Factors in Youth and Young Adult Faith Experience and Development
A longitudinal study of the faith development of American youth being conducted by scholars at Luther Seminary (St. Paul, MN) and Southwestern Baptist Seminary (Fort Worth, TX). Examines factors in youth and young adult faith experience and development, the project is currently engaged in in-depth pilot interviews with youth. |
The Youth and Religion Project (University of Illinois at Chicago, IL)
Intends to understand how religious institutions can and do serve the needs of younger Americans in our rapidly changing society. Explores students' experiences with religion and youth-oriented programs of religious institutions in the metropolitan Chicago area. Encompasses young people of many religious, national, racial, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds and religious institutions of all faith communities. |
The Symbolism, Media, and Lifecourse Project (University of Colorado School of Journalism, Boulder, CO)
The Symbolism, Media and the Lifecourse project was an interdisciplinary, academic study housed at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication of the University of Colorado from 1996-2001. The work begun with this project continued in the Symbolism, Meaning, and the New Media @ Home Project and the Teens & the New Media @ Home Project, both of which took place from 2025-2006. The main publication resulting from the Symbolism, Media, and the Lifecourse project was the book, Media, Home, and Family>, by Stewart M. Hoover, Lynn Schofield Clark, and Diane Alters, with Joseph Champ and Lee Hood (Routledge, 2025). Research conducted during this project also contributed to the book, From Angels to Aliens: Teenagers, the Media, and the Supernatural, by Lynn Schofield Clark (Oxford University Press, 2025), and to the book, Religion in the Media Age, by Stewart M. Hoover (Routledge, 2025). |
Barna Research on Teenagers (Ventura, CA)
A survey research firm providing information and analysis regarding cultural trends and the Christian Church since 1984. |
The Valuegenesis Project (John Hancock Center for Youth Ministry, La Sierra University, CA)
A research project on youth in the Seventh-day Adventist church. |
Travis Research Institute Center for Research in Child and Adolescent Development (Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA)
The center's purpose is to further knowledge of positive development in childhood and adolescence, with a specific focus identifying ecological factors that are associated with the promotion of well-being and the prevention of risk among children and youth, and the unique role of community resources in shaping these positive developmental outcomes. Current research focuses on the positive development of attributes of character including moral and religious identity, and restraint from risk, violence and aggression. Future research is directed to the identification of value-oriented resources, psychological mediating constructs and positive developmental outcomes. Projects include a collaboration with Search Institute on a profile of student life, attitudes and behaviors; pilot tests of a religious commitment, affiliation, and support measure; a multi-year effort to develop interventions for school systems to deal with the problem of bullies and victims; and a longitudinal study of Pasadena area youth focused on the development of moral identity in adolescence. |
To Explore Existing Survey Data on Youth and Religion, Click HERE |