Rawson, Katie Jean. 1999. “Evangelizing East Asian Students in the United States with Special Reference to Media Tools.” D.miss. Thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary School of World Mission.
Abstract: This dissertation
explores issues involved in evangelizing and discipling East Asian students in
the United States. Factors necessary for the production and use of media tools
with this group are described. Chinese students from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong,
and Macau, Japanese and Korean students are studied with special emphasis on
the East Asian Generation X. Receptors are described from the perspectives of
acculturation patterns and worldview change, attractions and obstacles to faith
and conversion patterns. Needs of students at three points in the spiritual
decision process are identified, and sixty-four media tools which might meet
those needs are evaluated. The study concludes with guidelines for the
production and use of media tools with these students. A literature review on
acculturation and worldview change led to the hypotheses that these students
have traditional (Confucian and shamanistic), modern and postmodern assumptions
in their worldviews and that the primary social network in the United States is
the major influence on worldview change. It was further hypothesized that these
students are more similar to their American peers than previous generations of
foreign students were. Thirty-six new converts and seekers were interviewed
concerning attractions and obstacles to faith and conversion patterns. This
data was supplemented by surveys of seventy-one students. The hypotheses
introduced above were supported by interview and survey data. The strongest
attractions to faith were Christian groups and individuals; obstacles included
difficulty believing in God, other unanswered apologetics questions and failure
to experience God. The most common conversion pattern was conversion to
community before conversion to Christ; the second was crisis followed by
commitment. A third pattern, reversion to a previous faith following failure to
get results from God, was noted. It was observed that the needs of students
preparing to return home are often not met sufficiently. Many of the media
tools evaluated seemed to have been produced on the assumption of sameness
rather than the assumption of difference; this made them inadequate for
international students. It was recommended that evangelism and discipling be
based in international communities with student leadership. Media tools could
then be used to supplement relational evangelism. [Source: DA]
Blair, Sampson Lee and Zhenchao Qian. 1998. “Family and Asian Students' Educational Performance: A Consideration of Diversity.” Journal of Family Issues vol. 19, pp. 355-374.
Abstract: Using a sample of
Asian American students from the 1992 wave of the National Educational
Longitudinal Study, the authors examined variation in educational performance
among students of Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Southeast Asian, and Japanese
ethnicities. Overall, they find significant differences in educational
performance across these five Asian American groups. Religion, use of a
non-English language at home, levels of parental education, number of siblings,
family income, and the availability of educational materials in the home
differentially affected student performance. The authors' contention that
grouped analyses of Asian students may provide misleading results is validated
in the comparison of the resultant regression models. [Source: PI]
Chai, Karen J. 1998. “Competing for the Second Generation: English-Language Ministry at a Korean Protestant Church.” Pp. 295-331 in Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration, edited by R. Stephen Warner and Judith G. Wittner. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Chung, Jungsook Park. 1998. “A Study of Self-Esteem in Selected Korean-American Youth in the Fort Worth-Dallas Area.” Ph.d. Thesis, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Abstract: Problem. The problem
of this study was to discover certain significant predictors of self-esteem
among Korean-American adolescents and to determine the difference in
self-esteem scores across the variables of gender, length of residence in the
United States, parents' marital structure, language preference, and significant
others. Procedures. The population for this study consisted of Korean-American
adolescents, ranging from the seventh to the ninth grade who attend Korean
Protestant churches in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Three different statistical
procedures were used for this study; Multiple Regression procedure, t-test, and
a One-Way ANOVA. Findings. First, the Multiple Regression procedure revealed
that there were no significant predictors of self-esteem within this group.
Secondly, the results of three analyses of t-tests inferred that the
self-esteem scores did not vary according to gender, length of residence in the
United States, or to the parents' marital structure. Thirdly, a One-Way ANOVA
test was used to analyze language preference; Korean, English, or both and the
selection of significant others, parents, friends, or teachers. The result of
the language preference analysis showed that there were no significant
differences between mean scores. However, the analysis of significant others
revealed significant differences. The use of the Fisher-Protected Least
Significant Differences (FLSD) revealed significant differences in scores of
all three groups. The adolescents who chose parents as the most significant others
received the highest scores in self-esteem analysis. The adolescents who chose
friends received the middle score, and the adolescents who chose teachers
received the lowest score. [Source: DA]
Suh, Suh Kyoung. 1998. “Toward the Recovery of Effective Youth Ministry for Korean Ethnic Churches in the United States.” D.miss. Thesis, Asbury Theological Seminary.
Abstract: The study
investigated the exodus of younger Korean- Americans from Korean ethnic
churches in the United States, and discovered that the problem is caused by a
cultural barrier between the older and younger generations, inadequate
spiritual nurturing of the younger persons, and the church's failure to
prioritize youth ministry. The church leadership's decision-making patterns and
cross culture knowledge were investigated. The church's involvement of youth in
Bible study, prayer, and small-group activities, and the development of youth
in evangelism and witness were also investigated. And the nature and
sufficiency of programs to meet the needs of young people were explored as
practical aspects of the problem. Findings confirmed that post-high school
youth are exiting Korean-American churches, and ministries to teens in high
school are stagnant. The investigation did not fully confirm the effect of
Korean traditional cultural barriers on youth ministry. The findings affirmed
the lack of cross-cultural knowledge in first- generation Korean-Americans and
the absence of interesting programs based on the needs of young people,
suggesting the churches were not prioritizing youth ministry. Suggestions to
prevent or remedy these problems are: egalitarian leadership, cross-cultural
training for all, a holistic approach in spiritual aspects, church programs
based on needs, and networking among youth pastors and youth across
Korean-American churches. [Source: DA]
Tung, John Pu Chiang. 1998. “Discipling Chinese-American Young Adults.” Thesis, Westminster Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project
proposes and prepares a 13-week discipling curriculum to meet the perceived
needs of Chinese American young adults in the "Generation X" age
group (18-28) for meaning, security, and community. Surveys conducted with 80
Chinese young adults reveal significant differences between them and other members
of their generation in the US as they search for their own identity between two
cultures. Historical research in the Chinese churches in America and biblical
study of discipling inform the curriculum's approach to these young Chinese
Americans. [Source: RI]
Wi, Heekang. 1998. “Adolescent Identity Formation Curriculum in the Korean Youth Cultural Context.” D.min. Thesis, School of Theology At Claremont.
Abstract: Christian
education can empower students to be fully alive in harmful surroundings.
Moreover the educator's role is to lead youth to identify who they are in the
midst of danger. This is the preliminary assumption for this project Christian
educators make great efforts to get in touch with youth and help them to become
fully Christian. In spite of sincere effort by teachers and educators, however,
a great number of youth leave the church today. One of the main reasons is that
the educators do not see the importance of the cultural context of the youth.
This project emphasizes the importance of understanding youth culture and
ministering in relation to the distinctive gifts and needs of youth. By so
doing churches can help youth grow in their Christian identity, faith and
vision. Based on that assumption, the project presents a model of adolescent
identity formation curriculum. The first half of the project deals with a study
of Korean youth culture, youth development theory, and youth identity formation
theory. These sections are firm bases of the identity formation curriculum. In
addition, the curriculum theory of Campbell Wyckoff as well as the traditioning
theory of Mary Elizabeth Moore are theological bases for the author's practical
program (identity formation curriculum). The practical identity formation
program includes five major themes: encountering God, enlarging relationships
with others, experiencing the present reign of God, engaging in the pain of the
earth, and envisioning the future. These themes imply that identity formation
in the present is deeply related to people's experience of the past and
envisioning of the future. Finally, the theory of Basileia and Ecclesia of Joon
Kwan Un also provides insight to pursuing the vision of youth ministry. Youth
ministry is neither an easy work nor a sweet dream. However, someone must do
that tough work. Why? The youth bring life to the present church; they are also
the future and the hope to carry on the heritage of the faith, hospitality, and
values. For these reasons, people can participate in this precious work with
conviction. This ministry is for the future and the life of the church. [Source: DA]
Bankston, C. L. 1996. “Academic Achievement of Vietnamese American Adolescents: A Community Perspective.” Sociological Spectrum vol. 16, pp. 109-127.
Abstract: This article
investigates influences on academic achievement among Vietnamese American high
school students. Theorists have offered a variety of explanations for Asian
American academic success, and characteristics of individual families have
received particular attention in many of these explanations. Here, it is argued
that the academic success of Vietnamese American students may be understood as
the product of ''social capital,'' or tightly integrated sets of associations,
within Vietnamese American communities. If this is the case, it is further
argued, high levels of scholastic performance among Vietnamese American youth
should be proportionate to their involvement with an ethnic community. The
article uses data from a specific Vietnamese American community to find whether
community involvement by adolescents and their families is in fact associated
with academic achievement Participation in an ethnic church, proportion of
friends who are Vietnamese, and attendance at after-school Vietnamese classes
are used as indicators of adolescents' community involvement. Membership in
ethnic community organizations is used as an indicator of parental community
involvement. Findings support the contention that the involvement of Vietnamese
American adolescents and of their parents in the ethnic community are strong
predictors of academic achievement and that the structure of individual
families promotes scholastic performance primarily by promoting community
involvement. [Source: SC]
Parrett, Gary Allen. 1996. “Adapting Youth Ministry Materials for Use in a Korean- American Congregation: One Church's Attempt to Find Cultural Congruence.” Ed.D. Thesis, Columbia University Teachers College.
Abstract: This study
addresses the problem of how youth ministry curriculum materials might be
adapted for more effective use in a particular Korean American congregation.
The researcher, in a decade of ministry as Pastor to Korean American teens in
three large, evangelical churches, had been frustrated by materials that have
not seemed culturally responsive to his students. Publishers of these materials
often encourage users to customize the materials for use in their unique
settings. In this study the researcher has, with the help of others, attempted
to do just that. In this curriculum revision project, the researcher worked
with students and adult leaders of one Korean American church Youth Group. A
revision committee of seven persons was formed to consider nine lessons of
materials that were already being used for Bible studies in the Youth Group.
The materials were evaluated and revised, with the aim of increasing cultural
congruence for students of the group. The researcher assumed the role of
"participant as observer" (Merriam 1988, 92-93). The revision
committee worked through the lessons in small teams and as a group, in four
sessions during a one-day retreat. The group sessions were audio-taped. The
group's recommendations for revisions were given to all the Youth Group
teachers, who were encouraged to consider further adaptations. Although it was
not within the scope of this study to consider full implementation of the
materials, teachers and committee members were consulted after two or three of
the revised lessons had been taught. Data were collected through participant
observation, field notes, a comparison of the curriculum documents--pre- and
post-revision, and semi-structured interviews that included the use of
stimulated recall. Various types of changes were suggested through the revision
committee's efforts: revisions related to quality; revisions related to time
constraints, revisions related to Korean American culture, and revisions
related to other aspects deemed to be part of the culture of the Youth Group.
The committee members were, generally, very enthusiastic about the work they
had done with the materials. However, other teachers and students did not seem
to share the same levels of enthusiasm. Although some of the committee members
expressed some disappointment about initial implementation efforts, none
expressed any disappointment about their involvement in the project. All spoke
hopefully about continued implementation of the lessons they had revised. They
were unanimous in the opinion that, through this effort, a good beginning had
been made, and that similar efforts needed to continue in the ongoing life of
the Youth Group. From the lessons learned in the revision effort, the
researcher offers a guide for those who would attempt similar revisions related
to cultural congruence. He calls for further research in the areas of cultural
congruence as it relates to individual identity, and further study of the
concept of culture itself. The researcher challenges evangelical Christian
educators to give more serious attention to how issues of culture affect the
process of educating young people for Christ.
[Source: DA]
Hong, Kye Ile. 1994. “Helping Korean-American Youth Develop Christian Identity through a Confirmation Class.” Thesis, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary.
Abstract: A confirmation
class combining instruction in basic aspects of Christian faith and orientation
to elements of Korean culture, including the traditional music of samulnori,
was carried out in a Korean United Methodist Church. It was based on an
approach to confirmation as a process of identity formation. The project concluded
with a "mission worship" led by the youth in which samulnori and
other aspects of Korean culture were introduced into the confirmation service.
Evaluation consisted of written statements by the youth at a concluding retreat
of parents and church members after the worship, which expressed very positive
responses to the experiences. [Source:
Wooden, W. S., J. J. Leon, and M. T. Toshima. 1988. “Ethnic-Identity among Sansei and Yonsei Church-Affiliated Youth in Los-Angeles and Honolulu.” Psychological Reports vol. 62, pp. 268-270.