O'Shea, Kaitilin Stevens. 1999. “Growing up Lesbian and Gay: Views from Young Adulthood.” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Delaware.
Abstract: This investigation
sought to explore the developmental experiences of lesbian and gay individuals
throughout adolescence and young adulthood, with a focus on the process of
identity development. Employing an ecological perspective and modified grounded
theory methods of analysis, this investigation examined the influence of
individual, situational (i.e., school, family, religious, and other communities
of belonging), and sociohistorical variables on the developmental identity
processes of lesbian and gay youth. Each of 26 respondents (ranging in age from
18 to 30) participated in two qualitative, open-ended interviews regarding
their developmental experiences. Content analysis revealed three emergent
themes: the impact of proximate socialization forces (e.g., peer, family, and
community groups); the influence of sociohistorical context; and, the
importance of “telling the truth” about lesbian and gay
sexual identities. In addition, a common identity narrative-one that describes
identity formation, identity expression, identity integration, and identity
refinement—emerged for all respondents. Respondents reported highly
variable experiences in a variety of social contexts during their childhood,
adolescence, and young adult years. The importance of the media, gender
socialization, sexuality socialization, and religious socialization were
described by a majority of the respondents. In addition, each respondent
described a common identity narrative that included: coming to awareness of a
lesbian or gay sexual identity; a period of silence about their identity (the
critical period); learning to express their sexual identity; integrating a
sexual identity with other aspects of self; and, refining that identity over
time. One of the major contributions of this study is that it describes a range
of experiences in developmental identity processes, and the influences from
mainstream culture, as filtered through individuals, most proximate social
environments. Most respondents indicate the negative influences of homophobia and
heterosexism in culture, while they reveal the positive influence of support
from within various proximate systems. Respondents, narratives demonstrate the
common experiences of growing up with a stigmatized identity, and the continued
need for changes in cultural attitudes, and support services for youth,
parents, school personnel and others who determine programs and policies in
other social institutions. [Source: DA]
Maher, Michael Joseph S. Jr. 1997. “The Dis-Integration of a Child: Gay and Lesbian Youth in Catholic Education.” Ph.d. Thesis, Saint Louis University.
Abstract: This dissertation
involved four studies: a document analysis of contemporary Catholic magisterial
teaching on the philosophy of Catholic education as it pertains to the topic of
homosexuality, a survey of incoming freshman at a Midwestern Catholic
university on their level of agreement with 16 points of Catholic teaching on
the topic of homosexuality, a study using in-depth interviews with 25 (13 male
and 12 female) gay and lesbian adults who attended Catholic high schools and
graduated in the 1980s and 1990s, a study using in-depth interviews with 12
counselors currently working in Catholic high schools. The document analysis
yielded the conclusion that Catholic education must discuss the topic of
homosexuality, must reduce homophobia in its students, parents, and teachers
through education, and must provide support services for gay and lesbian
students. The survey (N = 103) demonstrated that students graduating from
Catholic high schools generally had more positive attitudes toward
homosexuality and gay and lesbian people than those graduating from
non-Catholic high schools. Females generally had more positive attitudes than
males. Among Catholic school graduates, those graduating from coeducational
schools generally had more positive attitudes than those graduating from unisex
schools. Agreement levels in terms of the Church's responsibilities to gay and
lesbian people and the unacceptability of verbal harassment of gay and lesbian
people were disturbingly low. The study of gay and lesbian alumni of Catholic
high schools demonstrated a theme of "Dis- integration." Subjects
were dis-integrated socially, institutionally, spiritually, and in a terms of
sexual identity. This is particularly important because integration at all
these levels is a goal of Catholic education. The study of Counselors yielded
the conclusion that Catholic schools generally are not doing enough to help
this population. [Source: DA]
Toman, James Anthony. 1997. “Dual Identity: Being Catholic and Being Gay.” PHD Thesis, Cleveland State University.
Abstract: The aim of this
research was to utilize survey methods to investigate the relationship between
two important personal identity markers, one's religiosity and one's sexual
orientation, and to examine these variables at two points in the life span,
retrospectively during youth and concurrently in adulthood. Specifically, the
study involved adult males raised in the Catholic tradition and the process of
their homosexual identity formation. This research sought to determine if
significant relationships exist between: (1) the strength of youthful religious
conviction and difficulty experienced during the adolescent coming-out process;
(2) formative religious conviction and later ability to achieve an adult
gay-affirmative life style; (3) religious conviction in the formative and adult
years; (4) the difficulty of coming-out and subsequent adult religious
conviction; (5) the difficulty of coming-out and adult capacity to experience a
gay-affirmative life style; and (6) adult religious conviction and capacity for
a gay-affirmative life style. The 70 respondents in the study were voluntary
and their survey responses anonymous. They were recruited either by contact from
professionals who work with individuals in the gay community or through
advertisements in the gay community and in the gay-oriented media. Analysis of
responses utilized quantitative procedures, but respondents also provided
narrative answers which added explanatory detail and enriched and clarified the
findings and conclusions. The findings from this study suggest that: (a) a
significant statistical relationship exists between adolescent religiosity and
difficulties encountered in the adolescent coming-out process, and also between
adolescent and adult religiosity; and (b) no statistically significant
relationship exists between adolescent religiosity and difficulties experienced
in achieving a affirmative adult gay life style, between adolescent and adult
sexual identity processes, nor between the adolescent coming-out process and
adult religiosity. This study further suggests that the interplay of religious
and sexual identity factors is a complex one. The data it offers may serve to
illuminate for those who work with the gay population some of the important
issues through which gay clients must navigate, and to suggest to researchers
in the field of religious and sexual orientation identity formation useful
directions which further research might take. [Source: PI]
Waldner Haugrud, Lisa K. and Brian Magruder. 1996. “Homosexual Identity Expression among Lesbian and Gay Adolescents.” Youth and Society vol. 27, pp. 313-333.
Abstract: The influence of
structural factors on homosexual identity expression is often neglected in
theoretical & empirical analysis. The negotiated identity model proposes
that perceptions of external forces influence adolescents through supportive
resources & obstacles that may inhibit identity expression. Mail questionnaire
data were obtained from a snowball sample of 85 lesbians & 87 gay male (M)
adolescents. Perceptions of structural associations tested included
religiosity, importance of school, political ideology & socioeconomic
status (SES) of parents, importance of heterosexual friends, frequency of &
importance of heterosexual sexual encounters, & gender nonconformity.
Multiple regression analysis explained more of the variance for gay Ms than for
lesbians. Variables important for gay Ms included political ideology, SES, heterosexual
friends, & gender nonconformity. Significant variables for lesbians
included religion & importance of school. Gender differences are discussed
as well as implications for adolescents.
[Source: SA]
Holtzen, David Wayne. 1993. “Family Responses to Homosexuality: Correlates to Homophobia, Gay/Lesbian Self-Disclosure and Parent/Sibling Homophobia.” Ph.d. Thesis, Boston College.
Abstract: The main purposes
of this study were: (1) to expand upon prior investigations regarding
correlates of homophobia by using a sample of gay, lesbian and bisexual
participants and their first degree relatives; (2) to examine whether parental
attachment is associated with sexual self-disclosure ("coming out")
to one's parents; and, (3) to develop and to apply theoretically sound and
empircally validated models for predicting degree of homophobia in
heterosexuals (in order to provide clinicians with frameworks for both
understanding and treating individuals and families where homophobia is known
or thought to be a factor contributing to individual or systemic distress).
Heterosexual parents and siblings who have a gay/lesbian/bisexual child or
sibling, respectively, along with homosexual and bisexual adults completed
questionnaires which assessed: (1) homophobia; (2) sex-role stereotypes; (3)
religiosity; and, (4) conservatism. Non-parent participants also completed a
parental attachment questionnaire and a measure of dysfunctional attitudes.
Results support prior research that suggests homophobia is correlated with traditional
sex-role stereotypes. For parents, religiosity and the amount of time that has
elapsed since their child's disclosure also correlated with and predicted level
of homophobia. Also for parents, differences in degree of homophobia were found
between four naturally emerging Time Since Disclosure categories: the longer
one knew of their child's sexuality, the less homophobic they tended to be.
Homophobic parents were found to hold significantly more sex-role stereotypes,
were more religious and conservative and had known of their child's sexuality
for significantly less time than their non-homophobic peers. Disclosed
gay/lesbian/bisexual participants reported more positive parental attachments
compared to their undisclosed peers. Parental attachment was also found to be
significantly negatively correlated with dysfunctional attitudes in both
heterosexual and non-heterosexual participants. Findings--consistent with a
social psychological formulation of the nature of stereotyping--indicate that
homophobia appears related to traditional sex-role stereotypes and religiosity,
both of which can be explored and addressed in therapy with clients and
families who have a gay/lesbian/bisexual family member. Findings also suggest
that examining gay identity development from the perspective of attachment
theory is valid. [Source: DA]
Marsiglio, William. 1993. “Attitudes toward Homosexual Activity and Gays as Friends: A National Survey of Heterosexual 15- to 19-Year-Old Males.” Journal of Sex Research vol. 30, pp. 12-17.
Abstract: Examined
heterosexual adolescent males' negative attitudes toward gays using data from a
1988 national survey of 1,880 male youth (aged 15-29 yrs). Results indicate
that the vast majority of Ss, 89%, found sex between 2 men "disgusting,"
and only 12% felt confident that they could befriend a gay person. Ss with more
traditional male role attitudes, a religious fundamentalist orientation, and a
parent who had completed fewer years of education were significantly more
likely to express homophobic views. However, these models also indicate that
homophobic attitudes were not associated with the absence of a religious
affiliation, placing greater importance on religion, or frequency of worrying
about AIDS. [Source: PI]
Newman, B. S. and P. G. Muzzonigro. 1993. “The Effects of Traditional Family Values on the Coming out Process of Gay Male Adolescents.” Adolescence vol. 28, pp. 213-226.
Abstract: The development of
a gay or lesbian identity (often referred to as the coming out process) has
been widely studied in adults; however, few studies have examined the process
in gay adolescents. Even among these studies, little research has investigated
the effects of race or family values on the coming out process. A small sample
of African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Eurasian, and Caucasian gay male
adolescents participated in this survey study. Coming out was operationalized
in three stages: sensitization; awareness with confusion, denial, guilt, and
shame; and acceptance. The majority of respondents reported feeling different
from other boys as children. The average age of first crush on another boy was
12.7 years; average age for realizing they were gay was 12.5 years. Most
respondents reported feeling confused during their first awareness that they were
gay. Denial of identity was a coping strategy for about half the sample.
Traditional family values played a greater role in predicting coming out
experiences than did race. Families were categorized as having high or low
traditional values based upon (1) the importance of religion, (2) emphasis on
marriage, (3) emphasis on having children, and (4) whether a non-English
language was spoken in the home. Families with a strong emphasis on traditional
values were perceived as less accepting of homosexuality than were the low
traditional families. Those who work with adolescents need to be aware that
some will recognize their sexual orientation as gay, lesbian, or bisexual
during this time of their lives. These youth need support in the coming out
process because they may encounter stigmatization and disapproval not only from
the larger society, but also from their families, peers, and sometimes the gay
community itself. [Source: ML]
Lottes, Ilsa L. and Peter J. Kuriloff. 1992. “The Effects of Gender, Race, Religion, and Political Orientation on the Sex Role Attitudes of College Freshmen.” Adolescence vol. 27, pp. 675-688.
Abstract: 556 1st-yr
undergraduates completed a questionnaire examining the effects of gender, race
(Asian, Black, and White), religion (Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant), and
political orientation (liberal and conservative) on 4 areas of sex-role
ideology. They were (1) traditional attitudes toward female sexuality, (2)
justification of male dominance, (3) negative attitudes toward homosexuality,
and (4) attitudes toward feminism. The study assumed a social learning
perspective: that sex-role beliefs are culturally determined. Of the 4
independent variables, religion and political orientation produced significant
differences on all 4 sex-role measures. Liberals as compared to conservatives,
and Jews as compared to Protestants were less traditional in their attitudes
toward female sexuality, less accepting of male dominance and negative
attitudes toward homosexuality, and more accepting of feminist attitudes. [Source: PI]
Remafedi, G., M. Resnick, R. Blum, and L. Harris. 1992. “Demography of Sexual Orientation in Adolescents.” Pediatrics vol. 89, pp. 714-721.
Abstract: This study was undertaken
to explore patterns of sexual orientation in a representative sample of
Minnesota junior and senior high school students. The sample included 34 706
students (grades 7 through 12) from diverse ethnic, geographic, and
socioeconomic strata. Five items pertaining to sexual attraction, fantasy,
behavior, and affiliation were embedded in a self-administered survey of
adolescent health. Overall, 10.7% of students were "unsure" of their
sexual orientation; 88.2% described themselves as predominantly heterosexual;
and 1.1% described themselves as bisexual or predominantly homosexual. The
reported prevalence of homosexual attractions (4.5%) exceeded homosexual
fantasies (2.6%), sexual behavior (1%), or affiliation (0.4%). Gender
differences were minor; but responses to individual sexual orientation items
varied with age, religiosity, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Uncertainty
about sexual orientation diminished in successively older age groups, with
corresponding increases in heterosexual and homosexual affiliation. The
findings suggest an unfolding of sexual identity during adolescence, influenced
by sexual experience and demographic factors.
[Source: SC]
Harrison, Jack B. 1991. “Living Surrounded by Silence.” Christian Social Action vol. 4, pp. 14-16.
Boyer, Debra. 1989. “Male Prostitution and Homosexual Identity.” Journal of Homosexuality vol. 17, pp. 151-184.
Abstract: Investigates how
gay male adolescents who are exposed to public forms of homosexuality may develop
a self-understanding that links their homosexual identity with prostitution.
Data from the author's study of 47 male adolescent prostitutes and 50 controls
(male adolescent delinquents) are summarized. Topics addressed include
demographic characteristics, sexual orientation, religion, law, medicine and
psychiatry, gender and social sex role, and the intersubjective world of
homosexuality. Case study materials are provided. Homosexual prostitution is
analyzed as a product of culture.
[Source: PI]
Borhek, Mary V. 1988. “Helping Gay and Lesbian Adolescents and Their Families.” Journal of Adolescent Health Care vol. 9, pp. 123-128.
Abstract: Gay & lesbian
youths confront a number of difficult problems, including telling their parents
about their sexual orientation & helping their families adjust to the news.
Ineffective communication, poor self-esteem, & unresolved grief & anger
often complicate this process. Frequently, misinformation about homosexuality,
religious beliefs, & homophobia adversely influence parental reactions.
Impediments to the relationship between parents & sexual-minority youth are
discussed, & strategies to promote positive family adjustment are
presented. [Source: SA]