (or fiscal year
1991-92) served as the baseline comparison year. Each church was of a size
where all participating youth could be identified and given the opportunity to
contribute data. Accordingly, these same youth were surveyed both in project
years one and four (fiscal year 1994-95). Data were gathered by trained
interviewers using jury validated questionnaires. Self-reports of substance use
have been found to be relatively stable across time. Significance was tested
using the chi-square test for equality of proportions. There is strong
indication of substantial behavior change. Fifteen of the 34 target attitudes
and behaviors showed statistically significant changes. In general, most of the
changes were positive. In 1994 (compared to 1991) children were more likely to
avoid drinking alcohol, stay away from bad situations, count on their friends
for help when confronting serious problems, less likely to participate when
friends "get high," have healthier self-images, and perform better in
school. Gender had no effect on responses.
[Source: CI]
Thornton, James Arthur. 1997. “The Church Bridging the Gap between Community and Public Schools for Students of African Descent.” D.min. Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project was
designed to bridge the gap between the community and the public schools. Its
objective is to enhance the academic, social and cultural development of youth
of African Descent. The project was undertaken in District 17 of the New York
City Public School System, and the Salem Missionary Baptist Church, located in
East Flatbush, Brooklyn. Results of the model were measured by evaluating a
subset of the students' report cards and by conducting interviews with teachers
and parents regarding the overall development of each student. [Source: DA]
Turner, Reginald A. 1997. “An Examination of the Adolescent African American Male's Attitude Towards the Church and Pastoral Response.” Thesis, Andover Newton Theological School.
Abstract: This project
recognizes the distinctive religious tendencies of African Americans, manifest
in the African American church as the community's longest surviving and most
significant social institution. It is therefore useful to determine what contribution
the church has made in shaping perceptions of the church among African American
youth today and for tomorrow. The project investigates responses of churches
and clergy to the growing number of single-parent families and the tensions
between adolescent males and the church in the inner city. [Source: RI]
Albrecht, Stan L., Cheryl Amey, and Michael K. Miller. 1996. “Patterns of Substance Abuse among Rural Black Adolescents.” Journal of Drug Issues vol. 26, pp. 751-781.
Abstract: Data from the most
recent Monitoring the Future survey (N = 12,168 high school seniors) are used
to examine the role of race & residence in substance abuse patterns.
Consistent with previously reported research, residence differences are modest,
& black youth are much less likely then whites to report drug use. In the
bivariate analysis, major correlates of use include gender, family structure,
religious attendance, grade point average (GPA), & availability of unearned
income. In the multivariate analysis, race, family structure, religious
attendance, GPA, & unearned income remain significant. The potential
protective role played by family & church in drug use by rural, black
adolescents is discussed. [Source: SA]
Brody, Gene H., Zolinda Stoneman, and Douglas Flor. 1996. “Parental Religiosity, Family Processes, and Youth Competence in Rural, Two-Parent African American Families.” Developmental Psychology vol. 32, pp. 696-706.
Abstract: A model that
linked parental formal religiosity to children's academic competence and socioemotional
adjustment during early adolescence was tested. The sample included 90 9- to
12-year-old African American youths and their married parents living in the
rural South. The theoretical constructs in the model were measured through a
multimethod, multi-informant design. Rural African American community members
participated in the development of the self-report instruments and
observational research methods. Greater parental religiosity led to more
cohesive family relationships, lower levels of interparental conflict, and
fewer externalizing and internalizing problems in the adolescents. Formal
religiosity also indirectly influenced youth self-regulation through its
positive relationship with family cohesion and negative relationship with
interparental conflict. [Source: PI]
Fang, X. Y., B. Stanton, X. M. Li, D. Romer, J. Galbraith, and S. Feigelman. 1996. “Similarity of Risk and Protective Behaviours among African- American Pre- and Early Adolescent Members of Naturally Occurring Friendship Groups.” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine vol. 73, pp. 285-300.
Abstract: To determine
whether self-reported risk and protective behaviors, expectations, and
attitudes are more similar among African-American early adolescents within a
community-based friendship group than across groups, a cross-sectional study
was conducted among 382 African-American youth 9 through 15 years of age
forming 76 community-based groups of 3 through 10 same-gender friends. Each
member of the friendship group reported his/her own past involvement in nine
risk behaviors (sexual intercourse, substance abuse, drug-trafficking, and
other delinquent activities) and two protective behaviors (high academic
performance and regular church attendance) and their expectations and feelings
regarding several of these behaviors. Intraclass correlation coefficients were
calculated overall and by gender and age. Members were generally more similar
within friendship groups than across groups with regard to several risk
behaviors and expectations including sexual intercourse and drug-trafficking.
Particularly striking was the similarity among members of ''junior'' friendship
groups (e.g., median age of youth +ADw-11 years) of both risk and protective
behaviors and expectations. The finding of enhanced similarity of risk
behaviors and expectations among members within groups suggests that
intervention delivery through community-based friendship groups may be a useful
approach for risk prevention efforts targeting pre-adolescent African-American youth
living in low- income settings.
[Source: SC]
Jagers, Robert J. 1996. “Culture and Problem Behaviors among Inner-City African-American Youth: Further Explorations.” Journal of Adolescence vol. 19, pp. 371-381.
Abstract: The relationship
between cultural associations & problem behaviors among African-American
inner-city children in a large midwestern US city was examined in a
questionnaire survey examining the endorsement & impact of various cultural
influences (N = 119 fifth & sixth graders). Drawing on A. W. Boykin's
triple quandary framework (1983), it is argued that African-American children
must negotiate between three primary cultural influences: Afrocultural, which
emphasizes spirituality, affect, & communalism; Anglocultural, which endorses
material well-being, effort optimism, individualism, & competition; &
the minority marginalized realm, which is characterized by feelings of
alienation & repression. Findings suggests that inner-city African
Americans responded positively to all features of Afrocultural identity while
also placing faith in the Anglocultural ideals of hard work & sacrifice.
However, concern with material gain was correlated with school problems &
involvement in gangs & street activity, & it is argued that the actual
experiences of the more troubled adolescents evidenced the abandonment of
communalism in favor of predatory individualism & objectification of
others. Further, strong endorsement of Afrocultural ideals was associated with
fewer aggressive & delinquent behaviors. Directions for future research are
briefly discussed. [Source: SA]
Johnson, D. Maurice. 1996. “The Teen Connection Ministry: The African American Church and Youth Peer Counseling.” Thesis, Wesley Theological Seminary.
Abstract: The Teen
Connection project proposes that a peer counseling ministry can help to meet
social, emotional, and spiritual needs of youth in the African American church.
The project employs a pro-active research method to study the practice of peer
counseling with African American youth. The Teen Connection project found that
African American youth desire help from others, are receptive to help from
peers, and are willing to be trained to help peers. Teen Connection peer
counselors demonstrated their capability and willingness to become involved in
responsible and challenging Christian service that ministered to the needs of
their peers. Peer counselors report positive response from peer counselees and
parents, and most of them claimed that the process helped them to address their
own personal needs. [Source: RI]
Jones Harris, Jewel L. 1996. “African-American Adolescent Parents: Their Perceptions of Sex, Love, Intimate Relationships, Pregnancy, and Parenting.” Ph.D. Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Abstract: This study
examined the perceptions of twenty-two urban African American adolescent
mothers and six adolescent fathers regarding their perceptions of sex, love,
intimate relationships, pregnancy, and parenting. A structured interview
methodology was used in combination with focus groups and academic records to
determine the parents' perceptions, as well as their demographic and personal
history information. An inductive data analysis using constant comparison
methods was employed to identify patterns and themes evident within gender
groups and between gender groups. The findings identified eight assumptions.
The findings of this study indicate that: (1) The age of menses may have
declined. (2) The age at first sexual intercourse does not necessarily lead to
more sexual partners by first pregnancy. (3) The age of an adolescent mother's
own mother when she had her first child may predict an early pregnancy for her
daughter. (4) Adolescent parents did not necessarily equate love and intimate
relationships with having sex. (5) Adolescent mothers did not necessarily
consider their need to give or receive love as reasons for their pregnancy. (6)
Adolescent parents may be deficient in their knowledge of child development.
(7) Adolescent parents are not necessarily abusive parents. (8) Early
parenthood may be a consequence of educational derailment. (9) Poverty may
precede adolescent pregnancy. Implications of these findings include the need
for intensive academic and vocational preparation programs for urban African
American adolescents, more consistent, specific, and comprehensive sex
education and family planning programs, and more business, community, and
religion-driven mentoring programs for inner-city youth. Suggestions for future
research were also addressed. [Source:
Livingston, Bobby L., Sr. 1996. “The Faith Community Participating as an Advocate for Spiritual Construction and Reconstruction in an Urban Context.” Thesis, Wesley Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project seeks
to eliminate use of illicit drugs by young black males in an urban context by
using a pedagogic program/initiative in a faith community. The project found
that the root cause of problems involving "crack" cocaine probably
stems from economic inequality and the USA's unwillingness to promote fair
employment treatment for all citizens. Interdiction by law enforcement agencies
and community-based street patrols are among the failed efforts to eradicate
the problem. Successful resolutions can occur by using biblical teachings, and
through supporting and encouraging courageous mothers and parents who rear
their children to understand the importance of respect for authority and love
for God, for self, and for others. The project recommends a wholistic approach
that involves every segment of our society to rectify the problem. [Source: RI]
Martin, Arrold Nunn. 1996. “Ministry to African American Children in the Midst of Social Crisis through the Children's Church.” Thesis, United Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project
demonstrates ministry to children in social crisis through six months of
structured, age-appropriate activities for African American children between
the ages of 8 and 12 in First Baptist Church Capitol Hill (Nashville, Tenn). In
teaching of Christian doctrine, discussion of values, and self-esteem adventure
programs, the project builds a biblical foundation for these children while
enhancing their self-esteem and addressing social challenges that affect their
lives. These activities expand and improve the worship experience of the children. [Source: RI]
McCreary, Micah L., Lesley A. Slavin, and Eloise J. Berry. 1996. “Predicting Problem Behavior and Self-Esteem among African American Adolescents.” Journal of Adolescent Research vol. 11, pp. 216-234.
Abstract: Investigates the utility
of using stress, social support, & racial identity to predict problem
behavior & self-esteem among African American adolescents. Questionnaire
data indicate that stressful life events & lack of perceived support from
friends were predictive of problem behavior (eg, drug & alcohol use,
delinquent acts) in a sample of 221 African American high school students
attending a Baptist church-sponsored weekend retreat in a southeastern state.
Strong support from friends attenuated the effects of stress. Only one
racial-identity variable - attitudes toward African Americans - contributed to
the prediction of problem behavior after other variables were entered into the
regression equation. More positive attitudes predicted lower levels of problem
behavior. Similar results were obtained in a regression analysis using
self-esteem as the dependent variable. It is concluded that stress models are
useful with African Americans, particularly if a racial-identity variable is
included. [Source: SA]
Murry, Velma McBride. 1996. “An Ecological Analysis of Coital Timing among Middle-Class African American Adolescent Females.” Journal of Adolescent Research vol. 11, pp. 261-279.
Abstract: Using data from
the 1988 National Survey of Family Growth, variables discriminating between
early & late coital initiation among middle-income African American
adolescent females (N = 109) were examined. Discriminant function analysis
indicates that family structure, adolescents' labor force participation, &
religiosity were associated with late coital initiation. Those who lived in
two-parent households, had engaged in conversations with parents about sexual
issues, & had greater knowledge about sexual matters were more likely to
delay age at first coitus until age 18+. The discriminant function classified
correctly 94% of the overall grouped cases. Classification within each group
resulted in 98% of early coital initiators & 79% of late coital initiators
being classified correctly. Results provide support for using a systematic framework
for examining the sexual activity patterns of middle-class African American
adolescent females & offer suggestions for future research. [Source: SA]
Oler, Carlton Hugh. 1996. “Spirituality, Racial Identity, and Intentions to Use Alcohol and Other Drugs among African-American Youth.” PHD Thesis, University of Cincinnati.
Abstract: Two hundred and
forty-nine African-American 4th, 5th, and 6th graders attending predominantly
African-American secular and non-secular elementary schools participated in a
study to investigate the relations of spirituality, racial identity, and
intentions to use alcohol and other drugs. The students completed the (1)
Children's Drug Use Survey (CDUS), Oetting et al., 1985); (2) Botvin Alcohol
and Drug Attitude Scale (BADAS, Botvin et al., 1990); (3) Tentative Drug Use
Scale (TDUS, Horan and Williams, 1975); (4) Age Universal Religious Orientation
Scale-Revised (AUROS-R, Gorsuch and McPherson, 1989); (5) Religious Commitment
Questionnaire (RCQ, Penneck and Epperson, 1985); (6) Banks Scale (BS, Banks,
1984); and a (7) Demographic Information Sheet. The results showed that (1)
African-American students higher in spirituality and racial identity did have
significantly stronger disapproving attitudes about the use of alcohol and other
drugs than those students with lower levels, and that (2) African-American
students higher in spirituality evinced greater intentions not to use alcohol
and other drugs than those students with lower levels. Additionally, there were
a number of significant differences relative to school-type, SES, and grade
level. Some differences included that students in non-secular schools had a
higher spirituality and racial identity, and engaged in less substance use than
students in secular schools, and that students from lower SES backgrounds
considered religion more important than students from higher SES backgrounds,
although students from higher SES levels attended church more often. Based upon
the results of the study, it was concluded that spirituality and racial
identity, particularly spirituality, do predict African-American
preadolescents' receptivity to the use of alcohol and other drugs, and that
efforts should be made to strengthen students in these areas to buffer them
from media and peer pressure to use. Limitations of the study and su [Source: PI]
Ramey, Timothy R. 1996. “The Development of a Mentor Ministry to Train the Brotherhood of the Barraque Street Missionary Baptist Church.” Thesis, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project
proposes to combat the rising rate of violent crime and social disintegration
among young black males by preparing Christian men to serve as mentors to
neighborhood youth. The project conducted three seminars for church leaders
concerning child abuse and its effects, self-esteem among black males, and
substance abuse. These mentors were paired with seven first offenders referred
by the juvenile court. Four of these young men significantly improved in
academic performance, citizenship behavior, and family relationships. [Source: RI]
Sojourner, Jeannette Swoope. 1996. “Variables That Impact the Education of African-American Students: Parental Involvement, Religious Socialization, Socioeconomic Status, Self-Concept, and Gender.” Ph.d. Thesis, The University of Akron.
Abstract: Empirical studies
investigating factors that promote academic achievement among African American
students are limited, more focus has been placed on academic failure and
weaknesses. The purpose of this study was to examine school and nonschool
factors related to educational attainment of African American students. Several
theories including Irvine's Process Model for Black Student Achievement, Gary
and Booker's Empowerment of African Americans, and the Comer Model suggested
variables that were found to be important to the academic success of African
American children in public schools. Specifically, five predictors of
mathematics and reading achievement among African American youth were used in a
multiple regression analysis. These variables were parental involvement,
religious socialization, self-concept, socioeconomic status, and gender. The
National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS) of 1988: First Follow-up was used
as the data source to examine these variables. Multiple regression analysis was
used to determine if a relationship existed between the five predictor
variables and mathematics and reading achievement. In reading achievement,
17.43% of the variance was accounted for by the predictor variables. All five
variables were identified as being statistically significant (p < .05).
These results indicated that students with high socioeconomic status (SES) and
high self-concept had the highest reading achievement. In mathematics
achievement, 15.99% of the variance is accounted for by the predictor
variables. The variables SES and self-concept were found to be statistically
significant (p < .05). High socioeconomic status and high self-concept
equals higher academic achievement.
[Source: DA]
Stevenson, Howard C., Jocelyn Reed, and Preston Bodison. 1996. “Kinship Social Support and Adolescent Racial Socialization Beliefs: Extending the Self to Family.” Journal of Black Psychology vol. 22, pp. 498-508.
Abstract: Explored the
relationship between reports of the level of kinship support experienced as
members of an extended family network and racial socialization beliefs. 229
African American adolescents were administered the Scale of Racial
Socialization for Adolescents (SORS-A), the Kinship Social Support Scale (KSS),
and a question regarding the amount of parental communication about racism.
Results indicate significant differences between Ss with high, moderate, and
low levels of kinship support across 3 of 4 SORS-A factors (i.e., spiritual and
religious coping, extended family caring, and cultural pride reinforcement).
These factors make up the proactive dimension of adolescent racial
socialization beliefs. The protective dimension (i.e., racism awareness
teaching) was nonsignificant in relationship to kinship support. [Source: PI]
Stroman, William B. 1996. “God Still Delivers.” Thesis, Wesley Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project
proposes a different kind of Christian education, about practicing theology. It
seeks to provide formation, freedom, identity, justice, and hope for African
American youth. In American cities, including Washington DC, these young people
are caught up in an epidemic of killings, gangs, and crimes and tragedies
related to drugs and alcohol. This project contends that these problems are
spiritual as well as societal, making for a crisis of black faith as well as
identity. For many African Americans, hopelessness and despair have replaced
faith. Asking what it means to be black and Christian in contemporary North
America, this project delivers a black theology of liberation to young people
of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Washington DC.
[Source: RI]
Westmoreland, Cheri Lynn. 1996. “Faith in Action: A Descriptive Case Study of Project Impact, a Comprehensive Juvenile Diversion Program Sponsored by an African-American Church.” Ed.d. Thesis, University of Cincinnati.
Abstract: Some African
American congregations have established a Project IMPACT program, a
comprehensive juvenile diversion program, to assist church and community youth experiencing
discipline problems and low academic performance which has the potential to
lead to dropping out of school. Project IMPACT Dayton works with the family to
enhance youth development educational learning skills, parent effectiveness and
provides incentives for the family to work towards strengthening the family
unit and participation in the program. The purpose of this study was to
identify and describe the organizational mechanisms and the influences of the
African American religious experiences and value system that were involved in
the planning, development, and implementation of Project IMPACT Dayton by a
single urban African American church. The study describes the perceptions of
those involved with the project (students, parents, and staff) concerning the
program's effectiveness in helping students perform academically and stay in
school. A combination of methods were used to describe the comprehensive
juvenile diversion program, Project IMPACT Dayton. In this study, the
descriptive case study method included the use of participation, observation,
interviews and document review as means of data collection. This case study
provides certain aspects program evolution in the context of Christian values
and mission service operating in this African American church. The case study
involves the discussion of the history and mission of the Revival Center
Ministries, the development of community outreach, the Project IMPACT program
evolution and the values and religious experiences of the African American
church that make this program effective.
[Source: DA]
Ceballo, Rosario E. 1995. “Living in Dangerous Neighborhoods: The Effects on Poor, African American Single Mothers and Their Children.” Ph.d. Thesis, The University of Michigan.
Abstract: This dissertation
investigated how families are affected by residing in dangerous,
poverty-stricken neighborhoods. Specifically, the study explores the impact of
neighborhood characteristics on the parenting behavior of single, African
American mothers and on the academic values and socioemotional functioning of
their adolescent children. Interview data from a sample of 262 poor, African
American, single mothers and their seventh and eighth grade children was
utilized. Assessments of neighborhood quality consisted of both subjective and
objective measures. The objective neighborhood measures included police crime
statistics and U.S. census data. In the first model, greater receipt of social
support predicted higher levels of maternal nurturance and this positive relation
between social support and nurturance was moderated by neighborhood conditions,
for mothers of adolescent boys. As neighborhood conditions worsened, receipt of
instrumental social support was no longer as strongly related to mothers'
nurturant parenting. This finding was bolstered by its presence with four
different indicators of neighborhood quality: mothers' subjective assessments
of the neighborhood, rates of violent crime, neighborhood poverty rates, and
percentage of female headed households in the neighborhood. More demonstrations
of nurturant parenting were, in turn, related to healthy socioemotional
functioning among adolescent males. An effect of neighborhood conditions on
African American adolescents' educational values emerged in the second model
after controlling for a host of family and school-related constructs. For
African American female adolescents, those who resided in neighborhoods with
lower median household incomes tended to view education as less important and
less useful. Conversely, for adolescent males, neighborhood characteristics did
not predict educational values. Additionally, twenty mothers participated in
follow-up, qualitative interviews that further illuminated the quantitative
results and provided detailed examples of how community violence strains family
life. From these interviews, four strategies used by mothers to cope with
pressing environmental dangers were identified: (1) withdrawal from the
neighborhood, (2) vigilant parenting, (3) establishment of "open"
relationships with their children, and (4) reliance on religious faith or
beliefs. [Source: DA]
Donahue, Michael J. 1995. “Religion and the Well-Being of Adolescents.” Journal of Social Issues vol. 51, pp. 145-160.
Abstract: Reviews literature
on the relation between religiousness (RLG) and adolescent well-being, and
provides new analyses of data on this topic from 34,129 adolescents in the
report Troubled Journey (P. L. Benson, 1993). It is found that the average
level of RLG of US adolescents has not declined recently, although it does
appear to decrease on average across the years of adolescence.
African-Americans are more religious than Whites, and girls are more religious
than boys. RLG is positively associated with prosocial values and behavior, and
negatively related to suicide ideation and attempts, substance abuse, premature
sexual involvement, and delinquency. RLG is unrelated to self-esteem. These
results are robust after controlling for sociodemographic characteristics. [Source: PI]
Dudley, Carl S. 1995. “Young-Adult Power in Afro-American Congregation.” Christian Ministry vol. 26.
Duncan, Garrett Albert. 1995. “The Light before the Dawn: Toward a Critically Grounded Theory of Black Consciousness, Adolescent Development, and Schooling.” Thesis, The Claremont Graduate School.
Abstract: In this project, I
draw upon conversations with twenty-one Black male and female teenagers to
illustrate ways in which consciousness promotes emancipatory, reflective
thinking processes. Consciousness is defined in this project as an awareness of
and action toward changing one's reality. The idea of consciousness and
development strongly implicates effects of power. Power, here, is defined as
the ability of the dominant American society to generate consensus as to what
constitutes reality. Toward this end, the Zone of Black Bodies is advanced in
this study as a site of conceptual struggle where truth and knowledge are
contested by Black youths, especially in the domains of education, religion,
and cultural politics. Specifically, I argue, Black consciousness empowers
Black youths to break the conceptual template of white supremacist discourse by
naming those cultural artifacts in American culture that engender subjective
and objective racist requirements in society. By explicating the roots of
racist knowledge that generate the terms by which reality is comprehended,
Black youths are enabled to assert powerful subjectivities as persons who exist
in and with the world. Conscientization is fostered by contradictions inherent
in the historical and contemporary white supremacist contexts of American
society. Gulfs between social representations and realities create
contradictions in the unified and unproblematic landscape of the United States
culture. These rifts, in turn, prime Black teenagers, with the assistance of
authority figures, to deconstruct the dynamics of power that engender social
contradictions. Such activities foster the conditions for Black youths to name
and recreate their realities. Patterns drawn from the narratives of the
individuals in the present study indicate that differences between and
contradictions within Black teenagers are the result of a combination of
factors. These factors include personal histories and the cognitive profiles
Black adol [Source: PI]
Gunn, Faye S. 1995. “Addressing Academic Failure and the Root of Its Cause: The Church Assisting African-American Youth.” Thesis, Wesley Theological Seminary.
Abstract: Church members in
a tutorial ministry assisted African-American students experiencing academic
failure. The program offered one-on-one academic tutoring, motivational
seminars, group discussions, and devotions based on biblical and theological
themes: human beings created in the image of God; the covenant community and
its responsibility for mutual nurturing; and, the mission and ministry of the
church. Pre- and post-intervention interviews were conducted. A literature
review relates to academic failure of African-American students. This tutorial
ministry empowered African-American youth to experience academic success. [Source: RI]
Hale, Janice E. 1995. “The Transmission of Faith to Young African American Children.” Pp. 193-207,245-247 in The Recovery of Black Presence, edited by R. Bailey. Nashville: Abingdon Press.
Johnson, Ollie Williams. 1995. “The Relationship of Selected Personal Variables and Academic Achievement of Low Socioeconomic Status African American Male Students.” PHD Thesis, Mississippi State University.
Abstract: This study
investigates the relationship between the academic achievement of low
socioeconomic status (SES) African-American male students and the personal
variables of; (1) family structure, (2) number of siblings, (3) educational
level of parents, (4) family meals eaten together, (5) clearly defined parent
rules in the home, (6) school attendance, (7) number of hours per day spent
reading other than school work, (8) number of hours per day spent watching
television, (9) time spent home alone after school before parents arrive
(latchkey), (10) church attendance, and (11) discipline history. This study is
a sample of 200 subjects taken from a population of 400 eighth grade
African-American male students from public schools located in an urban school
district in Mississippi. A correlational research design was used for this
study. This method analyzes research data and was useful in studying problems
in education. Multiple regression was used to determine the correlation between
the criterion variable of academic success and various combinations of predictor
variables. The variables of (1) discipline history, (2) number of siblings, (3)
birth order, and (4) school attendance accounted for most of the variance in
the study. The findings of this study concluded that African-American male
students who had regular school attendance, exhibited the least disruptive
behavior, had the fewest number of siblings and had the earliest birth order
experienced the greatest academic success.
[Source: PI]
Lock, Sharon E. and Murray L. Vincent. 1995. “Sexual Decision-Making among Rural Adolescent Females.” Health Values:The Journal of Health Behavior, Education and Promotion vol. 19, pp. 47-58.
Abstract: Analyzed data from
the South Carolina School/Community Program for Sexual Risk Reduction Among
Teens to determine direct and indirect effects of demographic and psychosocial
factors on female adolescents' decisions to engage or not engage in premarital
sexual intercourse. 564 predominantly Black adolescent girls (aged 12-29 yrs)
completed the Adolescent Curriculum Evaluation Questionnaire. The Interaction
Model of Client Health Behavior provided a framework to explain the
interrelationships among the variables. Age, family structure, peer influence,
commitment to partner, and sexual attitudes had direct effects on premarital
sexual intercourse. Race, religiosity, sex role attitude, reproductive
knowledge, and parent-adolescent communication had indirect effects on
premarital sexual intercourse. [Source:
Malinowski, Stuart. 1995. “Race, Resistance and Rap Music.” M.Ed. Thesis, University of Alberta (Canada).
Abstract: The purpose of
this ethnographic study was to explore the relationship between Black youth and
rap music. In particular, the study examined whether rap fans were perceiving
and/or using rap as a form of resistance. The study also recorded their
attitude toward some of the most controversial themes in rap as identified in
the literature, namely profanity, violence, misogyny, religion and drugs. The
participants consisted of sixteen Black Canadian youths, nine males and seven
females, ranging in age from fifteen to nineteen. Data were collected using
semi- structured interviews. During an interview, I played and/or referred to a
selection of message conscious rap and then investigated the nature and degree
to which the participants listened to, comprehended and related the music to
their everyday lives. The findings suggest that they do relate to the music as
a form of resistance. However, this relationship is nor absolute nor complete.
On the one hand, they appear to be drawing a great deal of pride, collective
energy and critical awareness from the music. On the other hand, an underlying
sense of alienation seems to prevent them from translating this awareness into
any meaningful transformative action. Moreover, many participants criticize
their peers for failing to penetrate beneath the surface of stylistic
imitation. However, the findings do leave room for speculation that with time
and the appropriate critical education, disaffected youth may emerge as viable
agents of social change. [Source: DA]
Ransom, Elbert, Jr. 1995. “Developing a Mentorship Program Model for Black Males as a Prison Ministry in an Urban Congregation.” Thesis, Wesley Theological Seminary.
Abstract: The mentorship
program evolved from a need to provide a socio-religious support system for
young Black males who are at risk with the law in the city of Alexandria,
Virginia. Black males are fraught with negative societal perceptions in
Alexandria and need support in positive self-esteem, moral, and spiritual
persuasion. They are victimized by poor education, poor economics, and a
shrinking labor market. Many young Black males are involved in a life of crime
as the result of hopelessness. The Alfred Street Baptist Men's Department is responding
to the need by providing a mentorship program, with its foundation in Matthew
25:31-36. [Source: RI]
Sanders, Mavis Grovenia. 1995. “Breaking the Cycle of Reproduction: The Effect of Communities, Families and Schools on the Academic Achievement of Urban African-American Youth.” Ph.d. Thesis, Stanford University.
Abstract: A number of
theorists have posited a direct relationship between socioeconomic status and
academic achievement. In so doing, they have failed to acknowledge the
potential of students, teachers, parents, and community members to mediate this
relationship. This failure is particularly noticeable in educational research
focussed on African American urban youth, one of the populations at greatest
risk for low academic achievement and school drop-out. To address this
oversight, this study identifies social support factors within the African
American community that can mediate the relationship between socioeconomic
status and academic achievement through their influence on school related
attitudes and behaviors. To achieve the study's objectives, approximately 800
African American eighth grade students in an urban school district in the
south-eastern United States were surveyed to measure (1) the level of social
and academic support received from family, church, teachers and peers, (2)
school related attitudes and behaviors, i.e. academic self-concept, achievement
ideology and in- school behavior, (3) socioeconomic status, and (4) academic
achievement. The data was coded and examined using regression analysis. To aid
in the interpretation of the quantitative data, five percent (5%) of the
research population were interviewed. These interviews were face-to-face,
semi-structured, and lasted approximately one hour each. The findings of this
study indicate that socioeconomic status has an indirect influence on student
academic achievement through its direct and indirect effects on student
in-school behavior. The study's findings also indicate, however, that family,
church, teachers and peers, through their influence on academic self-concept,
achievement ideology and in-school behavior, can mitigate the influence of
socioeconomic status on academic achievement. The implications of these
findings are that individuals and institutions within the African American
community can provide urban youth with the social support necessary for success
in a variety of domains, including school. Thus innovative collaborations
between schools, families and community institutions, such as the church, can
serve to improve the educational experience of, and outcomes for, students
placed at risk. [Source: DA]
1994. “Young Black Men and Church.” Christian Century vol. 111, pp. 439-440.
Brody, G. H., Z. Stoneman, D. Flor, and C. McCrary. 1994. “Religion's Role in Organizing Family Relationships - Family Process in Rural, 2-Parent African-American Families.” Journal of Marriage and the Family vol. 56, pp. 878-888.
Abstract: We proposed a
family process model that links maternal and paternal formal religiosity to
marital interaction quality, parental cocaregiver support and conflict,
parent-youth relationship quality, and parental use of inconsistent/nattering
parenting strategies. The sample included 90 African American youths and their
married parents, who lived in the rural South. African American community
members participated in the development of the self-report instruments and
observational research methods used to test the model. The results supported
most of the hypotheses. Religiosity was linked with higher levels of marital
interaction quality and co-caregiver support, and with lower levels of marital
and co-caregiver conflict. The associations between religiosity and
parent-youth relationship quality were mediated by the marital and co-caregiver
relationships. [Source: SC]
Helm, Sharron. 1994. “The Relationship between Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, Spirituality, Personal Characteristics, and Academic Success of African American Young Adults.” Ed.d. Thesis, The University of Michigan.
Abstract: Some
African-American young adults in college have overcome seemingly insurmountable
odds to become academically successful, while others are considered
academically unsuccessful as a result of dropping out of school. This study
attempted to compare the two groups to determine if internalized factors that
influence academic success could be isolated. These internalized factors
included general and social self-efficacy, locus of control, and spirituality.
Students were compared on personal and family demographics. Successful
African-American students were more likely to be single, with no children, and
raised in an intact family. Their mothers and fathers had either completed high
school or some college. The educational levels of parents of academically
unsuccessful African-American tended to be somewhat higher than the
academically successful young adults. The majority of academically successful
students were in their sophomore years and were carrying 12 credit hours per
semester. Their self-reported grade point averages ranged from 2.51 to 3.50 and
they were pursuing degrees in business, engineering, or fine and performing
arts. Findings of this study showed no relationship between general and social self-efficacy,
locus of control, spirituality and selected demographic variables including
educational level of mother and father, number of brothers and sisters, birth
order of participants, number of credit hours taken in a semester, and course
of study. When academically successful African-American young adults were
compared with academically unsuccessful African-American young adults, a
significant difference was found for general self- efficacy. The other
variables were not found to be statistically significant, although the
academically successful group appeared to be more internal, with higher levels
of social self-efficacy. Spirituality did not differ between the two groups.
Recommendations for further research were presented which included a reference
to continue research in the area of successful African-American youth to
determine patterns that could be extrapolated to younger African-
Americans. [Source: DA]
Moeller, Robert L. 1994. “Teaching Manhood in the Urban Jungle.” Christianity Today vol. 38, pp. 16-17.
Rubin, Roger H, Andrew Billingsley, and Cleopatra Caldwell Howard. 1994. “The Role of the Black Church in Working with Black Adolescents.” Adolescence vol. 29, pp. 251-266.
Rubin, Roger H., Andrew Billingsley, and Cleopatra Howard Caldwell. 1994. “The Black Church and Adolescent Sexuality.” National Journal of Sociology vol. 8, pp. 131-148.
Abstract: In the Black
Church Family Project survey of 635 northern black churches, 176 churches
reported having at least 1 program directed at adolescent members of the
community. Focus here is on problems related to adolescent sexuality, including
pregnancy, out-of-wedlock births, homosexuality, & sexually transmitted
diseases. Relatively few churches reported being actively engaged in these types
of programs, due in part to the church's historical reticence regarding sexual
issues. However, the omnipresence of the church, community linkages, its
history of service, & the traditional religiosity of black youth provide
opportunities for the church to involve black youth in programs that address
sexual behavior. [Source: SA]
Smith, R. Drew. 1994. “Black Religion-Based Politics, Cultural Popularization, and Youth Allegiance.” Western Journal of Black Studies vol. 18, pp. 115-120.
Abstract: Traditional
political divisions within African-American religion among groups favoring
either exclusionist cultural nationalism, direct-action racial protest, or
electoral participation have recently been aggravated by class &
generational antagonisms. Blacks in higher age & income brackets have
focused on consolidating institutional gains while younger & poorer blacks
have been more vocal & radical, gathering increased attention. However,
communication barriers between these two groups reflect stylistic rather than
ideological differences. Ways to achieve greater political cooperation between
the two groups in terms of the development of a broader religion-based
political culture are explored within this context. R. Jaramillo [Source: SA]
Stevenson, Howard C. 1994. “Validation of the Scale of Racial Socialization for African American Adolescents: Steps toward Multidimensionality.” Journal of Black Psychology vol. 20, pp. 445-468.
Abstract: Reports the
development and validation of the Scale of Racial Socialization for Adolescents
(SORS-A). A principal components analysis was conducted following
administration of the SORS-A and measures of demographics, family communication
about racism, and perception of skin color to 200 African-American urban
teenagers (mean age 14.6 yrs). Four factors were found to be very meaningful
and moderately reliable: spiritual and religious coping, extended family
caring, cultural pride reinforcement, and racism awareness teaching. A
2nd-order factor analysis was conducted to identify underlying themes. Themes
of protective and proactive racial socialization were found to be supportive of
a theoretical framework for racial socialization that is multidimensional and
inclusive of both socially oppressive and culturally empowering experiences. [Source: PI]
Sutherland, Mary S. and Gregory J. Harris. 1994. “Church-Based, Youth Drug Prevention Programs in African-American Communities.” Wellness Perspectives vol. 10, p. 3.
Abstract: Describes the
organizational, administrative and program activities of a drug prevention
program conducted by African-American churches in the rural South. Church
health committees as facilitators; Objective and activity areas; Indication
that drug culture for respondents appears to be restricted to legal drugs; Vulnerability
and potential of abuse of alcohol and other drugs. [Source: AS]
Brunson, Jesse. 1993. “Celebrating African-American History and Culture through Christian Education.” D.min. Thesis, Drew University.
Abstract: Celebrating African-American
history and culture is an intentional study conducted by Wilson Temple United
Methodist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina, teaching children ages five to
eighteen, their history and culture in an attempt to motivate positive
self-esteem. The project set forth to prove through, historical, biblical and
psychological documentation that western history and basic Christian education
has not given African-American children positive images of themselves. It was
out of this premise that the whole project was developed and conducted. The
organization phases of the project brought together strong leadership from both
the community and the local church into a supportive team as an advisory
committee. The committee functioned as both a support staff and a planning team
for the project. Their leadership was also crucial in the development of
curriculum design, teacher selection, and project and candidate evaluation. The
main intent of the project was to teach children and youth historical
information designed to expose them to a new dimension of the African-American
story. Thus the goal was to lift up images that did not present the
African-American as one with a worthless history and a doubtful future.
Therefore, the essence of the project was a celebration of the African-American
spirit, and an invitation to all to come share in our celebration of life. [Source: DA]
Fontaine, John S. 1993. “Young Adult Participation in the Afro-American Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia.” Thesis, Boston University School of Theology.
Abstract: This thesis
project investigates the Afro-American young adult attendance and participation
in the Afro-American Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia, over the past 20
years. Research for this project is generated from reference material and
literature, interviews with religious leaders and other professionals, and
questionnaires completed by young adult members of Baptist and
non-denominational churches, and by young adults who no longer attend Baptist
churches. The last two decades have seen an increase in young adult
participation in the Afro-American Baptist Church due to active efforts by the
church to provide young adults with incentives to maintain membership. [Source: RI]
Peacock, Myra Jean. 1993. “Development of the Black Family Process Q-Sort.” Ph.D. Thesis, University of California Riverside.
Abstract: Recent research
has challenged social scientists to examine developmental, psychological, and
environmental processes that impact minority youth, particularly processes that
influence parenting. Indeed, an entire 1990 issue of Child Development, 61(2),
represents a variety of responses to the challenge. To that end, this study is
an initial step in a research program to examine the relationship among African
American's socialization strategies and various behavioral outcomes. This study
reports the development of the Black Family Process Q-sort and explores the
utility of the Q-sort procedure as a means to identify and to quantify African
Americans socialization practices, including race socialization, discipline,
communication, and value. Additional goals were to ascertain the nature of race
socialization messages, to determine how racial group orientations influence
the messages African American parents employ, and to relate various
orientations to specific psychological and behavioral outcomes among Black
youth. It was determined that the Black Family Process Q-sort provides a viable
mechanism to study family socialization practices. Important findings also
include empirically derived racial (i.e., reference) group orientations which
depart, somewhat, in number and content from those mentioned in the literature.
In addition, it was found that racial group orientations predict differential
race socialization messages, but not psychological well being. For example,
church attendance may be an important empowering mediating variable for
individuals not socialized to deal with racism. This study begins with with an
overview of the theoretical concerns necessary to provide a contextual
framework for this project. Chapter 2 outlines Q methodology and its relevance
to this endeavor. Chapter 3 describes the procedures to identify, select, and
refine Q-sort items. Chapter 4 describes the methods to flush out racial
orientation protypes, while Chapter 5 deals with factor analyses of racial
orientation data. Finally, Chapter 6 relates racial group orientations to
specific outcomes, summarizes this study, and indicates areas of concern. [Source: DA]
Stevens, Joyce West. 1993. “The Negotiation of Adulthood Status among a Group of African-American Lower Class Pregnant and Nonpregnant Female Adolescents.” Ph.d. Thesis, Loyola University of Chicago.
Abstract: This research
study utilized quantitative and qualitative procedures to compare and contrast
a random sample of pregnant and nonpregnant late age low income
African-American adolescent females' perceptions about negotiating an adulthood
status. Structured and semi-structured questionnaires were utilized to collect
demographic and qualitative data. The semi-structured schedule was a culturally
sensitive protocol that elicited in depth narrative accounts about respondents
common sense ways of knowing; and of understanding themselves, others, and the
world around them. The study sought to explore how the two subsamples viewed
pregnancy and motherhood as a means of achieving an adult identity. Overall,
findings of the study generated knowledge about female adolescent development
and the trajectory path toward adulthood. Study findings suggest that
pregnancy, for a group of late age adolescent African American lower class
females, served as a primary way of confirming existence and providing a sense
of identity rather than the result of sexual acting out behavior. The
personal-social identities of the research sample were negotiated, validated
and affirmed within their proximal and distal environments. The study furnished
evidence for the idea of the adolescent female's genuine connectedness and
responsive engagement to others as providing a context for self development.
Findings tended to support the view that the adolescent does not have to
disconnect or separate from familial relationships for the development of self.
The sample population demonstrated continuity in relational connectedness with
their mothers and relational primacy in identification with them. They also
showed continuity in relational connection with peers as well as loyalty and
care toward them. Findings supported the hypothesis that nonpregnant girls were
more likely to establish linkages beyond the immediacy of family and peers
which were reflected in their engagement in church, community, work, and
educational environments. Nonpregnant girls were more frequently invested in
behaviors that reflected social mobility aspirations. Moreover, findings tended
to suggest that the perception and development of opportunity mobility goals,
for Black adolescent females, are likely to be enhanced by institutional
community support systems while connective relationships, for self development,
with family and peers are sustained.
[Source: DA]
Watts, Roderick J. 1993. “Community Action through Manhood Development: A Look at Concepts and Concerns from the Frontline.” American Journal of Community Psychology vol. 21, pp. 333-359.
Abstract: Community programs
for young African-American men have proliferated in the last few years.
Identified here are key themes in manhood development as understood by
activists (N = 40 interview respondents [Rs]) who work with these young men,
comparing them to the perspectives of African-Americans scholars &
community psychology. Qualitative analysis reveals 6 themes: family, culture
& race, community, behavior, psychosocial development, & spirituality.
These themes generally matched those in the academic literature & some
echoed ecological thinking in community psychology. However, respondent (R)
notions of prevention & their emphasis on "giving back" to the
community were distinctive. Rs also valued cultural socialization & spirituality
as key elements of manhood development.
[Source: SA]
Maton, Kenneth I. and Marc A. Zimmerman. 1992. “Psychosocial Predictors of Substance Use among Urban Black Male Adolescents.” Drugs and Society vol. 6, pp. 79-113.
Abstract: Lifestyle, social
support/stress, and well-being were used to predict frequency of alcohol,
marijuana, and hard drug use among 150 urban African-American male adolescents
(aged 15-29 yrs). Ss, most of whom had dropped out of school, participated in
an initial interview and a follow-up interview 6 mo later. Lifestyle was a
significant predictor of marijuana and hard drug use at both measurement
points, and a predictor of alcohol use at 1 measurement point. Support/stress
explained significant variance in alcohol use at both measurement points, and in
marijuana use at 1 measurement point. Independent variance in substance use was
explained by in-school status, spirituality, and life event stress. Low
self-esteem predicted increased marijuana use 6 mo later. [Source: PI]
McElroy, Robert. 1992. “Gaining Insights into the African-American Youth World and Issues Utilizing Interview/Rap Sessions and Surveys for Planning Youth Ministries.” Thesis, Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist Univ.
Abstract: The
African-American church is experiencing great difficulty in reaching and
keeping its youth involved in the church. The purpose of this practicum/project
was to gain insights into the world of African-American youths; to identify
major problems, concerns and needs; and to determine whether ministry programs
informed through dialogue with youth offer greater appeal and increased
probabilities for reaching and keeping more of the youth population active in
the church. Project participants consisted of African-American church and high
school youths offering personal views of their world and issues of concern,
utilizing open forums and survey forms. The revealing data offered and the high
levels of interest displayed during the study revealed that they have many good
ideas to share and desire greater dialogue with the church. These findings
strongly suggest that including youth representatives in ministry planning
could result in more appealing youth programs.
[Source: RI]
Zimmerman, Marc A. and Kenneth I. Maton. 1992. “Life-Style and Substance Use among Male African-American Urban Adolescents: A Cluster Analytic Approach.” American Journal of Community Psychology vol. 20, pp. 121-138.
Abstract: Cluster analyzed 4
variables (school attendance, employment, church attendance, and delinquency)
to develop life-style profiles, using interview data from 218 African-American
male adolescents (mean age 17 yrs). Five meaningful clusters were retained and
subjected to criterion validity analyses using measures of spirituality,
participation in a voluntary organization, self-esteem, and friend's substance
use. The 5 clusters were then compared on cigarette, alcohol, marijuana, and
hard drug use. Results suggest that a lifestyle that includes an adaptive
compensatory behavior component may be more adaptive than a lifestyle that does
not include compensatory behavior. For example, youths who left high school
before graduation but were involved in church reported less alcohol and
substance use than youths who left school and were not involved in any
meaningful instrumental activity.
[Source: PI]
Brown, Diane R. and Lawrence E. Gary. 1991. “Religious Socialization and Educational Attainment among African Americans: An Empirical Assessment.” Journal of Negro Education vol. 60, pp. 411-426.
Gill, Walter. 1991. “Jewish Day Schools and Afrocentric Programs as Models for Educating African American Youth.” Journal of Negro Education vol. 60, pp. 566-580.
Abstract: Argues that the
success of Jewish day schools and Afrocentric educational programs have
implications for educators who wish to help African American students achieve
positive self-concept development and academic success. These schools have a
record of successful achievement in student cognition and continuity skills.
Their emphasis on moral and spiritual development has enabled them to better
inculcate positive self-concept behaviors and academic achievement among their
students at a level exceeding that of public schools with regard to African
American populations. The low incidence of behavioral problems in Jewish
schools has been attributed to the ability of the teachers to establish
self-discipline behaviors in their students. Responsibility is shifted to
students by degrees as they show themselves capable of assuming it. [Source: PI]
Luck, Mary Ann. 1991. “Factors That Influence Black High School Graduates to Go to College.” Ed.D. Thesis, University of Southern California.
Abstract: Problem. A
declining percentage of black high school graduates is going to college. If they
do not gain access to higher education, their prospects for economic success
and personal growth, as well as the economic and social health of America, are
jeopardized. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the stated
reasons of black high school graduates for going to college. The emphasis was
on discovering factors that encourage college enrollment. Methodology. Thirty
black graduates of a California high school were interviewed. Fifteen were
college-goers; 15 were not. They were asked about family, schooling, friends,
activities, and personal beliefs about the benefits of a college education for
them. To analyze responses, a frequency count and a chi square test for
association were done. Similarities and differences between the two groups were
identified. Findings. Factors that associated with college attendance included:
parents who had attended college and who believed education was very important,
encouragement by high school counselors, taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test,
participation in extracurricular activities, and deciding early to attend
college. Factors that did not associate included: number of parents and
siblings in the home, encouragement by family to attend college, parents'
income, parents' expectations about grades, number of schools attended, study
time, athletics, the racial make-up and attitudes of close friends, being
active in church, and the armed services. Conclusions. These subjects and their
families valued higher education and believed blacks benefit from it. Most
planned to earn bachelor's and master's degrees. Parents expressed high
expectations but did not enforce them. Parents provided little information
about college. Subjects were influenced by educators, particularly high school
counselors. Recommendations. (1) Begin elementary school counseling for
students and parents about the value of a college education for them. (2)
Encourage school counselors to discuss the college option with all students and
to allow students to prove they are capable. (3) Establish a school club to
encourage students to consider college. (4) Tutor at-risk students. (5) Teach
study skills to students. (6) Affirm the black student's belief that he or she
can be successful in this society. (7) Research further the perceptions and beliefs
of black students. (8) Research further the impact of family encouragement on
college attendance. [Source: DA]
Meyers, William R. 1991. Black and White Styles of Youth Ministry: Two Congregations in America. New York: The Pilgrim Press.
O'Keefe, Joseph Michael. 1991. “Higher Achievement Scholars: A Study of the Experience of Minority and Low-Income Students.” Ed.D. Thesis, Harvard University.
Abstract: This thesis
explores the phenomenon of inclusion and exclusion of low-income students of color
in two private, all-male, Catholic high schools in metropolitan New York. These
men, called HAP Scholars, participated in the Higher Achievement Program (HAP),
a six-week college preparatory summer session that brings together low-income
students from a variety of backgrounds. This work includes a concise history of
Catholic secondary education as well as an examination of its current status
and a review of the literature about minority students in private non-Catholic
schools. My own qualitative inquiry involved observation of the school
environment, a survey questionnaire sent to all HAP Scholars, and extensive
in-depth interviews with a representative sample. My research develops a
synthesis of the literature about this phenomenon, my own observations of the
minority perspective and experience within the school cultures,
autobiographical reflections on my status as a Catholic priest and a White
male, and an interpretation and analysis of the interview data. I found eight
themes that convey the breadth of the experience HAP Scholar alumni faced in
high school: the relationship between home and school; creation of a home base
in the school setting; exclusion and inclusion in the curriculum, classroom
interactions, and the wider school culture; interracial and intraracial
friendship patterns; ethnic self-perception and the ability to pass as a member
of the majority; social-class self-perception; the role of adults in schools;
high school in relation to the wider phenomenon of formal education including elementary
school, the summer HAP session, and college. Using these themes, the thesis
closely examines the complex and deep ambivalence of low-income, minority youth
in a middle-class setting and explores how a school with a shared religious
purpose is likely to serve its students better than a school without that
characteristic. A study of demographic trends points to the timeliness and
significance of this type of inquiry which evokes within the reader a deeper
understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and obstacles for low- income
students of color through an understanding of their perceptions and
experience. [Source: DA]
Carr, Mary T. 1990. “Adolescents and Factors Influencing Participation in Organized Religion: An Exploratory Study of Black Youth, Their Families and Pastors in an Urban Environment.” Thesis, Union Inst, OH.
Lock, Sharon Estelle. 1990. “Factors Affecting Premarital Sexual Intercourse and Contraceptive Use among Rural Adolescent Females.” Ph.D. Thesis, University of South Carolina.
Abstract: Many factors
associated with female adolescent sexual decision-making are of interest to
nursing and could be positively influenced by nursing strategies. Secondary
analysis using structural equation modeling was used to determine the direct
and indirect effects of selected demographic and psychosocial factors on female
adolescents' decisions to: (1) engage or not engage in premarital sexual
intercourse, and (2) use effective or ineffective contraception at most recent
intercourse. Data were derived from responses to selected items from a
questionnaire designed to evaluate the South Carolina School/Community Program
for Sexual Risk Reduction Among Teens. In this program, one school district in
a rural South Carolina county received an educational intervention and another
school district in the same county served as the comparison group. Respondents
consisted of 564 predominantly black females ages 12 to 19 years old who
participated in the program in 1987. Cox's Interaction Model of Client Health
Behavior provided a nursing framework to guide the study. Demographic and
psychosocial factors included: town, age, race, religious affiliation, family
structure, socioeconomic status, affordability and accessibility of
contraception, religiosity, parent-adolescent communication, peer influence,
commitment to partner, educational goals, reproductive and contraceptive
knowledge, sex-role attitudes, sexual and contraceptive attitudes,
decision-making ability, self-esteem, health locus of control, and personal
responsibility. Multiple regression, logistic regression and LISREL VII were
used to analyze the data. Findings indicated that town, age, family structure,
peer influence, commitment to partner, and sexual attitudes had significant
direct effects on premarital sexual intercourse. Birth control attitudes and
parent-adolescent communication had significant direct effects on contraceptive
use. LISREL analysis indicated that Cox's model fit the premarital sexual
intercourse data poorly, whereas, the model fit the contraceptive use data
reasonably well. Findings suggest that nursing strategies should focus on the
development of peer counseling groups, promotion of positive attitudes toward
sexuality and contraception, and development of parent support groups. [Source: DA]
Scotland, Robert M. 1990. “Developing a Model of Christian Education for Adolescents in Rural Black Baptists Churches.” Thesis, Columbia Theological Seminary.
Abstract: The purpose of
this dissertation was to develop a model of Christian education for adolescents
in rural Black Baptist churches. A study of developmental theories; an
understanding of what adolescents perceive their needs to be; a demographic
study of adolescents in Greenwood, South Carolina; a survey of rural Black
Baptist churches; and the presentation of a theory are suggested which cover
the areas of basic doctrines, Christian growth, Christian living, and
relationships. [Source: RI]
Williams, Diane B. 1990. “Pregnancy Prevention among African-American Adolescent Boys: A Case Study.” Thesis, Howard University School of Divinity.
Abstract: This project
examines through the case study methodology one church's efforts to determine
if positive intervention in the lives of African-American boys (ages 12-14) by
the African-American church will prevent boys from participating in premature
and irresponsible sexual activity. For this purpose the church established
Project A Better Choice (Project ABC), a male mentored program designed to
assist the boys in making life choices that will lead towards their becoming
spiritually, physically, and mentally mature, self-sufficient, and
socially-concerned men. [Source: RI]
Allen Meares, Paula. 1989. “Adolescent Sexuality and Premature Parenthood: Role of the Black Church in Prevention.” Journal of Social Work and Human Sexuality vol. 8, pp. 133-142.
Abstract: Presents some of
the consequences of adolescent sexual behaviors and premature parenthood, with
a particular focus on Black adolescents. Historical issues unique to the Black
experience in the US (e.g., fear of genocide) are identified, which operate as
barriers to preventive efforts such as the use of family planning services. The
present author advocates the role that the Black church can play in postponing
adolescent sexual activity and parenthood.
[Source: PI]
Carr, Mary Trout. 1989. “Adolescents and Factors Influencing Participation in Organized Religion: An Exploratory Study of Black Youth, Their Families and Pastors in an Urban Environment.” Ph.d. Thesis, The Union For Experimenting Colleges and Universities.
Abstract: The primary
purpose of this study is to investigate the Pentecostal church serving the
Black Community (although youth and ministers from other denominations were
interviewed). This work summarizes some of the difficulties of the Black church
in reaching the youth, specifically in the Pentecostal church. Emphasis is
placed on the disassociation of youth from the church, based on an examination
of this institution and its relationship to young adults. Also, this study is
about how these two entities (the youth and the church) can bridge the chasm
that exists between them. Qualitative-quantitative and descriptive
methodologies were employed in hopes of finding the missing factors that can
bring the church and youth together. Finally, this study suggests that the
church needs to do more to keep the attention of the youths by employing more
resources outside of the church to reach them. The basic hypothesis purports
that Black youth are leaving the church of their family origin at a high rate,
and many of the churches in the Black communities fail to meet the needs of
these youth. Sixteen pastors were interviewed from various mainline
denominations as well as pastors from the Pentecostal church. An open-ended questionnaire
was developed to do the field work. After interviewing twenty-nine churched and
unchurched youth, male and female, ages thirteen to eighteen, it was revealed
that most youth were disenchanted with the church. In addition, many youth in
this study had low regard for some of the pastors because of their questionable
behavior. The unchurched youth viewed these pastors as hypocritical and not
living up the their "Call" as ministers. This work, however, is not
to be understood as the ultimate answer to the problem of adolescents and the
church, but this study will recommend some appropriate responses to these
concerns. [Source: DA]
Gassaway, Jeanette Marie. 1989. “Adolescent Sexuality Education: A Survey within the Black Church.” M.a. Thesis, Michigan State University.
Abstract: This study
assessed the informational interests of adolescents and their parents for
sexuality education, adolescents' sexual knowledge and sexual concerns,
adolescents' first, current, and preferred sources of information as indicated
by adolescents and parents, and parent-child communication about sexuality. The
results indicated that adolescents were marginally interested in obtaining more
information about sexuality topics while parents were significantly more
interested in their adolescents obtaining more information on sexuality topics.
Adolescents were knowledgeable about sexual functioning, and were not greatly
concerned about the sexual issues presented. Mother, school, and friends were
both adolescents' first and current sources of sexuality information. They
preferred mother, school, and church. Parents reported that mother, school, and
father were adolescents' current sources of sexuality information. Parents
preferred mother, church, and father. Parents reported discussing and wanting
to discuss sexuality with their children and feeling comfortable in doing so
significantly more than adolescents.
[Source: DA]
McKaig, Charlene S. 1989. “The Relationships among Adolescent Future Time Perspective, Self-Esteem and Present Health Behavior.” Ed.D. Thesis, State University of New York At Buffalo.
Abstract: The purpose of
this research was to examine the relationship of adolescent health behavior to
future time perspective, self-esteem, and the demographic characteristics of
gender, race, age, grade in school, socioeconomic status, and religion. The
health promotion model was used as the organizing framework. Four instruments
were used to measure the variables: the Teen Wellness Check measured health
behavior, the dependent variable; the Coopersmith Self-esteem Inventory; the
Future Time Perspective Inventory; and a short questionnaire eliciting
information about religion, church attendance, and parents' education and
occupation. In addition, parent questionnaires were completed by 18 parents to
compare their responses on selected health behavior items with their
adolescents' responses. A sample of 303 adolescents were surveyed from three
different high schools in one public city school system in the Southeastern
United States. The majority (64.4%) of the sample was in middle adolescence, 15
and 16 years old and in the 9th grade (69.6%). More than half were female
(59.7%). The adolescents were predominantly Black (95.7%) and came from
families where the mothers (92.6%) and fathers (89.9%) had a high school
education or less. Two hundred sixty-one subjects (86.7%) identified themselves
as Protestants and 194 (64.7%) said they attended a church once a week or more.
Multiple regression analyses resulted in three variables being mildly
predictive (17.9% of the variance at p $leq$.05) of positive health behavior:
high self-esteem, church attendance weekly or more often, and a father with
less than a high school education. Self-esteem accounted for over one third
(38.1%) of the variance. A longer future time perspective, although weakly
correlated (r = $-$0.19), was not predictive of positive health behavior.
Future recommendations include expanding the research to include a more
heterogeneous sample, adolescents in each developmental category, and
adolescents from a variety of identified family constellations. Another
recommendation is to continue to evaluate instrumentation to gather data about
the multiple factors that influence adolescent health behavior. [Source: DA]
Neal, Albert Aiken. 1988. “Religious Involvement and Practices Concerning the Use of Alcohol among Black Adolescents.” Ed.D. Thesis, University of South Carolina.
Abstract: The purpose of the
study was to investigate the relationship between the Black male adolescent's
use of alcohol and (1) his own church involvement, and (2) the church
involvement of important others (father, mother, and best friend). The subjects
of the investigation were 139 Black male adolescents age 12-15 in a
southeastern state. All came from families meeting Federal guidelines for low
income, and all claimed membership in or affiliation with the Baptist
denomination. More than half the subjects (60.5%) reported attending church
once a week or more, and 63.3% reported that they never drank alcohol
beverages. The instrument used was a self-report questionnaire (Neal's Alcohol
Attitudes Questionnaire) administered to the subjects. Items were designed to
measure the adolescent's alcohol use, father's church attendance, mother church
attendance, best friend's church attendance, attitude toward religion, attitude
toward father, attitude toward mother, attitude toward alcohol, and the
adolescent's use of alcohol. The findings were discussed in the light of
previous research, including Fishbein's model of behavioral intentions, and
were found to be in general agreement. Support was found for the importance of
the father versus the mother as a role model for adolescent sons in Black
families. The findings also indicate that the adolescent's own church
attendance influences his decision on alcohol use more than the church
attendance of parents or best friends.
[Source: DA]
Rice, Gwendolyn. 1988. “Young Black Men, the Church and Our Future.” Chicago Theological Seminary Register vol. 78, pp. 10-15.
Smith, Althea. 1988. “Responsibility of the African-American Church as a Source of Support for Adolescent Fathers.” Urban League Review vol. 12, pp. 83-90.
Abstract: It is argued that
the traditionally supportive role of the Afro-American church with regard to
the family must be extended to adolescent fathers, & that its traditionally
intolerant attitude toward early pregnancies has to change. Adolescent fathers
have various concerns: their education/vocation; the health of the mother &
baby; their future parenthood; & their relationship with their partner. The
church today needs to create opportunities for the educational &
professsional advancement of Afro-American youth by providing family &
parenting services & education on sexuality & responsible sexual
behavior. A. Devic [Source: SA]
Clark, Joyce Henrene. 1987. “An Investigation of the Relationship between Influences on Black Adolescent Sexual Decision-Making and Self-Concept, Family Structure, Socioeconomic Status, and Ethnicity.” Ed.d. Thesis, Loyola University of Chicago.
Abstract: This study was
designed (1) to investigate social and psychological factors identified by
black adolescents as most influential in their decision-making about sexual
behavior and (2) to analyze the relationship between these factors and
self-concept, intactness of family structure, parental supervision of dating,
ethnicity, religiosity, age, gender and socioeconomic status. The subjects of
this study include 308 black high school students ranging in age from 12 to 19
years. The sample includes 142 males and 166 females from middle and lower
socioeconomic levels. Instruments used in this study include the
Juhasz-Schneider Sexual Decision-Making Questionnaire (1978), The Tennessee
Self-Concept Scale (Fitts, 1965), and the Black Power Ideology Scale II
(Lessing, 1976). Data collected from subjects using the various research
instruments were analyzed using a combination of principal component factor
analysis. Eight major hypotheses were formulated and tested utilizing a discriminant
analysis procedure where individual survey items to the JSSDMQ were used as the
predictor variables and self-concept, family structure, ethnicity, religiosity,
age, gender and socioeconomic status were used as the criterion variables. The
results of the factor analysis yielded the following factors that seem to
influence black adolescent sexual decision-making: (1) Adolescent Egocentrism
emphasizes an attitude toward intercourse that is egocentric, impulse-oriented
and manipulative; (2) Parenthood Competency focuses on desire and ability of
the adolescent to assume the responsibilities of parenthood; (3) Consequences
of Early Childbearing emphasizes the limitations and consequences of
childbearing on education, career chances, social life and personal development
of the adolescent; (4) Dyadic Interaction centers on the importance of
intimacy, respect, commitment and quality in the romantic relationship; (5)
Outer Directiveness, where Locus of Control is the focus, and the
responsibility for sexual decisions relates to outer forces such as parents,
peers and religion rather than to an inner personal responsibility; (6)
Consequences of Early Marriage stresses the limitations and consequences of
early marriage on educational plans, career chances, independence, social life
and life style. The results of the study support the claim that a statistically
significant relationship exists between factors which influence sexual
decision-making and the hypothesized variables. [Source: DA]
Giles, Shewanna Lagale K. 1987. “The Sexual Attitudes of Black Adolescent Females.” M.S.S.W. Thesis, The University of Texas At Arlington.
Abstract: An exploratory
study of the sexual attitudes of Black adolescent females was conducted. A 54
pecent return rate was obtained. The study explores relationships among
demographic factors and reported psychological variables regarding sexual
security, sexual self image, and sexual autonomy. Data analysis involved the
use of general frequencies, and Pearson's Correlation. Correlation analysis of
the sample indicated a significant correlation between age, religion, family
relationships relative to sexual attitudes and behaviors. The importance of
this research lies in its contribution to understanding Black adolescent
development, their attitude formation and the clarification of stereotypes
regarding sexuality in Black adolescents. This is of fundamental importance in
trying to combat the teenage pregnancy epidemic. [Source: DA]
Sweet, Loretta Elaine. 1987. “Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior among Black Male Adolescents.” Ph.d. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania.
Abstract: This study
examined the relationship of religiosity, perceived parental strictness, family
structure, and socioeconomic status to sexual knowledge, attitudes, and
behavior among black male adolescents. Two hundred inner-city black male junior
and senior high school students between the ages of 11 and 19 years anonymously
completed a 45-minute questionnaire containing all the measures. The data were
analyzed using multiple regression analysis. In these analyses, the relation of
a particular independent variable was examined while the effects of the other
independent variables were statistically controlled. In addition, the analyses
statistically controlled for student's age. The results revealed that the
sexual attitudes of the students who were higher in religiosity were both more
moralistic and more responsible than were those of their peers. These students
also used contraception more frequently when they had sexual intercourse.
Students who perceived their parents as stricter were older when they first had
sexual intercourse. Students who lived with both parents were less likely to
have made someone pregnant and were more likely to have been in a steady relationship
the first time they had sexual intercourse. Students with higher socioeconomic
class were younger on their first date, when they had their first steady
romantic relationship, and when they had sexual intercourse for the first time.
As might be expected, there were a number of significant relations involving
age, for instance, older students had more sexual knowledge and experience and
used contraceptives more consistently during the past year. In general, the
students in this sample engaged in sexual intercourse at an early age without
using contraception. Their mean age at first intercourse was 11 years, and
78.3% of those who had intercourse did not use contraception on the first
occasion. The results suggest the need for human sexuality programs which
includes contraception for black male adolescents aged 11 years and younger.
Limitations of the study are discussed, and suggestions for future research on
black male adolescent sexuality are offered.
[Source: DA]
Brantley, Lenore Spence. 1986. “Adolescent Moral Development and Religious Exposure in a Black Seventh-Day Adventist Parochial School.” Ed.d. Thesis, Peabody College For Teachers of Vanderbilt University.
Abstract: This investigation
was a pilot study which analyzed the relationship between adolescent moral
development and religious exposure in a black Seventh-day Adventist parochial
school. To date, little research has explored the area of moral development and
black youth. The study was conducted at a small private Seventh-day Adventist
school in Alabama and included 67 11th- and 12th-grade black students (27 males
and 40 females) enrolled during the 1984-85 school year. Moral development is
defined as one's developing ability to make decisions regarding right and wrong
conduct. The Defining Issues Test (Rest, 1972) assessed the survey group's
level or moral reasoning. This test is based on Kohlberg's six stage model of
moral maturity. Religious exposure was measured by a Religious Exposure
Checklist which elicited information on student involvement in religious
activities. Seven hypotheses were used to assess the effect of religious
exposure upon black youth. The step-wise multiple regression and the Pearson r
correlation procedure were used to assess the relationship between variables.
The findings tested at the .05 level of significance included the following.
There is a significant relationship between the moral development of black
11th- and 12th-grade parochial school students and grades in Bible class,
frequency of family worship, and grade level. Moral developmental scores were
also significantly higher for one third of the survey group who regularly
attended prayer meeting. There is a nonsignificant relationship between the
moral development of black 11th- and 12th-grade parochial school students and
number of years of formal religious education, Sabbath or Sunday School
attendance, 11 o'clock church service attendance, and frequency of personal
Bible study. It was further discovered that the moral development reasoning
level of the survey group as measured by the Defining Issues Test was lower
than the national high school sample. Such a finding may be attributed to (a)
religious conservatism, (b) method of test analysis, and (c) test instrument
bias against the survey group. Further research is recommended to ascertain
more precise reasons for the findings of this study. [Source: DA]
Freeman, Richard B. 1986. “Who Escapes? The Relation of Churchgoing and Other Background Factors to the Socioeconomic Performance of Black Male Youths from Inner-City Tracts.” Pp. 353-376 in The Black Youth Employment Crisis, edited by B. Freeman Richard and J. Holzer Harry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Brown, Shirley Vining. 1985. “Premarital Sexual Permissiveness among Black Adolescent Females.” Social Psychology Quarterly vol. 48, pp. 381-387.
Abstract: Tested the
assumption of subcultural permissiveness among Blacks, using data on 702 15-29
yr old Black females from the 1976 National Survey of Young Women. Logit models
were used to analyze differences in observed levels of permissiveness in
relation to socioeconomic status (SES), religiosity, and close friends' sexual
attitudes. The model of premarital permissiveness presented reveals that SES,
as measured by family income, had no significant effect on levels of
permissiveness. However, it was necessary to include frequency of church
attendance and perception of close friends' permissiveness in order to explain
Ss' attitudes toward premarital sex. Findings support the hypothesis that sexual
standards among Blacks are not uniform and suggest that the influence of Black
religious institutions on sexual permissiveness may be more important than
previously assumed. [Source: PI]
Boyd, Mary Maxine. 1984. “The Religiosity of Black Youth in Transition.” M.a. Thesis, California State University Dominguez Hills.
Hendricks, Leo E., Diane P. Robinson Brown, and Lawrence E. Gary. 1984. “Religiosity and Unmarried Black Adolescent Fatherhood.” Adolescence vol. 19, pp. 417-424.
Abstract: 48 unmarried Black
adolescent fathers and 50 unmarried Black adolescent nonfathers under age 21
yrs were interviewed with regard to their religious behavior and attitudes;
social and demographic characteristics; sexual knowledge, attitudes, and practices;
and problems and coping methods to examine the relationship between religiosity
and unmarried adolescent fatherhood. Results indicate that fathers did not
differ from nonfathers in the degree that they were religiously oriented but in
the manner that they gave expression to their religious involvement. Fathers
were more likely to be responsive to nongroup modes of institutionalized
religion (i.e., media forms), whereas nonfathers' religious involvement was
likely to be within institutionalized groups. Findings also suggest that
unmarried Black adolescent fathers are more likely to be employed, drop out of
school, and not to use contraceptives. Media forms are recommended to
practitioners as useful ways of reaching out to young Black fathers. [Source: PI]
Hendricks, Leo E. and Robert E. Fullilove. 1983. “Locus of Control and the Use of Contraception among Unmarried Black Adolescent Fathers and Their Controls: A Preliminary Report.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence vol. 12, pp. 225-233.
Abstract: Presents
preliminary data from a study of 48 unmarried Black adolescent fathers and 50
matched controls who had never been fathers. The fathers were more likely to
have an external locus of control, to be non-churchgoers, and not to believe in
using birth control. Policy implications of this research indicate that
unmarried Black adolescent fathers should be given birth control counseling and
that if other forms of counseling are warranted, attention should be paid to
issues of locus of control. [Source: PI]
Canson Pegues, Patricia. 1982. “The Sexual Attitudes of African-American Adolescent Females.” Ph.d. Thesis, The Wright Institute.
Abstract: This study focuses
on the sexual attitudes of Black adolescent females. It explores relationships
among demographic factors (i.e., age and religion), family life variables
(e.g., closeness of the family) and self reported psychological variables
regarding sexual image, sexual autonomy, and sexual security. Thirty one 16, 17
and 18 year old Black female high school students recruited from urban high
schools and youth centers served as subjects. Subjects completed a three part
questionnaire based on items from the Offer Self Image Questionnaire which
measured sexual self esteem, the Sorenson Survey of Sexual Attitudes which
measured sexual autonomy and sexual security, and the Westside Health Survey
which elicited demographic and sexual activity information. Data analysis
involved exploration of the sample first as a whole and second by its
dichotomization into sexually active and inactive subjects. Correlation
analysis of the sample as a whole indicated that age and religion were not
significantly related to the subjects sexual attitudes. Sexual autonomy,
measured by high scores on items which reflected sexual control and choice, was
positively related to the family life variable of family closeness, and to the
future goal variable of career aspiration. Chi square comparisons between
subjects who were more secure about how to handle sex (as indicated by high
scores on sexual self image items) and subjects who were less secure, indicated
that the latter group felt that they knew less about sexuality than their
peers, and were highly ambivalent about whether to abort or keep unplanned
pregnancies. When sexually active and inactive subjects (i.e., those who
respectively have or have not experienced sexual intercourse) were compared,
sexually active subjects described a closer relationship with their mothers,
had generally closer family ties and in general did not require a commitment to
a love relationship in order to be sexually active. Inactive girls, on the
other hand, described their family relationships as less close, explained their
lack of sexual activity as unreadiness for the responsibilities of intimacy or
as an inability to find the right partner. The importance of this research lies
in its contribution to understanding Black adolescent development, to the
clarification of myths and stereotypes regarding sexuality in Black females and
to the continuing search for understanding of human sexuality. [Source: DA]
Duvall, Henry. 1982. “Youth Demanding Change in the Black Church.” The Crisis vol. 89, p. 11.
Globetti, Gerald, Majeed Alsikafi, and Richard J. Morse. 1977. “Alcohol Use among Black Youth in a Rural Community.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence vol. 2, pp. 255-260.
Abstract: Based on a study
of 364 Black students in Grades 7-22, it is concluded that the circumstances
which surround the act of drinking among Black students in an abstinence
setting are somewhat different from those recorded elsewhere. Although fewer
students drank, the drinking styles revealed several dimensions frequently
associated with alcohol abuse. As a rule, users did not have parental
permission to drink, and for the most part they identified with churches that
condemned alcohol on moral grounds. Because many of the youth procured their
beverages from illegal sources or in an illegal way, they tended to drink in a
surrepetitious manner. This suggested that less drinking can be expected in abstinence
settings but, among those young people who drink, problems may be more
frequent. Drinking under these conditions may actually be an expression of a
general test of the limits of the adult world or a symbol of rejection of adult
standards. Subsequently, the abuse of alcohol may decrease with maturity.
Regardless of their meaning, however, the findings do point to a need for
education about alcohol at the school level.
[Source: PI]
Roebuck, Julian and Marsha G. McGee. 1977. “Attitudes toward Premarital Sex and Sexual Behavior among Black High School Girls.” Journal of Sex Research vol. 13, pp. 104-114.
Abstract: Examined the
premarital sexual attitudes and sexual behavior of 242 Black high school
females. It was hypothesized that sexual attitudes and behavior vary in
relationship to family structure, social class, and religious participation.
Results show that Black family structure appeared to have a significant
influence on premarital sexual permissiveness of daughters, particularly in the
matriarchal family. Social class appeared slightly to influence attitudes, but
behavior between classes was similar. No relationship was found between
religious participation and attitudes toward premarital sex and sexual
behavior, although the more active religious girls were more permissive or as
permissive toward premarital sex as the less active religious girls. [Source: PI]
Hunt, Larry L. and Janet G. Hunt. 1975. “A Religious Factor in Secular Achievement among Blacks: The Case of Catholicism.” Social Forces vol. 53, pp. 595-605.
Abstract: Studied the
relationship between religious affiliation and secular achievement among
Blacks. Examining a sample of 412 urban Black adolescents, Protestant-Catholic
differences in attitudes toward achievement and Black identity were examined.
Results indicate a distinctive secular orientation among Black Catholics,
combining higher educational and occupational aspirations and an attenuation of
Black identity. This pattern was absent in the lower class but present in the working
and middle classes and was most apparent when the strength of religious
identification was high. Findings suggest that Catholicism may be consequential
for status maintenance and moderate mobility among Blacks. Whether this
interplay can be understood as the effect of a "religious factor" is
also considered. [Source: PI]
Trobisch, Walter. 1962. “Attitudes of Some African Youth toward Sex and Marriage.” Practical Anthropology vol. 9, pp. 9-14.
Lee, J. Oscar. 1950. “The Religious Life and Needs of Negro Youth.” Journal of Negro Education vol. 19, pp. 298-309.
Abstract: To meet the
religious needs of Negro youth a change in the content of preaching is needed
as well as more participation by youth in the planning and execution of the program.
Educational methods and more effective leadership are required. The church
itself must give up its practice of segregation. [Source: PI]