Zacharioudakis, Manos Antonis. 1999. “Problem Behaviors of Greek-American Adolescents: The Relationship of Ethnic Identification to Risks and Protective Factors.” Ph.d. Thesis, St. John's University (New York).
Abstract:In a
cross-sectional study of 257 Greek-American (GA) adolescents from across the US
(ages 16-19, 72% female, 93% USA born) the incidence and psychosocial
corrlates of problem behaviors (PB) (i.e. smoking, drinking, marijuana, heavy
drugs, sexual intercourse, deviant behaviors) were explored. Jessor and
Jessor's Problem Behavior Theory's (PBT) generalizability in this population
were examined. Differences in PB incidence, risks, and predictors, explored
through correlational and multiple regression analyses, across GA ethnic
identification, gender, and school status (i.e. high school-college) were
found. The findings generally supported PBT. Strong positive intercorrelations
among all PB, all (but one) positive intercorrelations among prosocial
behavior, and all negative correlations of PB with prosocial behavior, and all
negative correlations of PB with prosocial behaviors were documented, as hypothesized.
The "one latent factor of general deviance" hypothesis found support
for males, but not for females or the total sample. Higher Greek-identified
youth showed higher drinking, smoking, and deviance, and lower marijuana/drug
use and sexual experience scores, compared to lower Greek-identified youth, but
these differences were due to SES differences and disappeared when SES factors
were partialled out. Family cohesiveness showed protective main effects for most PB but no interaction with
ethnicity effects. Family adaptability
failed to show any significant effects. Significant gender differences were
found: males showed higher marijuana, alcohol use, deviance scores, and sexual
promiscuity and less diet/laxative pill use that females (no smoking or heavier
drug use gender differences were found). Females showe higher levels of
religiosity, stressful events and psychopathology (i.e. anxiety and general
symptomatology, but not depression). College students showed higher scores for
most PB (except heavy drugs or deviance). Youth from non-intact parental
marriages showed significantly higher levels of all PB while intact family
incidence showed a positive correlation to Greek ethnic identity. In predicting
the total sample's PBindex, in decreasing order, friends' regular engagement In
smoking/drinking/marjuana use/sex, time going to bed on weekends, stressful
life events, relative parent-friend influence, non-acceptance of premarital sex
by youth, intolerance of deviance, parental approval of PB, and age, were the
significant predictors. Significant differences in predictors were found among
ethnic, gender, and college-status subgroups (e.g. a high contribution of PBT
"personality" variables only for high Greek identifiers, of family
cohesion for females, and of "perceived environment" factors--i.e.
friends models and parental
controls--for males). [Source: DA]
Kirmayer, L. J., L. J. Boothroyd, and S. Hodgins. 1998. “Attempted Suicide among Inuit Youth: Psychosocial Correlates and Implications for Prevention.” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie vol. 43, pp. 816-822.
Abstract: Objective: To
identify potential risk and protective factors associated with attempted
suicide among Inuit youth, a population known to have a high rate of both
attempted and completed suicide in recent years, Method: A secondary analysis
of data on 203 Inuit youth (aged 15 to 24 years) from a random community survey
conducted by Sante Quebec in 1992. Factors previously, identified in the
literature and ill clinical consultation and ethnographic research were tested
with bivariate statistics and logistic regression models for each gender.
Results: At the bivariate level positive correlates included substance use
(solvents, cannabis, cocaine), recent alcohol abuse evidence of a psychiatric
problem, and a greater number of life events in the last year. Regular church
attendance was negatively associated with attempted suicide. Multivariate
analysis indicated that a psychiatric problem, recent alcohol abuse, and
cocaine or crack use were the strongest correlates of attempted suicide for
females, while solvent use and number of recent life events were the strongest
correlates for males. Conclusions: Suicide prevention programs can be targeted
at youth who are using substances, particularly solvents, cocaine, and alcohol,
have psychiatric illness, and have experienced recent negative life events.
Involvement in church or other community activities may reduce the risk for
suicide. Consideration of gender differences may allow more precise
identification of those at risk for attempted suicide. [Source: SC]
Condos, Athena Sophia. 1997. “The Greek Language School as a Transmitter of Ethnicity: A Study of Linguistic, Cultural, and Religious Maintenance.” Ph.d. Thesis, The University of Connecticut.
Abstract: This study
assessed the role of the Greek language school in relation to the linguistic,
cultural and religious maintenance of the ethnic parish in which it operates.
The study examined the following issues: the Greek school and its relations to
the continuity of Greek identity; the linguistic and extralinguistic goals of
the Greek school, the relationship between the school and the Greek Orthodox
Church; and whether the school responds to parental aspirations. The general
goal of the study was to determine whether the Greek language school is the
basic vehicle of linguistic, cultural and religious maintenance of the Greek
American community. A qualitative study was designed to determine participants'
perceptions of the role of the Greek language school. The methods utilized in
the study were, participant observation, focus groups, interviewing and
questionnaires. The study took place at two Connecticut Greek language schools
over a period of seven months. There were five focus group sessions, thirteen
interviews, thirty adult questionnaire responses and sixteen adolescent
questionnaire responses. Adolescent students' questionnaires attempted to
assess the attitudes of the new generation of Greek Americans towards the Greek
language, which in this study were found to be positive. The study focused on
the adult participants who were divided in four categories: parents, teachers,
administrators, and parish priests. The role of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese,
as well as the role of the Greek American volunteer associations, and the role
of the Greek Ministry of Education in relation to the operation of the Greek
school were also examined. The findings of the study indicated that adult
participants believed the Greek language school to be the basic transmitter of
the Greek language and culture to the younger generation of Greek Americans.
The continuous use of the Greek language in the liturgy was found to be very
important to linguistic continuity. It is recommended that the Greek language
schools, utilize new methods of second language teaching, as well as available
computer technology. To continue to be successful, all interested organizations
should unite their resources and produce relatively uniform guidelines for the
operation of all the afternoon Greek language schools. [Source: DA]
Gibbs, Rhonda L. 1996. “Teaching Agape: Development of a Bi-Cultural Orientation Course to Reduce Racial Prejudice.” D.min. Thesis, Oral Roberts University.
Abstract: This study addressed
the issue of teaching agape to a bi- cultural group of church youth with a view
to reduce racial prejudice. The research hypothesis stated that if these
bi-ethnic youth are given a clear understanding and a consistent demonstration
of God's agape love, then some racial prejudice will be diminished. The project
involved three groups of high school students, from different church youth
groups in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The first group had six youth, the second five, and
the third seven. Each group had six sessions in two weekends. The researcher
led the meetings of all three groups, along with the help of several
volunteers. Every session was comprised of three sections: a teaching on agape,
an activity, and a workshop. A Situational Attitude Scale (SAS), which had five
statements with ten different attitudinal responses for each of the five
statements, was administered as a pretest and posttest. Course evaluations were
collected from all the participants, and a comparison made between the pretest
and posttest scores of all three groups. The results showed an increase in the
posttest scores, which indicated a decrease in racial prejudice in all the
participants, with the exception of one. A suggestion for doing a similar
implementation of the project was that the project leader needed to develop a
rapport with the youth's parents, in order to get more students to participate.
A second suggestion for better implementation was to change the terms agape to
a psychological term, like "unconditional positive regard," in order
to take the ministry project into school systems and businesses. This would
help to reduce racial prejudice not only in the church, but in all the
world. [Source: DA]
Kirmayer, L. J., M. Malus, and L. J. Boothroyd. 1996. “Suicide Attempts among Inuit Youth: A Community Survey of Prevalence and Risk Factors.” Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica vol. 94, pp. 8-17.
Abstract: Thr prevalence of
and risk factors fur attempted suicide and suicidal ideation were examined with
a survey of 99 Inuit, aged 14-25 years, residing in a community in Northern
(Quebec. A total of 34+ACU- of survey respondents reported a previous suicide
attempt, and 20+ACU- had attempted suicide more than once. A suicide attempt
had resulted in injury in about 11+ACU- of those surveyed. The prevalence of
suicidal ideation was also very high: 43+ACU- of subjects reported past
thoughts of suicide, and 26+ACU- had had suicidal thoughts during the month
before the survey. Risk factors for suicide attempts included male gender,
having a friend who had attempted or committed suicide, a history of being
physically abused, a history of solvent abuse, and having a parent with an
alcohol or drug problem. Protective factors included a family history of having
received treatment Eor a psychiatric problem, more frequent church attendance,
and a high level of academic achievement. While individuals in the community
who are at high risk for suicide can be targeted for preventive measures, the
high prevalence and effect of family problems on likelihood of suicide attempts
indicate the need fur family- and community-based approaches. [Source: SC]
Benson, M. D. and E. J. Torpy. 1995. “Sexual Behavior in Junior-High School Students.” Obstetrics and Gynecology vol. 85, pp. 279-284.
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate
the association between 14 demographic variables and the loss of virginity in a
specific sample of junior high school students in Chicago. Methods: Nine
hundred seventy-six students in nine Chicago junior high schools, sixth through
eighth grades, were given an anonymous behavior survey (the noncognitive
assessment survey). Two separate logistic regression equations were used to
determine the relative relationships of the demographic variables to
self-reported virginity loss. Results: Five variables were significantly
associated with virginity loss in both regression equations. In rank order,
they were gender, ethnic group, pubertal status, suicidal ideation, and sibling
number (adjusted odds ratio 13.3, 4.57, 3.38, 1.93, and 1.24, respectively.) Nine
variables did not have a consistent relation with early sexual activity: church
attendance, religious affiliation, grade average, housing status, marital
status of natural parents, self-esteem, sex education knowledge, school
attendance, and chronologic age. Conclusions: These results call into question
two widely held assumptions that form the foundation of many teen pregnancy
prevention efforts. First, although many believe that sex education courses can
affect behavior, we found no link, either positive or negative, between
knowledge of reproductive biology and age of first intercourse. Second,
self-esteem level was not associated with age of first intercourse. The
variables that did seem related to early sexual activity do not lend themselves
to easy manipulation. Our findings suggest that current school-based efforts to
alter teen pregnancy rates and sexual behavior are unlikely to succeed. [Source: SC]
Pejovic, Zoran. 1989. “Boulevard of Dreams: Croatians and Education in Ontario.” Ph.d. Thesis, York University (Canada).
Abstract: This study
examined the effects of a select number of variables associated with
educational aspirations. We discovered the effects that such variables as,
"Socio-Economic Origin", "Gender", "Religious
Origin", "Regional Origin", "Peer Influence",
"Parental Influence", "Self-Concept", "Perception of
Opportunity", had on the formation of educational aspirations among
Croatian High School students in Toronto and vicinity. The sample consisted of
127 subjects of Croatian origin. As it was difficult to arrive at a random
sample, the author relied on a purposive sample. A number of voluntary Croatian
Youth Organizations, including Croatian students attending Croatian Heritage
Language classes. Church Youth Groups, and Croatian Folklore and Tambouritza
Ensembles were approached. As such, the sample may not necessarily
representative of the Croatian High School students in general, however, they
could be characterized as Croato-centric, that is, a group of strong
culturally-bound Croatian youth. This study is a cross-sectional survey. The
statistical procedures employed were Cross-Tabular analysis and Regression
analysis. The author found that Croatian High School students have extremely
high aspirations. Most compellingly, it was observed that "Socio-Economic
Origin" variables (father's occupation, father's education, mother's
education, mother's occupation and gender) did not have an impact on
educational aspiration-formation among Croatian adolescents. This finding was incongruous
to a number of Canadian and American studies. Consequently, in analyzing the
impact of psycho- demographic variables, it was once again observed that, on
the whole, Croatian adolescents were attracted to university education in
overwhelming numbers. The author strongly believes that for Croatians, culture
and ethnic identity influenced this, as well as the major findings of the
present study. The implications of this study are that if ethnic children, in
general, and Croatians, in particular, show an interest in post-secondary
education, then the educational decision makers (teachers, guidance
counsellors) should be sensitive to ethno-cultural differences, and work
towards optimising every child's educational potential. The author concludes
that there are numerous obstacles to university access. If the reasons for
these obstacles disfavours ethnically or economically disadvantaged groups,
then any notion of equalized access will become nothing more than an
educational dream. [Source: DA]