Liebowitz, Stephen W., Dolores Calderon Castellano, and Israel Cuellar. 1999. “Factors That Predict Sexual Behaviors among Young Mexican American Adolescents: An Exploratory Study.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences vol. 21, pp. 470-479.
Abstract: Investigated the
association between teenage sexual activity and the independent variables of
child's religiosity, educational goals, educational grades, perception of
parent-child communication, self esteem, and perception of parent-child
congruity about sexual values. The sample consisted of 413 Mexican American
students (aged 11-14 yrs) who were in either the 6th, 7th, or 8th grades. The
best predictors of absence of sexual activity were child's religiosity,
educational goals, and perception of the congruency of parent-child sexual
values. Child's perception of the congruency of parent-child sexual values
accounted for more of the variance than any of the other statistically significant
predictor variables. This suggests that increasing congruity between
parent-child sexual ideas and values is the best preventive measure to delay
sexual activity among Mexican American teenagers. [Source: PI]
Marsiglia, Flavio Francisco. 1998. “Barriers to Access and Succeeding in College: Perceptions of a Group of Midwestern Urban Latino Youth.” Journal of Poverty vol. 2, pp. 69-82.
Abstract: To explore Latino
youths' perceptions of their chances of entering & succeeding in college,
participant observation & survey data were gathered from 64 Hispanic youths
in a community college or a church youth group in a major midwestern city.
Respondents (Rs) had a shared perception that Latino students were not welcome
at area colleges; they identified a series of logistic, culture-specific, &
self-efficacy barriers that impeded them from fully benefiting from a college
education. Rs who had not yet experienced college life were positive about
pursuing a postsecondary education, but Rs who were already enrolled in college
held negative views of their experiences & chances of success. Rs'
recommendations for improvement ranged from language & culturally specific
information campaigns directed toward the whole Latino family to cultural
awareness training for faculty & other college personnel, whom they
identified as gatekeepers. [Source: SA]
Pesa, J. A. 1998. “The Association between Smoking and Unhealthy Behaviors among a National Sample of Mexican-American Adolescents.” Journal of School Health vol. 68, pp. 376-380.
Abstract: This study
examined the relationship between smoking and participation in unhealthy
behaviors among Mexican-American adolescents through a secondary analysts of
national data. Mexican-American adolescents (N=580), ages 10 through 18 years
who were interviewed as part of the 1993 Teenage Attitudes and Practices Survey
(TAPS II), were selected for analysis. Data collected included smoking status
of the adolescent and participation in certain unhealthy behaviors. Among girls
in the study, smokers were more likely to not wear a seat belt, be involved in
physical fighting, not be involved in organized sports, perform poorly in
school, say they like to do risky things, and ride in a car with a drunk or
high driver. For boys, smoking was significantly associated with liking to do
risky things, fighting, not attending church, and poor academic performance.
These results suggest that Mexican; American adolescents who smoke may be at
higher risk for engaging in behaviors that could compromise their health and
safety and for not being involved in activities chat may exert a protective
influence. [Source: SC]
Rapposelli, Teresa Maria. 1997. “Family Characteristics of Hispanic Male Adolescents Involved in Youth Gangs.” Psy.d. Thesis, California School of Professional Psychology - Berkeley/Alameda.
Abstract: This study tested
the hypothesis that Hispanic adolescent boys may be turning to gangs in order
to seek a place where they feel they belong. The breakdown in the nuclear
family unit and how this is associated with an increase in gang involvement,
delinquent behavior, and violence and crime for Hispanic youths was studied.
Sixty Hispanic male adolescents between the ages of 14 and 18 participated in
this study. Thirty adolescents who did not self identify as gang members
composed the Control group. The Experimental group consisted of thirty
adolescents who indicated that they were gang members. A Personal Information
Questionnaire was used to assess demographic variables, cultural preferences,
and issues concerning family characteristics, values, and emotions of the
research participants. The quality of the subjects' family relations was
measured by the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale-II. It was
predicted that families of gang members would demonstrate high levels of
cohesion (emotional connectedness) and adaptability (flexibility). Although
significant difference between groups was found on the means of the total
scores for cohesion, chi square analyses showed no statistical association
between non- gang/gang membership and the four cohesion categories. Similarly,
no significance was found when comparing the means of the total scores for
adaptability, nor did chi square analyses show statistical association between
non- gang/gang membership and the four adaptability categories. Finally,
results of the Mann-Whitney U test demonstrated no significant difference in
the family type between groups. Discussion centered on the implication of
findings for the general delinquency literature. The importance of Hispanic
cultural values and the necessity of distinguishing traditional Hispanic family
dynamics from those of other cultural, ethnic, or religious groups was
stressed. Issues of acculturation, environmental stress, and the basic survival
issues and societal pressures that Hispanic families face within a dominant
culture were also addressed. Recommendations for future research regarding
depression, post traumatic stress, substance abuse, and other extraneous
factors that may more clearly determine whether or not gang membership is truly
due to family dysfunction were given.
[Source: DA]
Corcoran, Jacqueline. 1996. “Ecological Factors Associated with Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting.” Ph.d. Thesis, The University of Texas At Austin.
Abstract: The central
purpose of this research was to discover, using Bronfenbrenner's conceptual
framework (1979) of an ecological systems model, the combination of factors
that successfully predicted pregnancy/parenting status in a convenience sample
of 105 teens attending pregnancy prevention programs across a southwestern
state. Non-pregnant/non-parenting teens were compared with pregnant and/or
parenting teens along factors organized by the following three main systems of
interacting categories of variables as explicated by Bronfenbrenner (1979): (1)
the microsystem consisting of the psychological variables of self-esteem,
depression, and stress levels experienced, and the social psychological
variables of alcohol and drug abuse; (2) the mesosystem consisting of religious
affiliation and family structure, family functioning, problems with friends,
the neighborhood, and the school as well as enacted social support; (3) the
macrosystem consisting of household income, parents' occupations, and race.
Logistic regression modeling with the entire data set as well as gender and
race subsets indicated support for an ecological systems model. The final model
included macrolevel (income), mesolevel (communication problems within the
family, Catholic religious affiliation, a positive relationship with school,
fiancial support from family), and microlevel (age, high stress) factors that
acted in combination to predict pregnancy status. The female-only group (N =
82) and the Hispanic group (N = 42) were the only subsamples to have enough
members to support statistical modeling. The model for females includes the
macrosystem variables of age and income, the mesosystem variables of religious
orientation, emotional support from friends, and family communication, and the
microsystem variables of depression and drug use. For Hispanics, the
macrosystem variables of age and income and the microsystem variable of stress
were the factors to enter the logistic regression model. Suggestions for future
research and policy and service delivery recommendations are discussed. [Source: DA]
Swaim, Randall C., E. R. Oetting, and J. Manuel Casas. 1996. “Cigarette Use among Migrant and Nonmigrant Mexican American Youth: A Socialization Latent-Variable Model.” Health Psychology vol. 15, pp. 269-281.
Abstract: A self-report
survey of cigarette use among 10th- and 12th-grade Mexican American students
found no differences in rates of use by migrant status. Male students reported
higher levels of lifetime, experimental, and daily smoking than female
students, and 12th-grade students reported higher levels of daily smoking than
10th-grade students. A socialization model of cigarette use based on peer
cluster theory was evaluated using structural equation methods, examining the
effects of family strength, family tobacco use, school adjustment, religious
identification, and peer tobacco associations. The basic latent-structure
socialization model was supported in all groups, but final models including
specific effects identified both unique and common relationships by gender and
migrant status. Common patterns across groups suggest that completely different
prevention programs may not be necessary for these youth. However, program
elements based on subtle group differences may serve to tailor prevention efforts
and make them more effective. [Source:
Deck, Allan Figueroa , Yolanda Tarango, and Timothy M. Matovina, (eds.). 1995. Perspectivas: Hispanic Ministry. Kansas City Mo: Sheed & Ward.
Abstract: Models, by A Deck.
The poor in a middle-class church, by J Fitzpatrick. Caribbean contribution, by
D Zapata. Pluralism, by A Isasi-Díaz. Multiculturalism as an ideology, by A
Deck. No melting pot in sight, by T Matovina. Women, by Y Tarango. Youth and
culture, by A Marill. Youth and evangelization, by C Cervantes. New immigrants,
by J Fitzpatrick. Empowering leaders, by T Matovina. Formation in religious
communities, by V Méndez. Catechesis, by A Erevia. The challenge of
proselytism, by J Díaz Vilar. Preaching in Spanish as a second language, by K
Davis. Religious imagination, by A García-Rivera. Spirituality, by A Pérez
Rodríguez. Popular religion, by V Elizondo. Liturgy, by T Matovina. Pastoral de
conjunto, by A Pineda. Basic Christian Communities, by D Martínez. Reasons for
our hope, by A Deck. Appendix one: selected pastoral resources, by K
Davis. [Source: RI]
Smith, Peggy B. and Maxine L. Weinman. 1995. “Cultural Implications for Public Health Policy for Pregnant Hispanic Adolescents.” Health Values vol. 19, pp. 3-9.
Abstract: Birthrates of both
first- & second-generation Hispanic teens are high, although
second-generation teens have rates of nonmarital births similar to other teens
in the US. Regardless of generational status, Hispanic youth have religious,
language, & cultural values that reflect the norms of large families &
the value of family ties. The public health system could be used more
effectively if there were sensitivity to the importance of cultural norms of
Hispanic families, specifically family decision making. Suggestions are provided
for accessible family planning & maternal health services for this
population. [Source: SA]
Chavez, Virginia. 1994. “Latino Gangs in Arizona.” Paper presented at American Sociological Association (ASA), 1994.
Abstract: A large number of
Latino youth are at risk for a multitude of mental health problems. There is a
"cholo" subculture that has developed among this particular group
across barrios nationwide. In AZ, Latino gangs have developed from this
subculture & are considered to be social subsystems often characterized by
competition for status & income opportunity through drug sales.
Historically, Latinos have not received the attention or the resources
necessary to combat social problems that gang members have encountered. For
Latino youth, the gang must be reponsive to needs that the individual is
lacking outside gang activity. Effects that Latino youths experience as a
result of being labeled as a "cholo" or Latino gang member are
investigated. Other contributing factors include the judicial & correctional
system, police abuse, gang homicides, & church affiliation. Prevention
& intervention programs are also discussed. [Source: SA]
Díaz Stevens, Ana María. 1994. “Latino Youth and the Church.” Pp. 278-307 in Hispanic Catholic Culture in the Us, edited by J. Dolan and Allan Figueroa Deck. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Cervantes, Joseph M. and Oscar Ramirez. 1992. “Spirituality and Family Dynamics in Psychotherapy with Latino Children.” Pp. 103-128 in Working with Culture: Psychotherapeutic Interventions with Ethnic Minority Children and Adolescents. The Jossey Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series, edited by Luis A. Vargas and Joan D. Koss-Chioino. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Inc, Publishers.
Abstract: (from the chapter)
suggested . . . that spirituality can be used to form a strong therapeutic
consciousness in the treatment of Mexican American families view family therapy
as a natural method with which to integrate spirituality, given its theoretical
roots of system balance, family focus, and familial intervention conceptual
view of Mestizo spirituality and family therapy the role of the philosophy of
curanderismo Presents case illustrations of three males aged 15, 12 and 10, a
17-year-old female and her parents, an 8-year-old male and his mother, and
three siblings aged 12, 13, and 15 and their parents. [Source: PI]
Dusenbury, Linda and Jon F. Kerner. 1992. “Predictors of Smoking Prevalence among New York Latino Youth.” American Journal of Public Health vol. 82, p. 55.
Abstract: Examines the
prevalence rates and risk factors for smoking among Latino adolescents in New
York City public and Catholic schools. Current smoking of older and younger
students; Prevalence of smoking for female and male Puerto Rican students;
Prosmoking social-influence variables; Predictors of smoking; Interventions
that may prevent smoking. [Source: AS]
Arriaga, Jose Jesus. 1991. “A Missionary Call to Hispanic Youth: Their Mestizo Identity as Hispanics and Catholics.” D.min. Thesis, The Catholic University of America.
Abstract: The increasing
presence of young Catholic Hispanics in the metropolitan area of Washington,
D.C., urgently needs the Church's pastoral attention. Confronted by different
cultures and different religious groups, many young Hispanics face problems of
self-identity, as individuals, as immigrants, and as Christians. Given the
close relationship between Hispanic culture and their Catholic faith, what
works to the detriment of one necessarily affects the other. Thus, there is a
need for youth to address their mestizo identity, as Hispanics and as
Christians. This pastoral project was designed to assist recent young
immigrants to claim their mestizo identity as Hispanics and Catholics. The
project took the form of three weekend encuentros, each with seven sessions:
(1) The first encuentro provided participants an opportunity for determining
and discussing their Myers-Briggs personality-type as presented by
Keirsey-Bates in Please Understand Me. (2) In the second encuentro,
participants reflected on their Christian identity in light of (a) the Pauline
teaching on Baptism in Romans 5:12-6:11, and (b) the findings about Catholic
identity in the survey of Gonzalez and LaVelle, The Hispanic Catholic in the United
States. (3) The focus of the third encuentro was the missionary character of
the Christian, in light of the relation between culture and evangelization, as
presented by Elizondo's Christianity and Culture. The report records in detail
the actual implementation of the project, including adaptations dictated by
circumstances. The immediate result of the project was the formation of a team
of a dozen young Hispanics who presently serve as jovenes misioneros in their
respective parishes. This report also provides a design for the formation of
similar groups at the parochial and diocesan levels. [Source: DA]
Berger, D. K., W. Kyman, G. Perez, M. Menendez, J. F. Bistritz, and J. M. Goon. 1991. “Hispanic Adolescent Pregnancy Testers - a Comparative-Analysis of Negative Testers, Childbearers and Aborters.” Adolescence vol. 26, pp. 951-962.
Abstract: Fifty-six Hispanic
adolescents who requested a pregnancy determination at a municipal outpatient
adolescent clinic participated in a comparative study of negative testers,
childbearers, and aborters. The study's purposes were to assess differences
between negative and positive pregnancy testers and to evaluate the pregnancy
resolution decision-making process of positive testers. Data were collected
using a two-part structured interview administered prior to and following
knowledge of pregnancy test results. Results indicated that negative and
positive pregnancy testers were similar in all areas evaluated. However,
positive testers were slightly older and had higher self-esteem than negative
testers. Of the 36 positive testers, 29 chose to deliver and keep the baby.
None of the adolescents chose adoption. Adolescents were consistent in their
pregnancy resolution decision before and after knowledge of pregnancy test
results. The pregnant adolescents considered themselves to be the most
influential person in the decision-making process. There were no significant
differences between the childbearers and the aborters, although the former
demonstrated higher self-esteem and greater religiosity. Most of the teenagers
were at risk for unintended pregnancy; therefore, subsequent family planning
counseling efforts should be directed at this population. [Source: SC]
Dodrill, Mark Andrew. 1991. “Christian Youth Ministry in Hispanic Chicago and Barcelona: An Inquiry into Similarities, Dissimilarities and Cross-Cultural Themes.” Ed.d. Thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Abstract: The study seeks to
describe, compare, and contrast the purposes and procedures of volunteer-led,
Christian youth ministries in evangelical churches of Hispanic Chicago and
Barcelona, Spain. Three cases were selected from each setting on the basis of
their reputation for effectiveness in volunteer-led youth ministry and maximum
diversity in such areas as denominational affiliations, levels of
acculturation, and socioeconomic status. Data was gathered through observation
of youth group activities, a sentence completion survey of group members, any
available documents, and semi-structured interviews of various leaders. The
small size of the sample precludes statistical generalizations to the larger
populations. Nevertheless, the following tentative conclusions were advanced as
topics for further research: (1) Some Christian youth groups are able to use
their social power to help raise the socioeconomic levels of lower-class youth.
(2) The effectiveness of volunteer-led youth groups is correlated with that of
their sponsoring congregation. (3) The goals of youth ministry are quite
similar among evangelical churches across a variety of Hispanic cultural
settings. (4) Differing emphases within this set of goals may be related to
different stages of group development. (5) The combination of different
ministry strategies increases their effectiveness in reaching group goals. (6)
These strategies can be grouped under the headings of specialized youth
activities, whole church activities, and personal ministry. (7) The number of
specialized youth activities in a given program may be related to factors such as
the size of the congregation, the level of acculturation to dominant societal
values, and the relationships between youth and adults within the congregation.
(8) Both acceptance by the group members and recognition by the church as a
whole are prerequisites for effective youth leaders. (9) The leadership styles
of youth leaders tend to mirror the styles of their pastors. (10) A
congregational model seems to be the most effective leadership structure for
volunteer-led youth ministry. (11) Effective leaders demonstrate their concern
for youth through their commitment of time, energy and resources. (12) A
variety of leadership development activities are necessary for the continuity
of volunteer-led youth ministries. [Source:
Gibson, John W. and Jean B. Lanz. 1991. “Factors Associated with Hispanic Teenagers' Attitude toward the Importance of Birth Control.” Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal vol. 8, pp. 399-415.
Abstract: Studied how
demographic factors, educational aspirations, maternal characteristics,
religiosity, clarity of long-term goals, and perception of friends' behavior
were associated with attitudes toward the importance of birth control (ATIBC),
using 240 Hispanic 12-28 yr old females who completed a written questionnaire.
Significant relationships were found between ATIBC and 4 predictors: primary
language, mother's education, importance of religion, and friends' perceived
contraceptive use. Adolescents who appeared to attach the least importance to
birth control were those who reported that their best spoken language was
Spanish, whose mothers had less than a 10th-grade education, who viewed
religion as relatively important, and who perceived that their friends would
not use birth control. [Source: PI]
Wong, Edward G. 1991. “An Investigation of Home, School, and Religious Factors That Relate to Achievement of Hispanic Tenth and Twelfth-Graders in the United States.” Thesis, University of Akron.
DuRant, Robert H., Carolyn Seymore, Robert Pendergrast, and Rebecca Beckman. 1990. “Contraceptive Behavior among Sexually Active Hispanic Adolescents.” Journal of Adolescent Health vol. 11, pp. 490-496.
Abstract: Factors associated
with the contraceptive behavior of a national representative sample of 85 US
Hispanic female adolescents ages 15-19 who were unmarried & sexually active
are investigated drawing on data from a 1982 national survey. Among the
findings, those from Mexican & Central/South American backgrounds were more
likely to use effective birth control than were Puerto Rican, Cuban, &
other Hispanic background Ss. Poorer contraceptive behavior was associated
with: noncompliance with the initial birth control method used, lower coital
frequency, older menarchal age, failure to use birth control at first coitus,
fewer years dating, lower frequency of church attendance, & never having
experienced a pregnancy scare. Findings suggest that the contraceptive behavior
of Hispanic female adolescents is a dynamic process that can be understood in
the context of previous sexual & contraceptive behavior. [Source: SA]
Guerra, Lee Roy. 1990. “Acculturation and Measurement of Moral Development in Hispanic Adolescent Males.” Ph.d. Thesis, California School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles.
Abstract: This study
questioned whether moral development as defined by Kohlberg (1958) is a
culturally biased construct. Specifically, this study investigated if the
Defining Issues Test (DIT, Rest, 1974), a measure of moral development based
upon Kohlberg's theory, is an ethnocentric instrument. It was predicted that
less-acculturated subjects would score lower on the DIT than would
more-acculturated Hispanic subjects, because the DIT was assumed to be
measuring only those aspects of moral development that exist in Western, Anglo,
male culture. The sample consisted of 99, adolescent, Hispanic males recruited
as volunteers from a California high school. They completed the Defining Issues
Test (Rest, 1974), the Olmedo Acculturation Scale (Olmedo, Martinez, and
Martinez, 1978) and several additional questions assessing gang involvement and
delinquency. The results were mixed. Global measures of acculturation did not
relate significantly to global DIT scores. However, several specific variables
of acculturation (primary language and SES) did show significant relationships
to moral development as measured by the DIT. In addition, several variables
intuitively expected to correlate with moral development (gang involvement,
delinquency, and church involvement) showed no significant relationship to DIT
scores. These findings suggest strongly that the DIT may not be a good
universal measure of moral development, as it claims. There appears to be an
ethnocentric bias. This study thus supports a major criticism of Kohlberg's
theory and the DIT, namely that Kohlberg's theory is not universal but is
specific to Western, Anglo, male culture.
[Source: DA]
Hernandez, Edwin I. and Roger L. Dudley. 1990. “Persistence of Religion through Primary Group Ties among Hispanic Seventh-Day Adventist Young People.” Paper presented at American Sociological Association (ASA), 1990.
Abstract: In a serarch for
factors related to religious commitment, 443 Hispanic youth from 22 Seventh-Day
Adventist churches distributed throughout the US were surveyed. It was
hypothesized that the strength of primary group ties are related to religious
commitment, providing evidence for a collective-expressive view of the church,
& that the process of acculturation weakens these ties leading to a
lessening of religious commitment. Three components of commitment were defined,
& four blocks of predictor variables were introduced. Multiple regression
reveals that acculturation variables predicted saliency of religion, ritual
commitment, & devotional commitment; the family dynamics block predicted
saliency & ritual commitment; & pastoral relations predicted only
saliency. Demographic variables were not significantly predictive, except for
family income, which was negatively related to saliency. [Source: SA]
Jackson, Alice Elaine. 1990. “The Relationships among Knowledge, Perceived Accessibility and Practice of Contraception of Mexican-American Adolescent Females.” Ph.d. Thesis, Texas Woman's University.
Abstract: A descriptive
survey was used to determine what relationships existed among contraceptive
knowledge, perceived accessibility to contraceptive methods and contraceptive
use within a randomly selected sample of 250 adolescent Mexican-American
females. In their home environment, all subjects completed the investigator-adapted
Contraceptive Knowledge Index (r =.88) and the investigator-designed
Contraceptive Methods Access Index (r =.93) and Demographic Data Record.
Analysis of data revealed significant relationships between contraceptive
knowledge and perceived accessibility to contraceptive methods (r =.45; p
=.0001) and between the combined influences of contraceptive knowledge and
perceived accessibility to contraceptive methods and contraceptive use
($chisp2$ = 81.31, df = 6; p = $le$.05). Associations were significant between
sexual experience (p =.0001), age (p =.002), education (p =.008), and religion
(p =.004). Sexual experience had the highest predictive capacity for
contraceptive use followed by perceived accessibility to contraceptive methods,
age, religion, contraceptive knowledge, education and socioeconomic
status. [Source: DA]
Manning, William Henry. 1990. “The Influence of the Home and School on the Religious Socialization of Puerto Rican Youth.” Ph.D. Thesis, Fordham University.
Abstract: The purpose of
this study was to focus on the responsiveness of the Catholic school and the
home to the religious socialization of Puerto Rican teenagers. This study
attempted to examine intergenerational similarities and differences concerning
faith development expectations grandparents and parents in the Puerto Rican
family had of their adolescent son/daughter who was in his/her senior year of
Catholic high school. In addition this study sought to determine to what extent
the Puerto Rican family identified with a particular parish, its forms of
worship, and its religious traditions. The total sample of the study included
27 persons who were randomly selected from intergenerationally linked Puerto
Rican families made up of grandparents, parents, and students (nine persons
formed each group) who lived in New York City. Three questionnaires, which were
designed for each intergenerational respondent, were used to collect the data.
The major findings of this study were: (a) Generally speaking, the differences
which were found within the home that had an effect on the religious
development of Puerto Rican youth were attributed to family instability,
divorce, and an ambivalent attitude of parents toward active teenage sexuality;
(b) this study found a high degree of discontinuity between each generation
with respect to the influence the home had on the religious development of the
youth; (c) the majority of the respondents had a weak identification with their
local parish because of divorce and a lack of a sense of belonging; (d) the
attitudes of the majority of parents and students toward the religious
education program of their respective high schools was very positive and the
school proved to be a strong reinforcer of values and student morale. The major
conclusions were: (a) Age of arrival in New York City determined the devotional
and religious characteristics of the Puerto Rican immigrants in this study; (b)
parents who regularly communicated with their children by talking with them
about God and by the religious environment they provided in the home positively
influenced the religious development of their children; (c) the role of the
parents as transmitter of religious faith values was on the decline primarily
because of divorce; (d) the reception of the Sacrament of Penance was
problematic for each generation of respondents; (e) the Catholic high school
met the expectations of the parents with respect to their children's religious
development. [Source: DA]
Barrett, Mark E., D. Dwayne Simpson, and Wayne E. K. Lehman. 1988. “Behavioral Changes of Adolescents in Drug Abuse Intervention Programs.” Journal of Clinical Psychology vol. 44, pp. 461-473.
Abstract: Analysis of intake
& during-program measures reveals that reduction of problem behaviors (drug
& alcohol use, school problems, & legal involvement) by
Mexican-American youth (N = 326) during their first 3 months in drug abuse
intervention programs was related negatively to peer drug use during the
program & was related positively to the amount of family support available
during the program, participation in program activities, & a background of
religious involvement. These findings support previous research that has shown
the importance of peer influences & commitment to conventional structures
of family & religion in relation to adolescent problem behaviors. Results
suggest that adolescent drug abuse programs should stress the development of
positive peer relations & family support while they encourage
disassociation from deviant friends.
[Source: SA]
Barrett, Mark Elliot. 1988. “Socialization Influences in Adolescent Drug Use: A Causal Modeling Study of Peer Cluster Theory.” Ph.d. Thesis, Texas A&M; University.
Abstract: The purpose of
this study was to examine the role of socialization influences in adolescent
drug use. The efficacy of the Peer Cluster Socialization Influence (PCSI) model
of Oetting and Beauvais (1987) was tested using a sample of Mexican-American
youth in drug abuse prevention/intervention programs throughout Texas.
Methodological improvements were made by using latent variables, and by testing
key relationships with a longitudinal subsample. Support was found for the PCSI
model when tested with the cross-sectional sample ($N = 467$). As predicted by
peer cluster theory, associations with peers that used drugs was the only
direct influence on drug use. The findings suggest that the influences of
family strength and sanctions, religious identification, and school adjustment
are indirectly related to drug use by preventing associations with peers that
use drugs. Also, the relatively strong influence of school adjustment to peer
drug association suggests a possible revision of the PCSI model. The proposed
changes involve positing family and religion as antecedent to school adjustment,
leaving school adjustment as the only direct influence on peer drug
associations. The hypothesis that peer drug associations would be associated
with future drug use was only partially supported in the analysis using the
longitudinal subsample ($N = 97$). However, drug use was found to be associated
with increased associations with peers that used drugs at two future times.
Recommendations for future research and for intervention were discussed. [Source: DA]
Ortiz, C. G. and E. V. Nuttall. 1987. “Adolescent Pregnancy - Effects of Family Support, Education, and Religion on the Decision to Carry or Terminate among Puerto-Rican Teenagers.” Adolescence vol. 22, pp. 897-917.
Santos Fontova, Eduviges. 1984. “A Multivariate Predictive Model for Pregnancy Avoidance and Coital Involvement among Puerto Rican Unmarried Adolescents.” Ph.d. Thesis, St. John'S University.
Abstract: A multivariate
model consisting of 16 variables found in the literature associated either with
adolescent pregnancy or contraceptive use were studied in 60 adolescent Puerto
Rican women. Pregnants (N = 20), effective contraceptive users (ECU) (N = 20),
and virgins (N = 20). The variables were analyzed using a discriminant
analysis. This is a variety of multiple regression analysis that correlates
"predictors" (or independent variables) with a single "outcome
variable" (dependent variable), and it is used when the "outcome
variable" is scored in a categorical fashion. The regression equation (or
discriminant function) supplies weights for the predictor variables that will
optimize predictions for an individual's scores on this variable to her
membership in one of the categories of the outcome variable (pregnant, ECU or
virgin). Results indicated that using a combination of three of the variables,
namely: IQ, Traditional Religiosity and Perception of Best Friend
Permissiveness towards Females, it was possible to correctly predict membership
into either of the groups, for 77% of the cases. If and when the discriminant
function is rotated this feature performs like a factor analysis. Results of
the rotation indicated that the three significant variables delineated two
factors, one labeled "pregnancy avoidance (ECUs and virgins vs. pregnants)
basically delineated by IQ and Traditional Religiosity and another factor
labeled "coital involvement" (ECUs and pregnants vs. virgins)
basically delineated by Perception of Best Friend Permissiveness towards
Females. Findings further indicated IQ to be the best predictor for pregnancy
avoidance among these samples of women. Findings also indicated the convenience
of using a multivariate model for the identification of adolescents at risk for
pregnancy. Results further indicated the virgins to be, like the ECUs,
pregnancy avoiders, and that pregnancy avoiders (ECUs and virgins) constitute a
more cohesive and, therefore, easier to discriminate group than the pregnancy
non-avoiders (pregnants). Therefore efforts to identify girls at risk of
pregnancy during adolescence are better served by identifying and ruling out
those young women most likely to be pregnancy avoiders. Results were discussed
and recommendations for further research and prevention programs advanced. [Source: DA]
Erdman, Daniel. 1983. “Liberation and Identity: Indo-Hispano Youth.” Religious Education vol. 78, pp. 76-89.
Abstract: Discusses how the
humanistic orientation of Indo-Hispano youth can best be served through
liberation theology. Indo-Hispano youth generally orient more toward
cooperation than competition, toward people than tasks, and toward family than
society. Their view of life as a tragedy is in direct contrast to the view of
Anglo culture of life as a struggle for success. Liberation theology, which has
its origins in Latin America, is also oriented toward ministering to the individual.
Educators concerned with imparting this model to Indo-Hispano youth should
emphasize (1) hope in the future; (2) the importance of the extended family;
(3) the mystic tradition of the Spanish saints and their identification with
the suffering Christ; (4) activity and activism, especially activity that
promotes ethnicity; and (5) independent and objective thought. Liberation
theology offers freedom from destructive ties to the past, from prejudice and
fear, from self-hatred, and from lack of identity. [Source: PI]
Ortiz, Carmen G. 1983. “Teenage Pregnancy: Factors Affecting the Decision to Carry or Terminate Pregnancy among Puerto Rican Teenagers.” Thesis, University of Massachusetts.
Garcia, Osvaldo B. 1982. “Ministry to the Hispanic Community of the Pomona Valley.” D.min. Thesis, School of Theology At Claremont.
Abstract: This project is an
attempt to call the attention of the Christian and secular community to the
rapid growth of the hispanic population and the insufficient services available.
To substantiate this problem of ministry the author brings a considerable
amount of data from schools, from elementary to college. He brings together for
the cities of Chino, Claremont, La Verne, Montclair, Ontario, Pomona, Rancho
Cucamonga, San Dimas and Upland the comparable figures of the 1977 state census
and the two national census of 1970 and 1980 to show the hispanic rate of
growth during the decade of the 70's, and projects to the future decade the
hispanic demographic growth. The project also offers insight into the probable
number of undocumented persons in the valley to give the whole perspective as
it is and as it will develop in future years. The project lists all hispanic
churches and their locations, religious and community programs, Anglo churches
in areas of hispanic population and their programs to these communities. The
most important social service agencies are listed also for additional
information. Maps are provided for the nine cities, locating barrios, hispanic
population concentration and city boundaries. Hispanic and Anglo churches are
indicated, as well as basic service centers. A basic part of this project is an
extensive listing of services provided in the valley, with a critique of these
services showing the areas of unmet needs. The most pressing needs of the
hispanic community, e.g., unemployment and youth training, are evaluated. The
project presents a protestant point of view. It offers a call to look at the
Bible, the work of the prophets, and the life and ministry of Jesus as an
example to serve the needy, the dispossessed and the foreigner. It calls for
theological reflection and action given the specific conditions in the valley,
calling society, and specifically the church to serve in the name of Christ the
"least of these." Practical suggestions are given to the individual
Christian, the denominations, and the Valley Council of Churches. [Source: DA]