Jankowiak, W. and M. Diderich. 2025. “Sibling Solidarity in a Polygamous Community in the USA: Unpacking Inclusive Fitness.” Evolution and Human Behavior vol. 21, pp. 125-139.
Abstract: This pilot study
explores the degree of solidarity felt between full and half siblings who are
raised in a Mormon Fundamentalist polygamous community. The community under
study is unique in that, at the level of official culture, it actively promotes
full and half sibling solidarity through an ethos that strives to downplay
genetic differences in favor of a harmonious family living together in one
household. This community is an ideal cultural setting in which to examine the
suitability of inclusive fitness theory for understanding the factors that
promote family cohesion, sibling solidarity, and rivalry. Our main question
becomes: is the degree of sibling solidarity a manifestation of genetic
closeness or a natural byproduct of emotional closeness that arises from being
raised together? We found evidence for more solidarity between full siblings
than between half siblings. Our data suggest that, despite the force of
religious ideals, and notwithstanding the continued close physical proximity of
half siblings in the polygamous family, there is a pronounced clustering of
feeling and affection in the polygamous family that is consistent with
inclusive fitness theory. [Source: SC]
King, Valerie and Jr. Glen H. Elder. 1999. “Are Religious Grandparents More Involved Grandparents?” Journal of Gerontology vol. 54, pp. 317-328.
Lindner Gunnoe, Marjorie, E. Mavis Hetherington, and David Reiss. 1999. “Parental Religiosity, Parenting Style, and Adolescent Social Responsibility.” Journal of Early Adolescence vol. 19, pp. 199-225.
Abstract: Determined whether
parental religiosity would predict authoritative parenting and adolescent
social responsibility using data from fathers, mothers, and adolescents aged
10-18 yrs from 486 middle-class families participating in the Nonshared
Environment Study. Ratings of authoritative and authoritarian parenting were
provided by trained observers using the Family Interaction Global Coding
System. Survey instruments included measures of adolescent adjustment and a new
index of religiosity that assessed the degree to which religious beliefs were
manifested in parents' daily lives. Religiosity was associated positively with
authoritative parenting for both parents. Mothers' religiosity was associated
negatively with authoritarian parenting; religiosity was unrelated to fathers'
authoritarian parenting. Structural equation modeling indicated both direct
effects and indirect effects of mothers' and fathers' religiosity on adolescent
social responsibility. [Source: PI]
Wilcox, W. Bradford. 1999. “Religion and Paternal Involvement: Product of Religious Commitment or American Convention?” Paper presented at American Sociological Association (ASA), 1999.
Abstract: Using data taken
from the second wave of the 1992-1994 National Survey of Families &
Households, the influence of religious affiliation, attendance, & ideology
on father's involvement in one-one-one activities, dinner attendance,
nonreligious youth-related activities, & religious youth groups is
examined. Findings reveal religious effects for each of these four measures.
Moreover, the competing hypothesis is tested, ie, that these effects are
artifacts of a conventional masculinity such that the type of men who are more
conventional (in work, civic activities, & gender role ideology) are, as a
consequence, both more religious & more involved with their children. No
support for this competing hypothesis was found, which suggests that religion
has an independent effect on paternal involvement. Morever, it was revealed
that two indicators of this conventional masculinity - job satisfaction &
civic engagement - are positively associated with paternal involvement. [Source: SA]
Erich, Stephen and Patrick Leung. 1998. “Factors Contributing to Family Functioning of Adoptive Children with Special Needs: A Long Term Outcome Analysis.” Children and Youth Services Review vol. 20, pp. 135-150.
Abstract: Examines long-term
outcomes of adopted children with special needs, focusing on the identification
of family & child characteristics & interventions that contribute to
family functioning. Drawing on 1995 telephone interview data from 28 families
& 69 adoptees located through an adoption program in an urban, southern US
city, analyses suggest that adoptive families with more children, who did not
receive family therapy, participated in religious activities, & had fathers
with less education were more likely to have a higher family functioning score.
Implications for practice are discussed.
[Source: SA]
Gunderson, Elaine Ruth. 1998. “Effect of Training in Communication on Relationships between Youth and Their Parents.” Ed.d. Thesis, University of Minnesota.
Abstract: The purpose of
this research was to determine the effectiveness of a pilot program called
Youth and Parent. The intent of this program, which was under the auspices of
the Augsburg Youth and Family Institute, was to improve communication between
parents and their adolescent sons and daughters. During training sessions,
youth interacted with other adolescents, and parents interacted with other
adults in the unique peer-to-peer component in this program. This research to
determine the effectiveness of the Youth and Parent program was focused on the
question: When parents and their adolescent children participated in Youth and
Parent training, was there any improvement in the communication and interaction
within their family system as measured by Family Assessment Measure III
(FAM-III)? It was assumed that an improved score from pretest to posttest
indicated parents and their sons and daughters had made healthy changes in
communication that positively influenced their family system. The
quasi-experimental research design was made up of an experimental group which
consisted of 50 youth-parent dyads from 5 Lutheran congregations in the Midwest
and 26 control group dyads. FAM-III Overall Scores identified 14 youth in the
experimental group as being from problem families. In addition to the analysis
of all 50 families, problem families were analyzed separately. As a result of
participating in Youth and Parent, in the experimental group, communication
improved for the following: 66% of parents, especially mothers, in non- problem
families; 75% of parents, especially mothers, in problem families; and 79% of
mothers in the daughter- mother dyads. Statistically significant pretest to
posttest improvement in communication was consistently indicated for mothers
but not indicated for adolescents or fathers. Results provided information to
support recommendations for changes that potentially could achieve greater
effectiveness in the Youth and Parent pilot program. These conclusions may be
applied to programs focusing on improving communication between parents and
their adolescent children in religious settings. [Source: DA]
Pearce, Lisa D. and William G. Axinn. 1998. “The Impact of Family Religious Life on the Quality of Mother-Child Relations.” American Sociological Review vol. 63, pp. 810-828.
Ajrouch, Kristine Joyce. 1997. “Ethnicity, Gender and Identity among Second-Generation Arab Americans: Growing up Arabic in America.” Ph.d. Thesis, Wayne State University.
Abstract: This study
implements the use of focus group discussions and life history interviews with
Muslim Lebanese immigrants and their adolescent children in order to explore
the process by which an Arab-American identity develops among the second
generation. The participants reside in Dearborn, Michigan which has the largest
and most visible Arab population outside of the Middle East. The adolescents
were accessed through the Dearborn Public school system on a voluntary basis.
Immigrant parents were accessed through the adolescents or volunteered through
the Kfarhouna Lebanese Club of America. This study was informed by the
interactionist perspective and therefore approaches ethnic identity formation
as a process which is continuously negotiated. The major goal of this research
is to ascertain the impact of both the American culture and the Arab culture
upon the formation of personal and community identities among these
adolescents. Focus group discussions and life history interviews were
audio-taped, transcribed and then analyzed through the development of major
themes. Gender relations is a central theme to discovering the process of
ethnic identity formation in this study. Much of the dialogue by parents and
adolescents revealed that ethnic identity formation is a gendered process.
Specifically, there are a set of restrictions placed upon the females by
parents with regard to social outings, particularly with regards to dating,
which does not apply to males. This difference marks not only the parent child
relationship, but extends to the relationship between brother and sister.
Brothers often times assume the role of protector as they watch over their
sister. The social structure of the community places the female in a position
where her actions not only represent herself, but extend to her family and to
community members generally. She is the bearer and transmitter of the Arab
ethnic identity in America. Religion is a central theme because it not only
serves as a justification for the structure of gender relations, but also often
times becomes conflated with definitions of Arab culture. The respondents often
drew upon religious precepts to underscore the meaning of an Arab identity in
America. Immigration also became a core theme. The experiences of the parents
in Lebanon as well as the adolescents' perceptions of their experiences
contribute to their understanding of Arab culture and an Arab identity. Respect
is the aspect of traditional Arab culture which faces a major threat from the
American cultural value of freedom. The negotiation of these forces arises
within each major theme of gender, religion, and immigration to produce the
finding that ethnic identity formation is a gendered process among children of
Lebanese Muslim immigrants living in Dearborn.
[Source: DA]
Dodd, David S. 1997. “Missionary Family Life: Resources and Strategies for Dealing with Stress.” Ph.d. Thesis, Rosemead School of Psychology Biola University.
Abstract: This study
examined missionaries family members' relational resources and how these
resources were related to the stressors on their family functioning. The sample
of thirty missionary families consisting of a father, mother, and at least one
adolescent in each family totaled 98 participants. Family members were examined
on dimensions of overall family functioning, coping strategies, the marital
relationship, parent-adolescent communication, the adolescent's perception of
parental acceptance and rejection, and the degree of accumulated stressers. The
instruments used were the Family Adaptation and Cohesion Scales-II (FACES II),
the Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES), the ENRICH
Marital Subscales (ENRICH), the Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale (PCC),
the Parent Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ), the Family Inventory of
Life Events (FILE), and the Adolescent Family Inventory of Life Events. The
results indicated several differences between the missionary family sample and
the normative data. The missionaries showed higher levels of cohesion and
better marital functioning, and poorer parental reports of communication with
their adolescents. Differences were also found in methods of coping and degree
of stressful events. There were few differences among missionary family members
on the relational resources as defined by the instruments. There were
significant differences between the parents and adolescents on the FACES II
instrument, with the adolescents reporting lower levels of cohesion and overall
family functioning than their parents. There was a significant negative
relationship between the accumulated stressors and several relational factors
including Cohesion, Adaptability, FACES II total score (overall family
functioning), Acquiring Social Support, Problems in Communization, Open
Communication, and degrees of parental Acceptance and Rejection. It was
concluded that, first of all, there were several differences between the
missionary families and the normative group. Secondly, there may be some
differences between family members particularly at different life cycle stages.
Lastly, some family resources do have a negative relationship with the
accumulated stressors. [Source: DA]
Brody, Gene H., Zolinda Stoneman, and Douglas Flor. 1996. “Parental Religiosity, Family Processes, and Youth Competence in Rural, Two-Parent African American Families.” Developmental Psychology vol. 32, pp. 696-706.
Abstract: A model that
linked parental formal religiosity to children's academic competence and
socioemotional adjustment during early adolescence was tested. The sample
included 90 9- to 12-year-old African American youths and their married parents
living in the rural South. The theoretical constructs in the model were
measured through a multimethod, multi-informant design. Rural African American
community members participated in the development of the self-report
instruments and observational research methods. Greater parental religiosity
led to more cohesive family relationships, lower levels of interparental
conflict, and fewer externalizing and internalizing problems in the
adolescents. Formal religiosity also indirectly influenced youth self-regulation
through its positive relationship with family cohesion and negative
relationship with interparental conflict.
[Source: PI]
Elder, G. H., V. King, and R. D. Conger. 1996. “Attachment to Place and Migration Prospects: A Developmental Perspective.” Journal of Research On Adolescence vol. 6, pp. 397-425.
Abstract: In the troubled
economy of the rural Midwest, adolescents come of age with a future that seems
increasingly less promising at home than in other places Their growing
recognition of limited opportunities may fuel a resolve to migrate to other
regions, which clashes with binding attachments to local people and places. By
using preferences for living near family and in the local community, obtained
in the 8th and 11th grades, this longitudinal study modeled the social and
developmental pathways by which adolescents approach decisions to leave home
and settle in other parts of the country. Data come from 351 two-parent
families in the Iowa Youth and Family Project, launched in 1989 to investigate
the economic stresses and family consequences of the farm crisis. Lack of
socioeconomic opportunity, relatively weak and declining ties to parents, kin,
and the religious community, and strong educational prospects emerged as potent
sources of a declining preference for Living near family and in the local
community among boys and girls. Whether coupled with family attachments or not,
plans to settle elsewhere after education are linked to more elevated feelings
of depression and unhappiness about life.
[Source: SC]
Hilliard, Donnie Ray. 1996. “Qualities of Successful Father-Child Relationships.” Ph.d. Thesis, The University of Alabama.
Abstract: The purpose of the
study was to develop an instrument (the DADS Inventory) that could be used to
examine the perceptions of college students concerning the degree of success
with which their fathers performed the role of fathering. A secondary purpose
was to identify factors related to perceptions of successful fathering. The
DADS Inventory was subjected to a factor analysis which revealed three clusters
or underlying factors: communication, commitment, and religiosity. An item
analysis indicated that each of the items in the DADS Inventory was
significantly discriminating at the.00001 level between those respondents whose
total scores fell in the top quartile and those respondents whose total scores
fell in the bottom quartile. A reliability analysis indicated Cronbach Alpha
values of.96 (communication),.94 (commitment), and.92 (religiosity). Six major
hypotheses were examined and significant relationships were found to exist
between the DADS Inventory total scores and the following variables: age of the
respondent, race of the respondent, family structure, father's income,
educational attainment of the father, depth of religious faith of the
respondent, how much the respondent likes his/her father, the degree of
closeness the respondent feels to his/her father, the degree of perceived
closeness between the respondent's father and mother, the frequency with which
the father read to the respondent when a child, the degree of friendship the
respondent experienced with the father while growing up, the frequency with
which the father played games with the respondent when he/she was a child, the
degree of permissiveness/strictness of discipline which the respondent received
from his/her father, whether the respondent received most of his/her discipline
from father or mother, the degree to which the father used withdrawal of love,
the degree to which the father used reasoning, and the degree of adolescent
wellness. These findings add to a growing body of paternal health literature
that may enable therapists to deal more effectively with father-child issues
and that may serve as a model of paternal success for future fathers. [Source: DA]
Ortiz, Victor Raul. 1996. “Longitudinal Study of the Development of Moral Conscience from Adolescence to Young Adulthood in Students of Catholic Schools.” PHD Thesis, Walden University.
Abstract: The purpose of
this study was to discover and compare the conception of God, and the
anthropological, moral and religious sensibility that the alumni of Catholic
schools have at present. It was also intended to detect the relation that could
exist between the level of self-esteem that the alumni of the Catholic schools
possessed, the type of moral conception that they possessed, and how it was
reflected in their lives. Contemporary society experiments profound and
continuous changes that create crisis. These affect the totality of a human being
and his/her institutions, especially the family, school and church. The concern
of this investigation was to determine the moral conscience of the alumni that
studied in Catholic schools and are now in the young adult stage. It intended
to discover if any change had occurred in their moral conscience six years
after their adolescence; if there existed a relationship between the type of
moral conception and different personal variables; if there existed a
relationship between the type of moral conscience and the degree of self-esteem
of the alumni, and finally, if the alumni had a clear conscience about the
institution that developed their moral conscience. The population studied was a
group of alumni of two Catholic schools, Academia Santa Teresita Academy, of
Naranjito and Academia Cristo de los Milagros Academy, of Caguas, Puerto Rico.
Three instruments were used: the open questionnaire, This Is How Think Morally;
the closed questionnaire Development of Moral Conscience in Youth; and a
Personality Inventory questionnaire. Different statistical analyses were
applied to study the four hypotheses: Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson's
Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, Cross Tabulation, Kendal Tau,
Statistical Regression Analysis, Percent, and Frequency Analysis. The
hypothesis states: There is no statistical difference in the moral conception
of the alumni of the Catholic schools from adolescence to young adulthood. [Source: PI]
Ramey, Timothy R. 1996. “The Development of a Mentor Ministry to Train the Brotherhood of the Barraque Street Missionary Baptist Church.” Thesis, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This project
proposes to combat the rising rate of violent crime and social disintegration
among young black males by preparing Christian men to serve as mentors to
neighborhood youth. The project conducted three seminars for church leaders
concerning child abuse and its effects, self-esteem among black males, and
substance abuse. These mentors were paired with seven first offenders referred
by the juvenile court. Four of these young men significantly improved in
academic performance, citizenship behavior, and family relationships. [Source: RI]
Westmoreland, Cheri Lynn. 1996. “Faith in Action: A Descriptive Case Study of Project Impact, a Comprehensive Juvenile Diversion Program Sponsored by an African-American Church.” Ed.d. Thesis, University of Cincinnati.
Abstract: Some African
American congregations have established a Project IMPACT program, a
comprehensive juvenile diversion program, to assist church and community youth
experiencing discipline problems and low academic performance which has the
potential to lead to dropping out of school. Project IMPACT Dayton works with
the family to enhance youth development educational learning skills, parent
effectiveness and provides incentives for the family to work towards
strengthening the family unit and participation in the program. The purpose of
this study was to identify and describe the organizational mechanisms and the
influences of the African American religious experiences and value system that
were involved in the planning, development, and implementation of Project
IMPACT Dayton by a single urban African American church. The study describes
the perceptions of those involved with the project (students, parents, and
staff) concerning the program's effectiveness in helping students perform
academically and stay in school. A combination of methods were used to describe
the comprehensive juvenile diversion program, Project IMPACT Dayton. In this
study, the descriptive case study method included the use of participation,
observation, interviews and document review as means of data collection. This
case study provides certain aspects program evolution in the context of
Christian values and mission service operating in this African American church.
The case study involves the discussion of the history and mission of the
Revival Center Ministries, the development of community outreach, the Project
IMPACT program evolution and the values and religious experiences of the
African American church that make this program effective. [Source: DA]
Keysar, A. and B. A. Kosmin. 1995. “The Impact of Religious Identification on Differences in Educational-Attainment among American Women in 1990.” Journal For the Scientific Study of Religion vol. 34, pp. 49-62.
Abstract: This study
demonstrates that religion is significantly associated with the acquisition of
postsecondary education by white women in the contemporary United States.
Religion has both direct and indirect effects on educational attainment.
Religious traditions differ in the degree to which they emphasize the
importance of the family, marriage, and child bearing. This, in turn,
influences how much higher education the women of the group are likely to
obtain. Thus, religion has an indirect effect on the educational levels of
women through their demographic behavior. In addition, we show that there is a
relationship between religion and the education of white women that is
maintained beyond other sociodemographic factors. A refined model involving 12
religious identifications on a conservative-liberal continuum, subjected to
multivariate analyses, illustrates that educational differences tend to be
wider among older women. Surprisingly, Conservative Protestant and No Religion
adherents do not form the polarities, but have similar middle-order levels of
educational attainment. [Source: SC]
Brody, G. H., Z. Stoneman, D. Flor, and C. McCrary. 1994. “Religion's Role in Organizing Family Relationships - Family Process in Rural, 2-Parent African-American Families.” Journal of Marriage and the Family vol. 56, pp. 878-888.
Abstract: We proposed a
family process model that links maternal and paternal formal religiosity to
marital interaction quality, parental cocaregiver support and conflict,
parent-youth relationship quality, and parental use of inconsistent/nattering
parenting strategies. The sample included 90 African American youths and their
married parents, who lived in the rural South. African American community
members participated in the development of the self-report instruments and
observational research methods used to test the model. The results supported
most of the hypotheses. Religiosity was linked with higher levels of marital
interaction quality and co-caregiver support, and with lower levels of marital
and co-caregiver conflict. The associations between religiosity and
parent-youth relationship quality were mediated by the marital and co-caregiver
relationships. [Source: SC]
Mittelstaedt, Mary E. 1994. “Intergenerational Family Patterns of Teen Mothers Associated with Successful Versus Not So Successful Mother-Infant Attachment/Interaction.” Ph.D. Thesis, Michigan State University.
Abstract: The relationship
between a parent and a child is crucial to the child's development. This study
addresses two areas of adolescent parenting in which there exists a paucity of
research: (a) teen mothers who are successful in developing a supportive
relationship with their children versus those who are having difficulty and (b)
the intergenerational family influences on the mother-child relationships of
these teen mothers. This qualitative descriptive study used a synthesis of
styles and methodologies to explore the similarities and differences in the
intergenerational families of teens who have a supportive relationship with
their babies and those who do not. A standardized mother-child interactional
instrument was used to score the quality of mother-child videotaped
interactions between 106 mothers and children participating in a mid-Michigan
adolescent parent program. Five participant families (a teen and one adult from
each family) were then selected from each of the score distribution extremes to
participate in an interview. In the interview, each family told their family
story and constructed a family genogram. A constant comparative analysis of the
interview transcriptions and genograms identified three core categories: family
frame, family characteristics, and family function. Differences between the two
groups of family participants pointed out several persistent intergenerational
stressors that appear to influence the ecological system of these families:
family size, family spacing, generational compression, cultural origin and
mobility, socioeconomics, housing, religion, relationships, perceptions of
family status, role of the rule makers and breakers, and daily routines. These
social stressors experienced by several generations seem indicative of
intergenerational distress. The greater the amount of intergenerational
distress expressed in the family stories of the informants, the more difficulty
the teen appeared to have in forming a supportive relationship with her baby. [Source: DA]
Hammond, J. A., B. S. Cole, and S. H. Beck. 1993. “Religious Heritage and Teenage Marriage.” Review of Religious Research vol. 35, pp. 117-133.
Abstract: Teen marriage may
be a way of legitimately culminating a sexual relationship and attaining adult
status. Our purpose is to investigate whether the religion in which a young
person was raised has an impact on the decision to marry early. Extrapolating
from our findings on premarital sex as well as previous research of others, we
hypothesized that Fundamentalist and Institutional Sect backgrounds produce
higher rates of teen marriage. We utilized data from the NLSY between 1979 and
1984 for whites and female blacks. The logistic regressions indicated
substantial differences in the likelihood of teen marriage by religious
heritage category for male and female whites, but not for female
African-Americans. Using mainline Protestants as the comparison group, we find
that young whites with Fundamentalist and Sect-like backgrounds are much more likely
to marry by age 19, while Catholics and non-Christians are significantly less
likely to marry early. These differences persist even when controlling for
geographic factors, parental and family characteristics, church attendance, and
expectations for adult roles. [Source:
Holtzen, David Wayne. 1993. “Family Responses to Homosexuality: Correlates to Homophobia, Gay/Lesbian Self-Disclosure and Parent/Sibling Homophobia.” Ph.d. Thesis, Boston College.
Abstract: The main purposes
of this study were: (1) to expand upon prior investigations regarding
correlates of homophobia by using a sample of gay, lesbian and bisexual
participants and their first degree relatives; (2) to examine whether parental
attachment is associated with sexual self-disclosure ("coming out")
to one's parents; and, (3) to develop and to apply theoretically sound and
empircally validated models for predicting degree of homophobia in
heterosexuals (in order to provide clinicians with frameworks for both
understanding and treating individuals and families where homophobia is known
or thought to be a factor contributing to individual or systemic distress).
Heterosexual parents and siblings who have a gay/lesbian/bisexual child or
sibling, respectively, along with homosexual and bisexual adults completed
questionnaires which assessed: (1) homophobia; (2) sex-role stereotypes; (3)
religiosity; and, (4) conservatism. Non-parent participants also completed a
parental attachment questionnaire and a measure of dysfunctional attitudes.
Results support prior research that suggests homophobia is correlated with
traditional sex-role stereotypes. For parents, religiosity and the amount of
time that has elapsed since their child's disclosure also correlated with and
predicted level of homophobia. Also for parents, differences in degree of
homophobia were found between four naturally emerging Time Since Disclosure
categories: the longer one knew of their child's sexuality, the less homophobic
they tended to be. Homophobic parents were found to hold significantly more
sex-role stereotypes, were more religious and conservative and had known of
their child's sexuality for significantly less time than their non-homophobic
peers. Disclosed gay/lesbian/bisexual participants reported more positive
parental attachments compared to their undisclosed peers. Parental attachment
was also found to be significantly negatively correlated with dysfunctional
attitudes in both heterosexual and non-heterosexual participants.
Findings--consistent with a social psychological formulation of the nature of
stereotyping--indicate that homophobia appears related to traditional sex-role
stereotypes and religiosity, both of which can be explored and addressed in
therapy with clients and families who have a gay/lesbian/bisexual family
member. Findings also suggest that examining gay identity development from the
perspective of attachment theory is valid.
[Source: DA]
Josephson, Allan M. 1993. “The Interactional Problems of Christian Families and Their Relationship to Developmental Psychopathology: Implications for Treatment.” Journal of Psychology and Christianity vol. 12, pp. 312-328.
Abstract: Explores the
clinical phenomenon of children and adolescents from Christian families who
develop mental disorders. Common patterns of dysfunctional family interaction
seen in some Christian families are related to child and adolescent
psychopathology. The enmeshed family, the rigid rule-bound family, and the cold
affect-bound family are described. This paper presents how mental representations
are associated with developmental psychopathology. Case examples are provided
along with implications for treatment from both a psychological and spiritual
perspective. [Source: PI]
Saito, Yasuhiko. 1993. “Trends and Differentials in Marital and Family Formation Preferences of American Youth, 1967-1989.” Ph.d. Thesis, University of Southern California.
Abstract: The main purpose
of the study is to examine the nature and determinants of trends and
differentials in attitudes toward marriage and family formation of American
youth since the mid 1960s. Time trend analysis indicates that relative
preferences for marriage and family formation of American youth decreased over
the last couple of decades. While preferences for having a family did not
change very much, preferences for goods and time use which might compete with
having a family increased substantially over the period. The competing goods
include luxury goods such as a new car every two or three years and clothes in
the latest style, and time use includes leisure time and time for work. Changes
in sex-role attitudes, moving towards egalitarianism, may have contributed to
the changes in relative preferences for marriage and family formation of
American youth. Micro-level cross-sectional analysis revealed that among
American youth there are differences between the sexes and races in marital and
family formation preferences as well as preferences for goods and time use
which might compete with having a family. Religious affiliation, religiosity,
overall high school grades, parents' levels of education, and mother's work
experiences also had effects on preferences of American youth. The changing
effects of these variables on preferences of American youth were examined in a
pooled time series analyses. A weakening effect of being Catholic on the
desired number of children was found in the analyses. Time is included in the
pooled time series analysis as an explanatory variable. Results indicated that
time was statistically significant but did not improve explanatory power of the
model. [Source: DA]
Schaar, Sue Ann. 1992. “Gifted Children of the Clergy: An Exploratory Study of Systemic Influences on Achievement.” Ed.d. Thesis, Columbia University Teachers College.
Abstract: The purpose of
this study was to determine whether there are factors, positive or negative,
which are peculiar to life in the parsonage and which affect the adjustment,
and ultimately the possibility for realization of promise, in gifted children
of the clergy (PKs). The first component of this study is a survey which
gathered baseline data on the numbers and kinds of gifted PKs and parents'
perceptions of adjustment in these individuals as adolescents. Data were
gathered from 90 clergy families within the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.
Interviews with adolescent and adult PKs and clergy parents from 13 families in
several liturgical denominations comprise the second component. The third is a
case study of a clergy family with two gifted adolescents, one highly achieving
and one seriously underachieving, analyzed from the perspective of
Bronfenbrenner's four levels of systemic influence. Variables in all three
components were analyzed as to their relationship with adjustment and
achievement in gifted PKs: roles and expectations of self and others,
interpersonal relationships with family and peers, frequent relocation,
schooling, finances, time stresses, and special assets of being a PK. The most
important factor was that of family relationships; important sub-factors were
time commitments of parents and the degree of meaningful family communication.
Appropriate schooling was the only stable variable under consideration. All
others, including expectations of self and others, peer and parishioner
relationships, relocation, finances, and time stress, exhibited negative
effects on some PKs, positive on some, and both consequences on others. Results
are not generalizable to all clergy families because of differences within
families, congregations, and communities. However, clear patterns emerged
concerning personalities, family relationships, importance of the PK myth,
boundary ambiguity between the parents' workplaces and the home, and the
effects of macrosystemic influence. The polarity expressed by the PK myth seems
to be true as demonstrated by the children in these families and surely plays a
major role in the self-fulfilling prophecy. Understanding by parents,
educators, and society in general is necessary if fulfillment of promise is to
become a reality for many of these gifted children. [Source: DA]
Wilcock, Robert Orvel. 1992. “Adolescent Influences on Young Adult Religious Family Values.” Ph.d. Thesis, Brigham Young University.
Abstract: Using longitudinal
design this research assessed the degree to which an adequate conceptualization
and measurement of religious family values could be conducted. Questionnaire
responses from 560 young adult LDS Males, originally studies in 1981, were
analyzed revealing a cluster of values centering around family home evening,
scripture study, family prayer, and moral behavior formed one dimension of
religious family values. Three other related value dimensions were also
identified, viz. birth control, divorce, working mother. A LISREL model was
developed and tested which showed that the family, peer, and religious
influences all contributed to explaining variation in young adult religious
family values. Adolescent religiosity emerged as an important intervening
variable which also influenced whether or not the young man chose to serve a
mission for the church. Of the exogenous variables, home religious observance
was the single most important influence on young adult religious family values.
The direct effect over nine years suggests the strength of family socialization
in a specific relationship to special values. These findings have important
implications for those wanting to better understand how religious, familial,
and peer influences combine to shape the adolescent's world, which in turn
influences young adult religious family values some nine years later. [Source: DA]
Jon, Yung Kyu Paul. 1991. “Transgeneration Ministry for Korean Immigrants in the United States.” Thesis, McCormick Theological Seminary.
Abstract: This thesis
addresses the relationships between Korean-American parents and their children,
and an effective ministry for the transgeneration in the bi-cultural setting.
As Korean youths grow up in the United States, they become Americanized,
creating cultural and generational problems between them and their parents.
Most problems originate from changing family roles, the generation gap,
cultural problem/shock, language problems, different values, identity crises,
and conflicting attitudes toward church affiliation. Through understanding of
the generational and cultural gaps, and with the help of appropriate ministry,
these youths and adults can rediscover their own identity and redefine their
life work. [Source: RI]
Markstrom Adams, C. 1991. “Attitudes on Dating, Courtship, and Marriage: Perspectives on in-Group Versus out-Group.” Family Relations vol. 40, pp. 91-97.
Abstract: Reviews a study in
which 47 non-Mormon, religious minority high school students and 36 Mormon,
religious majority high school students were asked to identify perceived
barriers in dating between groups. Literature review; Methods; Results;
Discussion; Theoretical implications; Topics for future research; Implications
for youth and religious workers.
[Source: AS]
Spilka, Bernard, William J. Zwartjes, and Georgia M. Zwartjes. 1991. “The Role of Religion in Coping with Childhood Cancer.” Pastoral Psychology vol. 39, pp. 295-304.
Abstract: Examined the role
of religion in the crisis of childhood cancer through interviews with 259
members of 118 families that had a child with cancer. 66 patients (mean age
15.1 yrs), 112 mothers, and 81 fathers completed interviews. Measures of family
and patient religiosity were related to a broad spectrum of parental and
patient perceptions and activities. Religion related positively to familial
support of the patient and to efforts to keep school performance at pre-illness
levels. As religious commitment increased following diagnosis, there were signs
of a narrowing of the family's social field. At the same time, relationships
with close friends may be strengthening. Religion appeared to act as a
protective-defensive system that motivated efforts by family members to cope
constructively with the crisis of illness.
[Source: PI]
Waugh, Earle H., Sharon McIrvin Abu Laban, and Regula B. Qureshi, (eds.). 1991. Muslim Families in North America. Edmonton: Univ of Alberta Pr.
Abstract: Preface.
Introduction. Family and religion among Muslim immigrants and their
descendants, S Abu-Laban. The Muslim family: the scriptural framework, S
Qureshi. North America and the adaptation of the Muslim tradition: religion,
ethnicity, and the family, E Waugh. Islamic identity, family, and community:
the case of the Nizari Ismaili community, F Ross-Sheriff and A Nanji. The Muharram
majlis: the role of a ritual in the preservation of Shia identity, V Schubel.
Parents and youth: perceiving and practicing Islam in North America, N
Barazangi. Marriage and divorce among Muslims in Canada, W Hogben. Marriage
strategies among Muslims from South Asia, R Qureshi. Family stability among
African-American Muslims, N Akbar. Muslims in North America: mate selection as
an indicator of change, I Ba-Yunus. Yemeni and Lebanese Muslim immigrant women
in southeast Dearborn, Michigan, B Aswad. Palestinian-American Muslim women:
living on the margins of two worlds, L Cainkar. Reflections on Islamic
tradition, women, and family, M Waldman. Epilogue: prospects and
assessments. [Source: RI]
Cornwall, Marie and Darwin L. Thomas. 1990. “Family, Religion, and Personal Communities: Examples from Mormonism.” Marriage and Family Review vol. 15, pp. 229-252.
Abstract: Examines the role
of personal communities in the family and religion interface, using empirical
data from Mormon populations. Topics discussed include (1) religious
communities and the church-sect continuum, (2) religious socialization, (3)
religion and family influence on adolescent social competence, and (4)
religion, family, and adult well-being.
[Source: PI]
Lastoria, Michael D. 1990. “A Family Systems Approach to Adolescent Depression.” Journal of Psychology and Christianity vol. 9, pp. 44-54.
Abstract: Discusses key
concepts and terms within family systems theory as they relate to depression in
adolescents. The adolescent stage of the family life cycle is described as
requiring structural changes within the family. Two major dynamics are
addressed: (1) the differentiation of the adolescent self from the family
system and (2) the sacrificial roles that adolescents may acquire within a
family structure that arrest or slow the process of differentiation.
Integrative reflections are offered for the therapist working with Christian
families. [Source: PI]
McNamara, Patrick H. 1990. “Peer-Constructed Moral Attitudes: Cross-Cultural Findings among American and British Adolescents.” Paper presented at International Sociological Association (ISA), 1990.
Abstract: Previous research
by S. Dornbush has underlined the importance of peer evaluative pressure in
predicting adolescent moral choices when presented with written moral dilemmas,
& raised questions about the internalization of moral standards in a modern
society characterized by a diversity of standards & by considerable
geographic mobility, both of which free individuals from constant observation
& adult social controls. The effects of parents' strength of convictions
& the time & attention they give to the discussion of moral issues with
adolescent children have not been investigated. It is suspected here that,
since baby-boom generation parents in the US grew up in a climate of challenge
to & uncertainty concerning traditional values, & are likely to both be
in the full-time paid labor force, they may spend less time with their
children, thus reducing their moral influence on them. Proposed research
focusing on Catholic adolescents in GB is described that will explore Ss'
perceptions of their parents' values & the extent of communication between
parents & children. It is expected that peer influence on moral choices
will be significantly diminished within a cultural setting of greater consensus
regarding tradition & in which fewer parents are both in the full-time paid
labor force. [Source: SA]
Schoellmann, Edward R. 1990. “A Comparative Study of Paternal Nurturance as Experienced by Select Categories of Early Adolescent Children.” Ed.d. Thesis, Texas Southern University.
Abstract: This study
investigated and compared the experiences of paternal nurturance by early
adolescent children. It was designed to determine if there is a difference in a
father's nurturance as experienced by the early adolescent child in varying
groups in the select categories of sex, ethnicity, religious affiliation,
family configuration, and family income. The child's experience of paternal
nurturance was measured with the Buri, Misukanis, and Mueller Paternal
Nurturance Scale (1988). This is a 24-item Likert-type scale used to measure
parental nurturance from the viewpoint of an adolescent evaluating the
nurturance he or she has received from his or her father (Buri, Hengel, Komar,
and Richtmeier, 1989). A child begins acculturation within the setting of
his/her family. There is a commonness in the socialization of persons
experiencing the same culture and society. Parents and family members bring
this into the home of the child; however, mothers and fathers each represent
differing modes of socialization (Johnson, 1972). This study focused on the
early adolescent child's experience of a father's nurturance. Aspects of the
father's nurturant activity affect attachments, self-concepts, self-esteem,
gender orientation, and cognitive development. Normal and healthy development
in all of these areas assist socialization of the child in preparation for a
wholesome, and satisfying life in the adult world. This study tested twenty
Null Hypotheses of a child's experience of paternal nurturance by the father.
Ten of the hypotheses were supported and ten were rejected. When one compares
variables of ethnicity, family configurations, religion, age, and income, it
shows that there are differences in experienced nurturance among children
within these groupings. The findings of this study provide information for
parents, religious leaders, teachers, counselors, and persons working in the
delivery of social services. Information in this study is also of value for
family life awareness programs. It can alert fathers to their parenting habits,
the needs of their children, and with this awareness, possibly help them avoid
future family crises. [Source: DA]
Haas, Marilyn Goldman. 1989. “Concerns and Characteristics of Tucson Jewish Youth, Grades 4-12.” M.A. Thesis, The University of Arizona.
Abstract: This study
assesses the concerns of Jewish youth in Tucson, Arizona and reports their
demographic characteristics and those of their families. Other issues explored
are Jewish identity, family and peer relations, use of community resources, and
program interests. The 382 Jewish youth surveyed in grades 4-12 were
essentially an affiliated population with over 96% belonging to a Jewish
religious institution, education program, or youth organization. The
relationship was examined between Jewish youth concerns and family changes of
single-parent and stepfamily living, dual careers, and interfaith marriage.
Differences in concerns were also identified by gender, educational level, and
affiliation. Results are also presented of a survey of 59 Jewish community
resources concerning their utilization by parents and youth and their
perception of youth concerns. Based on findings, recommendations are made to encourage
Jewish community awareness and responsiveness to concerns and needs of Jewish
youth and their families. [Source: DA]
Borhek, Mary V. 1988. “Helping Gay and Lesbian Adolescents and Their Families.” Journal of Adolescent Health Care vol. 9, pp. 123-128.
Abstract: Gay & lesbian
youths confront a number of difficult problems, including telling their parents
about their sexual orientation & helping their families adjust to the news.
Ineffective communication, poor self-esteem, & unresolved grief & anger
often complicate this process. Frequently, misinformation about homosexuality,
religious beliefs, & homophobia adversely influence parental reactions.
Impediments to the relationship between parents & sexual-minority youth are
discussed, & strategies to promote positive family adjustment are
presented. [Source: SA]
Smith, Althea. 1988. “Responsibility of the African-American Church as a Source of Support for Adolescent Fathers.” Urban League Review vol. 12, pp. 83-90.
Abstract: It is argued that
the traditionally supportive role of the Afro-American church with regard to
the family must be extended to adolescent fathers, & that its traditionally
intolerant attitude toward early pregnancies has to change. Adolescent fathers
have various concerns: their education/vocation; the health of the mother &
baby; their future parenthood; & their relationship with their partner. The
church today needs to create opportunities for the educational &
professsional advancement of Afro-American youth by providing family &
parenting services & education on sexuality & responsible sexual
behavior. A. Devic [Source: SA]
Stillwell, Peggy Taylor. 1988. “Family Stress, Coping, and Resources as Perceived by Adolescents in Nuclear, Single Parent, and Remarried Families.” Ph.d. Thesis, The Florida State University.
Abstract: The purpose of
this study was to examine similarities and differences in family stress,
availability of resources, and levels of coping as reported by adolescents in
nuclear, single parent, and remarried families. The 1,277 respondents were
selected from a larger sample who participated in a statewide project funded by
the Florida Department of Education. Four instruments were administered to Home
Economics Family Living students by their teachers: (1) a background
information questionnaire; (2) the Adolescent-Family Inventory of Life Events
and Changes; (3) the Family Inventory of Resources for Management; and (4) the
Adolescent-Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences. Adolescents' scores indicated
that members of nuclear families had experienced fewer family life events or
changes and less family stress than adolescents in single parent and remarried
families. The level of available resources was higher for adolescents in
nuclear families than for those in the other family forms. Despite differences
in the number of life events or changes, levels of family stress, and
availability of family resources, the coping scores among adolescents were not
significantly different across family types. Sex of the adolescent was
identified as an important influence on stress levels in nuclear and remarried
families. Adolescents' coping scores were most influenced by the sex of the
adolescents in all three family forms and by the importance of religion in nuclear
families. Social class appeared to influence perceptions of available resources
in nuclear families but appeared to have little effect in other family forms.
Social class and the importance of religion appeared to be predictive of the
level of available resources in nuclear families. In all three family types, a
higher correlation was found between students' coping scores and their resource
scores than between their coping scores and perceived level of family
stress. [Source: DA]
Goldscheider, Calvin and Frances Kobrin Goldscheider. 1987. “Moving out and Marriage: What Do Young Adults Expect?” American Sociological Review vol. 52, pp. 278-285.
Abstract: Living
independently before marriage is part of a broader pattern of family &
demographic change characterizing modern societies since WWII. Expectations
about premarital residential independence among young adults are examined,
based on data from the High School & Beyond survey of the class of 1980 (N
= 28,240 Rs). The finding that about 70% of the young adults surveyed expect to
move out of the parental home before marriage suggests that new norms are
emerging that fit into patterns of independence in the transition to adulthood.
There is substantial variation in factors affecting expectations about premarital
residential independence. Young men more than young women, those with more
parental resources, those who expect to marry at older ages, & those who do
not have ethnic & religious ties that link them to their parental home
until marriage expect to live independently. Religious, racial, & ethnic
differences interact in complex ways with gender & SES to influence
expectations about premarital residential independence. [Source: SA]
McKeon, Marsha Jeanne. 1987. “Toward a Theory of Sibling Relationships: A Conceptual Model Applied to the Crisis of Pediatric Cancer.” Ph.D. Thesis, California School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles.
Abstract: A conceptual model
is presented for understanding the meaning and influence of the sibling
relationship in normal development; this model is then applied to the crisis of
pediatric cancer. While the model is designed as a tool to address a vast array
of sibling situations, its application to the cancer experience provides a
demonstration of its usefulness and a conceptual understanding of the dramatic
impact a crisis of this nature has on sibling relationships. Two bodies of
literature are extensively reviewed: the research describing the role of the
sibling relationship in normal development and the literature relating to the
psychosocial adjustment of well siblings of pediatric cancer patients. While
the research suggests that siblings can have a powerful and enduring influence
on one another and that well siblings of cancer patients are often gravely affected
by their siblings' illness, the findings remain primarily descriptive and
atheoretical. The purpose of the model proposed here is to help organize,
within a plausible framework, this growing body of knowledge about sibling
behavior. In the present model, the ambivalent nature of the sibling
relationship is conceptualized as a dialectical tension between the opposing
poles of conflict and harmony. In the well-functioning sibling relationship
there exists a constant balancing of and interaction between these poles.
Rigid, entrenched sibling relationships, in contrast, are marked by exclusively
conflictual or exclusively harmonious interactions. Parental influence provides
the essential "fulcrum" that supports and facilitates the sibling
interaction. Salient variables influence the dynamics of the relationship and
determine the unique nature of any particular sibling bond. These include
sibling contextual variables (e.g., degree of sibling access), parental
contextual variables (e.g., parental expectations, parental sibling history),
family contextual variables (e.g., coalitions, structure), and sociocultural
variables (e.g., ethnicity, religion). The model is then applied to pediatric
cancer, illustrating the dynamics of the sibling relationship in crisis. Suggestions
for clinical interventions are given, and strategies are provided for using the
sibling relationship as an important resource to facilitate the adjustment of
the entire family. [Source: DA]
Ricks, Shirley Smith. 1987. “Antecedents of Adolescent Satisfaction with Family Life.” Ph.d. Thesis, Brigham Young University.
Abstract: The purpose of
this study was to test a model of adolescent satisfaction with family life
consisting of various antecedents--demographics, family structure, religion,
parent/child interactions, adolescent feelings about self, and parents' marital
and family satisfaction. The sample consisted of 106 families composed of
father, mother, and oldest teenager in the home which were drawn from three
systematic random samples of approximately 500 families each in Salt Lake,
Carbon, and Cache counties in Utah during the last months of 1985. Responses
predominantly from the adolescents themselves accounted for 67 percent of the
variance in adolescent family satisfaction. Both parent/child
interactions--father support, mother positive control (from mother's
perspective), mother negative control, father negative control, and
parent-child conflict--as well as adolescent feelings of social worth and
self-derogation accounted for a good portion of the variance. In addition,
adolescent religious behavior and parents' marital satisfaction (from
adolescent's perception) were a part of the final model. Demographic and family
structure variables were poor predictors of adolescent family satisfaction. [Source: DA]
Hanson, Shirley M. 1986. “Healthy Single Parent Families.” Family Relations: Journal of Applied Family and Child Studies vol. 35, pp. 125-132.
Abstract: Assessed the
characteristics of 42 healthy single-parent families. A total of 84 Ss--the
parent (mean age 41.6 yrs) and a target child (mean age 14.1
yrs)--participated. The variables included socioeconomic status (SES), social
support, communication, religiousness, problem solving, and the physical and
mental health status of single parents and their children. The effects of the
sex of custodial parents and the custody arrangements on health outcomes were
also analyzed. A multimethod, multivariable approach was used. Data collection
procedures included 6 questionnaires (e.g., Family Environment Scale, Family
Interaction Schedule) and an interview in the home setting. Single parents and
their children reported fairly high levels of both physical and mental health.
Communication, social support, SES, religiousness, and problem solving were
also correlated with the mental and physical health of parents and
children. [Source: PI]
Wolfson, Orna. 1986. “Adolescent Separation from Home: An Ethnic Perspective.” Ph.d. Thesis, Boston University.
Abstract: This study
examined ethnic aspects of the separation process for adolescents leaving home.
It was assumed that separation is a critical task of adolescence. The principal
hypothesis was that adolescents from different ethnic backgrounds would
experience separation differently. The differences were expected to follow the
relative dominance of centripetal and centrifugal forces, operating to pull
family members together or push them away. This hypothesis was derived from
Stierlin's transactional theory (1981), depicting the interplay between adolescents
and parents in the process of separation. I attempted to relate this theory to
studies of ethnic differences pertaining to attitudes toward adolescence and
preferred modes of family functioning in times of stress. The subjects were 163
college students from Italian-Catholic, Irish-Catholic, and WASP backgrounds.
Five measurements were used for various aspects of culture and separation: (a)
a background information questionnaire; (b) the Thematic Apperception Test
scored for separation themes; (c) the Fundamental Interpersonal Relation
Orientation scales; (d) Moos's Family Environment Scale; (e) a questionnaire
measuring the experience of going to college. Differences between the ethnic
groups in the experience of separation were noted, partially supporting the
major hypothesis. Italian-Catholics demonstrated dominance of centripetal
forces, operating to discourage separation and resulting in a difficult
experience of separation. Italian-Catholics produced more TAT stories with
separation anxiety themes, tended to stay at their parents' homes while at
college, and if they did leave home they expected to feel homesick at college,
and started college feeling mostly sad. WASPs showed dominant centrifugal
forces, making separation an encouraged and relatively easy process. WASPs
produced fewer TAT stories with separation anxiety themes, tended to leave home
when they attended college, preferred to go to a college far from home, and
started college feeling mostly excited. Following Stierlin's description, the
Italian-Catholic families were seen as binding, while WASP families were
protrayed as expelling. Regarding Irish-Catholics, no systematic pattern was
found consistent with Stierlin's theory. The applicability of Stierlin's theory
to families with complex separation processes, like the Irish-Catholic
families, was questioned, and the need for further research in this direction
was noted. [Source: DA]
Embry, Jessie L. and Martha S. Bradley. 1985. “Mothers and Daughters in Polygamy.” Dialogue vol. 18, pp. 98-107.
Abstract: When daughters
raised in second generation polygamous families saw how their mothers got along
with each other, how they ran
their families, and what accommodations they made to the peculiar demands of the principle in practice, they adapted this learning to their own lives. The important messages that polygamous mothers were inadvertantly teaching their daughters were the intricate patterns of relationships--how to live with others in obedience to a difficult principle, how to share both husband and children, and, finally, how to be a female member of a polygamous family. [Source: RI]
Rosen, Evelyn A. 1985. “Attitudes toward Women and Women's Roles as Related to Education, Age, Ethnicity and Religion.” Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Fancett, Carrie Susan. 1984. “Predictors of Adolescent Stepchildren's Satisfaction with Their Stepparents.” Ph.d. Thesis, University of South Carolina.
Abstract: Previous studies on
stepfamily satisfaction have primarily employed the stepparent and natural
parent as respondents. Studies with stepchildren have focused on cognitive
development and school achievement while studies with stepparents have
addressed personal stress and relationship issues. The present study examined
how adolescent stepchildren's relationships with their stepparents were
influenced by communication, perception of shared stress with the stepparent,
and the complexity of the stepfamily system. The author developed a Stepparent
Satisfaction Questionnaire to assess these variables. The Cornell Medical Index
and the Two-Factor Index of Social Position were also used to supplement the
questionnaire. Sixty stepchildren, ages 12-19, completed a structured one-hour
interview. Seventy-four percent of the variance in the model was predicted by
six of the questionnaire items: (a) whether the stepchild perceived the
stepparent to be interested in what she or he had to say; (b) whether the
custodial parent's and stepparent's religion was the same; (c) how often the
stepchild and stepparent talked with each other; (d) whether the stepchild
perceived that she or he, the stepparent, or both had adjusted the most to the
stepfamily; (e) the stepchild's perception of the custodial parent and
stepparent's relationship; and (f) how the stepchild felt about family finances
compared to how the bill-payer in the family felt. Several areas mentioned in
the literature as important stresses were not significant in predicting
satisfaction: (a) differences in reactions to discipline; (b) contact with the
noncustodial parent; (c) adoption orientation; and (d) the presence of
half-siblings in the present marriage. Reasons for these findings were
discussed. Recommendations for interventions and further research were made,
with an emphasis upon the role that empathy and perception of shared stress
play in the adjustment of teenage stepchildren to their stepparents. The
orientation is taken that stepchildren and stepparent can learn more about each
other's stresses through open communication.
[Source: DA]
Varghese, Philip. 1984. “Helping Immigrant Mar Thoma Christian Youth and Parents Face Adolescent Identity Crises: A Shared Praxis Model.” Thesis, Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University.
Abstract: Children of
immigrant families have to cope with the normal adolescent "identity
crisis" in a bicultural setting. Members of the Mar Thoma church of South
India failed to anticipate the serious and complex nature of this problem for
their congregation in Dallas, Texas. This project addressed this issue by
building on a strong family structure and providing the resources of the
Christian faith so that communication was enhanced between parents and
children. Parents and children thought family communication was facilitated
when a shared praxis model was used. They better understood the inter-cultural
tensions and each other's perspectives.
[Source: RI]
Leonard, Barbara Jane. 1983. “Psychosocial Consequences on Siblings of Children with Chronic Illness.” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota.
Abstract: An exploratory
study of 77 healthy siblings of brothers and sisters with newly diagnosed
chronic illness (cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, cystic fibrosis) was conducted to
determine the impact of their siblings' illnesses on their emotional, social,
and psychological health. Tools utilized included the Symptom Checklist (SCL
90-R), Family Environment Scale, Child Behavior Checklist and interview
schedules designed by the author. All new cases of the disease which fit the
study criteria were recruited from three midwestern metropolitan medical
centers. The 49 families comprising the study population were generally stable,
middle-class, caucasian and religious. They came from rural (51 percent) and
urban (49 percent) areas in the five-state region surrounding Minnesota. The
independent variables included the parents' psychological health, the family
environment, marital status, religiosity, severity of the illness, type of
illness, control of the disease, communication between family members, other
family problems, sex and age of the healthy siblings. Families were interviewed
in their homes within one year of the diagnosis. Parents were interviewed
together and children over the ages of four were interviewed privately. Of the
77 healthy siblings between the ages of four and 16 years of age, 17 (23.6
percent) evidenced behavioral problems as measured by the Child Behavior
Checklist. These children were in families which had other serious parental and
marital problems said to antedate the ill child's diagnosis. The relationship
was statistically significant at (p = .01) using Chi square analysis. The
relationship between the parent's psychological health and that of the siblings
was also significant (p = .01). None of the other independent variable
relationships were significant. Siblings perceived their relationships to
parents as close, understanding and open generally and with regard to the
disease. The siblings and the ill children perceived the disease differently,
with the siblings identifying the disease as more serious than the ill child,
statistically significant at the .01 level. Healthy siblings and ill children
did not discuss the disease with each other, with the exception of the adolescents
who shared feelings with each other.
[Source: DA]
McDonald, Gerald W. 1982. “Parental Power Perceptions in the Family: The Influence of Adolescent Characteristics.” Youth and Society vol. 14, pp. 3-31.
Abstract: A number of
adolescent characteristics are examined to determine their impact on adolescent
perceptions of the parental power structure in the family. The variables
include adolescents' sex, grade, religiosity, & birth order. Relationships
were explored by using "parental power" as a multidimensional
variable, including perceived outcome-control, referent, legitimate, &
expert power. Purposive subsamples were taken from a larger pool of high school
& Coll adolescent Rs, yielding 458 questionnaires (231 Ms, 227 Fs).
Multiple regression was utilized to examine the relative influence of these
adolescent variables on the differing parental power dimensions for each
parent. Adolescents' sex & religiosity were systematically evidenced as the
most important determinant variables. F adolescents consistently perceived the
mother as having more power than did Ms, with both sexes similarly viewing the
power of the father. Consequently, Fs saw the parental power structure as more
equalitarian than did Ms. Religiosity, used as an indicator of traditionalism,
was consistently found to be positively associated with parental power
perceptions for both sexes, with the exception of parents' outcome-control
power. The implications of findings for the socialization & personality
development of M & F adolescents in the family are discussed. [Source: SA]
Powers, Sally Isbell. 1982. “Family Interaction and Parental Moral Development as a Context for Adolescent Moral Development: A Study of Patient and Non-Patient Adolescents.” Ed.d. Thesis, Harvard University.
Abstract: The relationship
between family interaction, parental moral judgment and adolescent moral
judgment was investigated in two groups of families: 27 families with a
psychiatrically hospitalized adolescent and 32 families with a non-patient
adolescent. All families were intact and siblings were not included in the
study. The mean age of the adolescents was 14 1/2 years. Parental and
adolescent moral judgment was assessed by Kohlberg's moral stages, scored
according to the Standard Form Scoring system. Family discussions of revealed
differences on hypothetical moral dilemmas were observed. Behaviors were coded
using the Developmental Environments Coding System, a system constructed for
this study which operationalizes interaction variables that structural-developmental
theory suggests will influence moral development. The first part of the study
analyzed group and sex differences in parental and adolescent moral judgment
and the parent-adolescent moral judgment relationship. The second analyzed
relationships between family interaction and family members' moral judgment.
Background variables of socio-economic status, education, and religion were
controlled. Correlations, multiple regression, and cluster analysis were used.
It was hypothesized that adolescent non-patient status and family interactions
coded as Sharing Perspectives, Challenging, Focusing, Supportive and
Transactive would be positively related to moral judgment; adolescent patient
status and family interactions coded as Avoidance, Distortion, Rejection and
Affective Conflict would be negatively related to moral judgment. Analyses of
relationships between family interaction and moral judgment indicated that
family members' Support, Affective Conflict, Rejection, Avoidance and
adolescent Transactiveness were most predictive of adolescent moral judgment.
Mothers' moral judgment was most related to mothers' Distortion, Rejection,
Focusing and Support. Fathers' moral judgment was most related to fathers'
Avoidance and Focusing. Mothers' advanced moral reasoning was associated with
Supportive, Sharing families and fathers' advanced moral reasoning was
associated with Challenging families. There were differences between groups in
the relationship of moral judgment to family interaction and differences in interaction
according to the sex of the adolescent. Theoretical implications of the
findings and recommendations for future research were discussed. [Source: DA]
Colvin, Brenda Kay. 1981. “Adolescent Perceptions of Intrafamilial Stress in Stepfamilies.” Ph.d. Thesis, The Florida State University.
Abstract: One purpose of
this study was to measure and compare adolescent perceptions of intrafamilial
stress for 1698 natural-parent, 283 stepfather, and 77 stepmother families. The
Index of Family Relations scale was used to measure the level of intrafamilial
stress in family member relationships. Results of the one-way analysis of
variance show that while adolescents in stepfather families report
significantly more intrafamilial stress than adolescents in natural-parent
families, adolescents in stepmother families report the highest degree of
stress. These results indicate that one-third of the adolescents in stepfather
families and approximately one-half of the adolescents in stepmother families
report clinically significant family member relationship problems. On the other
hand, two-thirds of the adolescents in stepfather families and approximately
one-half of the adolescents in stepmother families perceived no clinically
significant problems in their intrafamilial relationships. A second purpose was
to examine the relationship between adolescent perceptions of intrafamilial
stress in stepfamilies (n = 360) and: (A) quality of the marital relationship
(QMR); (B) quality of the mother-child relationship (QMCR); (C) quality of the
father-child relationship (QFCR); (D) length of time the stepfamily has lived
together; (E) presence or absence of a common child of the remarried couple;
(F) type of termination of the previous marriage; (G) stepchild's religion; (H)
stepchild's age; (I) stepchild's sex; (J) stepparent's age; and (K)
stepparent's sex. The results of the regression analysis indicate that the QMR,
the QMCR, and the QFCR (i.e., variables which were indicators of relationship
dynamics) were excellent predictors of adolescent perceptions of intrafamilial
stress in stepfamilies. The remaining eight demographic variables were
non-significant. These results indicate that if researchers want information on
family member relationship problems, it seems imperative to focus on variables
which are related to relationship processes rather than single-factor
demographic characteristics. [Source:
Herrick, Susan Carol. 1981. “Sibling Violence: Does Piety Make a Difference?” Paper presented at Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR), 1981.
Abstract: The relationship
between level of piety & level of violence between siblings was researched
using a secondary analysis of survey data gathered by Straus (1974) on a sample
of 345 U students reporting on their home situations in their last year of high
school. Piety, the independent variable, encompasses three aspects: the
associational, orthodox, & devotional (Lenski, 1961: Stark & Glock,
1968). It is operationalized in terms of an index calculated on the basis of answers
to questions regarding: (1) the frequency of church attendance & (2) the
frequency with which one consults God when faced with difficult decisions.
Sibling violence, the dependent variable, is measured by responses to questions
regarding the use of violent acts such as kicking, pushing, throwing an object,
etc, to resolve conflicts with a sibling. SES, the sex of the R, &
husband-wife dominance were used as control variables. Examined are the effects
of: the R's piety upon level of violence with a sibling; mother's &
father's piety upon sibling violence; & level of family piety homogeneity
upon sibling violence. Findings suggest that in pious families where father's
dominance is less than or equal to mother's, sons tend to be above average in
violence toward a sibling. [Source: SA]
Hoffman, Neil. 1981. “Factors Related to the Foster Child's Sense of Interpersonal Security.” Ph.d. Thesis, University of Maryland College Park.
Abstract: Foster children
are at substantially greater risk for social-emotional maladjustment problems
when compared to their nonfoster care peers. There is evidence suggesting that
underlying this greater vulnerability is an impaired sense of security in
interpersonal attachments and relationships. The nature of foster care itself
has inherent elements potentially harmful to the child's sense of interpersonal
security. Yet, these potentially negative effects are not equally realized in
all foster children. The problem addressed in this study was "What are the
factors that explain the differences in foster children's sense of
interpersonal security?" Sense of security was defined as a subjective
feeling state of an individual, comprised of two components--the child's
perceptions of others as responsive, available agents of protection,
nurturance, and support; and the child's self perceptions of his or her own
attachability and acceptability. It was measured by the
attachment-individuation balance of the Separation Anxiety Test Method (SATM);
and by Factor 1 (Acceptance-Rejection) and Factor 2 (Psychological
Autonomy-Psychological Control) of the 56-item revision of the Children's
Report of Parental Behavior Inventory (CRPBI). Thirteen factors were selected
as independent variables and were placed under the general categories of entry
into foster care, composition of foster home, experience in foster care, and
demographic variables. Information concerning these variables was obtained from
foster parents and Department of Social Services' caseworkers. The subjects
were seventy-two foster children (50% male, 50% female; 81% black, 19% white)
ages 11-14, who volunteered to be part of the study. The findings did not
support the hypothesis that children placed because of neglect, abuse, or
abandonment feel less secure than those placed for other reasons. In fact,
these children were generally found to feel more secure. The findings did
support the hypothesis that the younger the child when placed, the more secure
the child feels. The following factors were also found related to greater sense
of security on one or more of the dependent measures: placement with natural
siblings, longer time in same foster home, greater continuity of current
caseworker, and more regular and frequent church attendance with the foster
family. Unexpectedly, greater number of placements was also associated with a
healthier sense of security as measured by the SATM. White children and girls
were found to feel more secure than black children and boys, respectively. In
general, the findings suggested that current stability factors may be more
important to the foster child's sense of security than are his or her past
experiences in foster care. The implications of the research findings for
attachment theory were discussed. It was also suggested that the findings may
be useful for the early identification of high risk youngsters in foster care
as well as for placement and service planning.
[Source: DA]
Himes, Bonnie Sue. 1980. “The Relationship between Family Environment, Parent- Child Relationships, and Adolescent Self-Concept as Perceived by Adolescents and Other Family Members.” Ph.d. Thesis, State University of New York At Buffalo.
Abstract: The current
investigation examined the relationship of family environment, parent-child
relationship, and adolescent self-concept as perceived by three family types:
control, families of adolescents placed in youth homes; and families of
adolescents placed in a mental health institution. The need for further
knowledge regarding the environment of the family and relationships between
parents and children and the impact these have on the self-concept of the
adolescent seems apparent when one considers the problems relating to
adolescence, the acting out behaviors exhibited by many adolescents, and the
growth of family counseling. Previous studies examining families often failed
to intergrate theory. The present study views the family as a system with
members being interdependent. In the family system, each member affects other
members. The family is a circular phenomenon where the family affects the child
and the child affects the family. This study evaluates data using family
environment and parent-child relationships as properties of the system. The
stated hypotheses are consistent with the presented systems theory. Families of
adolescents with acting out behaviors may have less structure, social
stability, and positive affect, while families with adolescents who exhibit no
acting out behaviors provide more organization, planfulness, and positive
properties in relationships. The sample consisted of 61 families from Western
New York. Members of the families included father, mother, adolescent, and
adolescent sibling. All participants in the study were administered the (1)
Family Environment Scale, and (2) Parent-Child Relations Questionnaire.
Adolescent participants only, were administered the Tennessee Self-Concept
Scale. The 61 families constituted three family types: 20 families of
adolescents placed in youth homes; 20 families of adolescents placed in a
mental health institution; and 21 families of adolescents from junior and
senior high schools. Multivariate analysis of variance and univariate analysis
of variance were used to test the hypotheses. The results of the study somewhat
supported the presented systems theory. Significant differences were found in
family environment, parent-child relations, and adolescent self-concept between
the control group and the two treatment groups. However, no significant
differences were found between the youth home and mental health groups; except,
in the area of conflict where the youth home families were highest. Control
group families perceive themselves as having more cohesion, less conflict, more
achievement, intellectual, and cultural orientation, more emphasis on religious
ideas and values and providing more organization and structure. The control
families perceived parental behaviors as more loving, less rejecting and
providing a balance between demands and casualness. The only significant
difference between the treatment groups was in the high demanding behavior for
youth home parents and low demanding with mental health parents. The
adolescents in the control group ranked significantly higher in all areas of
self-concept (physical, moral, social, family, and personal) than either of the
other groups. There were no significant differences between the mental health
and youth home adolescents. The results of the current study were, for the most
part, supportive of systems theory. The present and future implications were
discussed and suggestions for future research were offered. [Source: DA]
Wilkinson, Melvin L. and William C. Tanner. 1980. “The Influence of Family Size, Interaction, and Religiosity on Family Affection in a Mormon Sample.” Journal of Marriage and the Family vol. 42, pp. 297-304.
Abstract: Many studies have
shown an inverse relationship between family size and family affection. This
relationship was tested from the perception of 223 adolescents in Mormon
families. A small but significant positive relationship was found between
family size, family activities, and family affection. Partial correlations
indicated that religiosity, not family size, was the key causal variable. Path
analysis showed that the relationship between religiosity and family affection
was relatively independent of family activities. It is suggested that the
degree to which the mother feels her work is important might be the key
variable in coping with family size.
[Source: PI]
Bardis, Panos D. 1978. “The Borromean Family and the Influence of Religion.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies vol. 9, pp. 231-241.
Abstract: According to the
author's Borromean theory, pro-family trends are balanced by anti-family ones,
with the former dominating. Data from 200 White students at 2 Catholic high
schools indicate that (a) increasing age was accompanied by diminishing
religiosity and increasing anti-family attitudes, (b) frequent church
attendance was associated with high religiosity and pro-family scores, and (c)
mothers' education influenced the offspring's family attitudes inconsistently,
but the children of less educated women were more religious. [Source: PI]
Becker, Tamar. 1978. “Inter-Faith and Inter-Nationality Attitudinal Variations among Youth toward Self, Family and the Collective.” Review of Religious Research vol. 20, pp. 68-81.
Abstract: Two groups of
American high school students, the first drawn from Catholic parochial schools
and the second from public schools in the same community, are compared with
regard to their attitudes to self, family, community, and nation. A third group, Israeli public high
schoolers, is employed as an external standard of evaluation. Some intra-American differences were found,
but their number and magnitude were much less significant than the
inter-nationality differences. It is
suggested that American youth culture, with its emphasis on the self and its
anti-collectivity orientation, is the most potent determinant of attitudes
among seventeen-year-olds and that it embraces at least those segments of
American youth belonging to the "majority culture". The impact of the religious factor on the
lives of Americans may be intimately related to the life cycle. [Source: RI]
Brackbill, Yvonne and Embry Howell. 1974. “Religious Differences in Family Size Preference among American Teenagers.” Sociological Analysis vol. 35, pp. 35-44.
Abstract: A presentation of
a study analyzing differences between Catholic & non-Catholic young people
in att's toward fam formation. A sample of 941 students in junior HSch's,
HSch's, & Coll's in the Washington, DC area responded to a self-admin'ed
questionnaire in 1971. Data were obtained on students' background, att's toward
fam formation, girls' career aspirations, & pop awareness. In general,
results emphasize & reemphasize the continuing importance of a religious
diff'ial in fam size preference. Religious affiliation was far more predictive
of preferred fam size than was race, sex, age, SES, number of siblings, type of
Sch, maternal work history, or girls' career aspirations. These results differ
from those obtained in recent studies based on short term trends in religious
conformity but are consistent with longer term trends. [Source: SA]
Vandenberg, K. R. and A. G. Konrad. 1974. “Student Perceptions of the Generation Gap.” Alberta Journal of Educational Research vol. 20, pp. 116-121.
Abstract: Examined
perceptions of 480 high school students in urban and rural centers in Alberta,
Canada, regarding the generation gap. Although only one-fourth of the
respondents perceived the existence of a generation gap between themselves and
their parents, nearly one-half felt that a generation gap existed for other
members of their generation. Perception of the generation gap was related to
sex, religious affiliation, and value orientation (measured by Prince's
Differential Values Inventory), but not to age, family background, community
background, socioeconomic status, and employment status of the mother of the
respondent. [Source: PI]
Elder, Glen H. Jr. 1962. “Structural Variations in the Child Rearing Relationship.” Sociometry vol. 25, pp. 241-262.
Abstract: Seven types of
social structures in the child rearing relationship are identified in this
paper: autocratic, authoritarian, democratic, equalitarian, permissive,
laissez-faire, and ignoring. The investigation is concerned with two problems:
(1) the analysis of the relationship between social class, education and
religion of parents and size of family, and the child rearing structures, and
(2) the evaluation of structural effects upon the affective relations between
parent and adolescent, and the adolescent's attitude toward parental child
rearing policy. This study is based on 7,400 adolescents residing in Ohio and
North Carolina; the data were obatined with a structured questionnaire.
Parental dominance was most common to parents of low socioeconomic status, who
are Catholic, and who have large families. The likelihood of mutual rejection
in parent-adolescent relations and unfavorable evaluations of parental policy
was greatest in autocratically structured relationships. [Source: JS]
Johannis, Theodore B. and James Rollins. 1959. “Attitudes of Teenagers toward Family Relationships and Homogamy of Social Characteristics of Their Parents.” Sociology and Social Research vol. 43, pp. 415-420.
Abstract: The
interrelationship of marital happiness, affection, and similarity in parental
background is studied in terms of teenagers' attitude toward parents and home,
etc. 1400 students, or 91% of an 8th-grade class, were asked to complete a
questionnaire on parental background characteristics. The background factors
(age, locality, rural-urban background, education, religious affiliation,
occupation) were rated by Ss as were their attitudes toward parents, siblings,
home life, etc. No significant difference was found between marital happiness
and parental background, between male and female Ss, nor between their
attitudes toward home life as related to the happiness of their parents. The Ss
did show a more positive attitude toward parents and especially toward mothers
than toward homelife. [Source: PI]
Remmers, H and B Shimberg. 1949. “Problems of High School Youth. (Purdue Opinion Poll for Young People. Rep. No. 21.).” Purdue University.
Abstract: A 300-item Problem
Checklist was administered to 15,000 high school students in all sections of
the U. S. Problem areas covered were (1) school, (2) vocational, (3) personal,
(4) social, (5) family, (6) sex, (7) health, (8) general. Methodology and
overall results are discussed briefly. Tables are included showing what
percentage of students in various sub-groups checked each item. These include
breakdowns for (1) total group, (2) sex, (3) school grade, (4) region of U. S.,
(5) size of community, (6) religion, and (7) family income level. The analysis
was based on a stratified sample of 2500 signed questionnaires. The authors
compared matched samples of signed and unsigned questionnaires and found that
while the unsigned questionnaires yielded slightly higher percentages on nearly
all items, the results obtained from both samples were essentially the
same. [Source: PI]